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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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due to some unfortunate circumstances, I now have a fantastic amount of free time~ And I'm spending it all F5'ing every political blog, sigh. Nov 6 can't come soon enough. I'm so thirsty for tears.


Absolutely no news agency, despite how far their editorial board or talking heads lean, is above the horse race. This should surprise no one.

Romney isn't doing anything in Pennsylvania. After today there are only THREE days until election day, and Obama is back on the trail full-swing. You send surrogates like Clinton, Biden, Michelle to states like PA to keep your base excited. Hell, they sent Biden here to West Virginia in 08, and no sensible person thought Obama would win here.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I can't even tell when people here are spazzing out seriously or sarcastically anymore.


They pay Nate all that money then they go and write shit like this, you'd think they'd try and use him but no we've gotta make this race close.

A "tangible sense".

When you want to hug an opinion to your chest so motherfucking tight that you can feel dat ideation.


There's not one fucking reference to any recent polling in that entire article.

Democrats are saying that the race is much closer than they would have guessed just a week ago.

“It’s a little tighter than I would have expected,” said Jef Pollock, a pollster for Priorities U.S.A. Action, a Democratic super PAC. “But the question is whether this is just the natural tightening that’s going to happen.”


Jeremy Peters, the guy who wrote that article for the Times, has written pieces about Romney and Pennsylvania four times since Monday. This is an example of someone trying to create a narrative.
Fundamental and polling wise, how related are Pennsylvania 2012 and Indiana 2008?

I don't think they are comparable-IN in 2008 had much less polling with a lot less precision as to where PA is at in 2012. Obama's lead in PA has a lot more data supporting it.

edit: McCain was also a dirty poor and let Obama hit the air and ground uncontested in IN. Same in Iowa.


Fundamental and polling wise, how related are Pennsylvania 2012 and Indiana 2008?

Not even a little bit. Indiana was energized from a dem primary and Obama had a huge operation there. Romney has never invested in PA before. Also there's the small matter of a landslide in 08. Indiana was basically tied on the day, PA isn't near that. Pennsylvania 2012 is much more like Pennsylvania 2008.

171,000 jobs and growing workforce an indication that QE3 is working. With regards to PA, note that just because the campaigns are competing doesn't mean it's close, it might just mean its a Hail Mary for one campaign and the other campaign wants to block it.
You can read Nate's analysis on those states
Montana - http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/06/21/presidential-geography-montana/

SD - http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytime...uth-dakota-only-the-farm-trumps-conservatism/

ND - http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytime...xtra-ingredient-in-north-dakota-politics-oil/

Yeah, it's not likely at all, but Montana is definitely an easier get than the latter two as the demographics there change.

Schweitzer 2016!

Admittedly, there aren't a lot of EC votes in those three states, but if Schweitzer could flip them, it makes the EC map even more naturally blue.
Hey, not only are there Romney yard signs here, but they're also FOUR times the size of Obama signs. So, you know, they're going to totally vote harder than everyone else or something.
Every yard sign outside of chicago area is romney ryan. I wonder if NYT saw that and felt illinois is toss up. Seriously. The republicans living here are batshit crazy. Its like being surrounded by sea of morons on an island of common sense. My landlord has been bitching about keystone xl pipeline for a year.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009


Breaking News: Pennsylvania goes to Romney


I don't really understand even attempting the hail mary in Pennsylvania though. It gets a decent inflow of people from New York and New Jersey. It's not we're trending republican, at least I don't think so. Or are they basing their remote chances on off year elections?

Edit: No wait. PA is really the only place they could do this. They've demonize the hispanic population to much to try Nevada or New Mexico. Even if they pick up Colorado still need something else.

Do we know where Clinton will be on Monday?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Same in the UK. Only the specialist shows/columns seem to go in to any kind of detail about the polling in the swing states.

I noticed this on the Beeb when I was in Liechtenstein this week - they're basically parroting the US media narrative, however, it's not that simple. From the UK perspective this really is an incredibly close race, and they don't think about the nature of states in the same way - and most Brits I talked to are FUCKING ASTONISHED that so many people could even be considering what to them, is an utterly laughable candidate.
NV Update

The GOP now has a 2.3 percent turnout edge (55.1 percent-52.8 percent). A slight turnout advantage but a 61,000-vote deficit? Yes, folks, registration matters.

Obama won NV by 80k voters in 2008. The belief is that a 65k+ EV lead in Clark should help him avoid rural losses expected at 30-35k.


I liked this line from that Axelrod article I linked:

But at other times, Mr. Axelrod said, the president pulled him back. “He’s killed ads,” Mr. Axelrod said, without elaborating.

As breakfast came toward an end, Mr. Axelrod was asked how the president felt about what was seen as one of his campaign’s toughest ads, in which Mr. Romney is shown singing “America the Beautiful” off key as the screen flashed information about his offshore investments.

“Well, it aired,” he said.
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