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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Nice Cyan, i'll do the same with Florida.

1.) lol, No
This would add an amendment to the state constitution that attempts to prohibit the government from requiring individuals to purchase health insurance.

2.) No
This amendment would allow certain disabled veterans, who were not Florida residents prior to entering military service, to qualify for a discount on their property taxes.

3.) Fuck No
This amendment would set a state revenue limit each year based on a formula that considers population growth and inflation instead of using the current method of calculating the revenue limit based on personal income.

4.) Just No
Reduce the maximum annual increase in taxable value of non-homestead properties from 10 percent to 5 percent; provide an extra homestead exemption for first-time home buyers; allow lawmakers to prohibit assessment increases for properties with decreasing market values.

5.) No
This measure would provide for Senate confirmation of Supreme Court justices; give lawmakers control over changes to the rules governing the court system; and direct the Judicial Qualifications Commission, which investigates judicial misconduct complaints, to make its files available to the Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives.

6.) No
This amendment would make the existing federal ban on public funding for most abortions part of the state constitution. It would narrow the scope of a state privacy law that is sometimes used in Florida to challenge abortion laws.

8.) Holy Shit, No
This amendment would remove the prohibition in Florida’s Constitution that prevents religious institutions from receiving taxpayer funding. I love how this one is called "Religious Freedom"

9.) No
This would grant a full property tax exemption to the surviving spouses of military veterans who die while on active duty and to the surviving spouses of first responders who die in the line of duty.

10.) Just No
This amendment would double the tangible personal property tax exemption and allow local governments to increase the exemption. Trickle Down FTW!

11.) Eh, least offensive Amendment. I voted yes.
This amendment would give an additional property tax exemption to low-income seniors who have lived in their home for more than 25 years.

12.) Why does this one exist?
This amendment would change the way the state selects the student representative on the state university system’s Board of Governors, which oversees the university system.

Edit: Updated with Summaries from the Herald Tribune.
The Libya thing is really interesting to me on a political science level. The Republicans obviously want to politicize it but it really seems like they have no idea how to handle it.

It is a very strange issue.
-They are pushing a complex and changing story
-People don't give a crap about foreign policy
-It is a strange hyperfocus on tactical tragedy while ignoring the huge strategic victory
-They seem to want to disclose all sorts of confidential information about an ongoing CIA/military mission!

It comes off as petty to me but they don't have much foreign policy stuff to talk about so they are trying to manufacture a scandal out of a tragic incident.

I don't get it frankly. At most I can see them being able say "Look . . . the administration did not do enough to protect these people." Fair enough. But this weird conspiracy theory about trying to hide facts seems silly.


All right, solidified my CA proposition voting. CA folks can get some great info here.

My personal take, briefly:
Prop 30, Yes. This is Jerry Brown's tax increase to avoid massive cuts to education and such.
Prop 31, No. This appears to be your standard GOP balanced budget stuff, mixed with some good transparency stuff, and some other weird stuff that doesn't sound like a good idea. The good doesn't outweigh the bad.
Prop 32, No. Union-busting bill.
Prop 33, No. Car insurance industry prop similar to their last one, which would help them raise rates on people.
Prop 34, Yes. Ends the death penalty, with little additional nonsense.
Prop 35, No. Increases jailtime for human trafficking. I don't think increasing jailtime should ever be on the ballot, however good the cause, so automatic No. Do it through the legislature or not at all. Speaking of which...
Prop 36, Yes. Cuts back a bit on Three Strikes, which really ought to be repealed entirely.
Prop 37, No. Genetically modified food labeling stuff. Pointless as well as poorly implemented. Though I'm certainly not going to mention how I'm voting on it publicly on Facebook.
Prop 38, No. A tax increase battling with Jerry Brown's. This one isn't tied to this year's budget, so if it beats Prop 30, education gets massive cuts, which likely triggers big UC tuition increases and some local schools cutting several weeks of instruction.
Prop 39, Yes. A hesitant yes, really. I am not at all a fan of ballot-box budgeting, and this puts a lot of cash towards green energy stuff where who knows if it's a good idea. But a tax loophole that incentivizes companies to move out-of-state? Yeah, shut that shit down. That's part of what made Prop 13 such a disaster.
Prop 40, Yes. Approves the redistricting that was already done. CA Republicans put this on the ballot in hopes that it would let them block redistricting until after the current election. It didn't, so they dropped their argument. There's no reason to vote No here.

Yes on Prop 36 and Yes on Prop 40 are no-brainers. Everyone should be voting for these regardless of party affiliation.

I endorse all of this except that I'm voting yes on Prop 37.


Regarding that ad, is it true that tens of thousands of muslims in Florida voted for Bush in the first election? I believe I read it in a NYT piece, so I'm guessing it was true. I wish I could interview these people. Bush really did a (relatively) good job with minorities though, it seems.


Uh wow, so Cain at one point vowed to not appoint any Muslims to office if he were president? WOW.


I was very young then, but I remember people in my community overwhelmingly being for Bush in 2000. Muslims were solidly in the Republican camp for reasons that Latinos should still be (social reasons, fiscal responsibility, "pride" for their country) and Bush was what was then called a compassionate conservative (something that's all but gone) on issues of minority rights and immigration and ways to deal with people internationally, it was great.

Then 9/11 happened and there has been this weird "Red Scare" like fear of Muslims coming out of the Republican party. That coupled with going to the far right on other things and Hawkish foreign policy has completely reversed the party affiliation of Muslims.

I don't think Muslims as a voting block will ever go back towards the Republican party unless there's a major change, particularly younger Muslims who are now also much more socially liberal than their previous generations and definitely identify with the democratic party on most issues.


The bump seems to coincide with the second debate. What other major news story has occurred recently to spark a bump?

yeah, i dont think he did THAT well in the FP debate to get that kind of bump in a 7 day tracking poll on one day (across the board like that)... unless it was a big day for Romney dropping off coinciding with a bump
I endorse all of this except that I'm voting yes on Prop 37.
I am leaning towards doing what you're doing.

Don't like votng for a sales tax hike but its tiny and worth the high income tax hikes.

I'm pro death penalty but its not justified at the current costs so ill be votng to repeal it.


Nice Cyan, i'll do the same with Florida.

1.) lol, No
This would add an amendment to the state constitution that attempts to prohibit the government from requiring individuals to purchase health insurance.

2.) No
This amendment would allow certain disabled veterans, who were not Florida residents prior to entering military service, to qualify for a discount on their property taxes.

3.) Fuck No
This amendment would set a state revenue limit each year based on a formula that considers population growth and inflation instead of using the current method of calculating the revenue limit based on personal income.

4.) Just No
Reduce the maximum annual increase in taxable value of non-homestead properties from 10 percent to 5 percent; provide an extra homestead exemption for first-time home buyers; allow lawmakers to prohibit assessment increases for properties with decreasing market values.

5.) No
This measure would provide for Senate confirmation of Supreme Court justices; give lawmakers control over changes to the rules governing the court system; and direct the Judicial Qualifications Commission, which investigates judicial misconduct complaints, to make its files available to the Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives.

6.) No
This amendment would make the existing federal ban on public funding for most abortions part of the state constitution. It would narrow the scope of a state privacy law that is sometimes used in Florida to challenge abortion laws.

8.) Holy Shit, No
This amendment would remove the prohibition in Florida’s Constitution that prevents religious institutions from receiving taxpayer funding. I love how this one is called "Religious Freedom"

9.) No
This would grant a full property tax exemption to the surviving spouses of military veterans who die while on active duty and to the surviving spouses of first responders who die in the line of duty.

10.) Just No
This amendment would double the tangible personal property tax exemption and allow local governments to increase the exemption. Trickle Down FTW!

11.) Eh, least offensive Amendment. I voted yes.
This amendment would give an additional property tax exemption to low-income seniors who have lived in their home for more than 25 years.

12.) Why does this one exist?
This amendment would change the way the state selects the student representative on the state university system’s Board of Governors, which oversees the university system.

Edit: Updated with Summaries from the Herald Tribune.

So No on everything, gotcha.


Gallup is rolling 5 or 7 days. So that means the results they posted today were actually taken last week.

That's...not how tracking polls work. The bump today means that the results yesterday were better for Obama than the results from last Tuesday, which just rolled off.


Seeing all of these daily trackers move in one direction so clearly has me wondering (hoping?) if we're seeing some sort of last-minute break towards the Democrats in general. Debate #1 was nice for Romney, sure, but we've heard for a lot of the year that voters' desire for one-party government is growing.. and I don't think that one good debate would erase that desire.

If Obama keeps rising nationally (which is still a rather big, presumptuous "if" right now), I could see the generic ballot follow this. Hmm.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Regarding that ad, is it true that tens of thousands of muslims in Florida voted for Bush in the first election? I believe I read it in a NYT piece, so I'm guessing it was true. I wish I could interview these people. Bush really did a (relatively) good job with minorities though, it seems.


Uh wow, so Cain at one point vowed to not appoint any Muslims to office if he were president? WOW.


A lot of Muslims I know didn't like Gore because his vp was Lieberman. By 2004, they kind of realized the mistake they made.


4.) Just No
Reduce the maximum annual increase in taxable value of non-homestead properties from 10 percent to 5 percent; provide an extra homestead exemption for first-time home buyers; allow lawmakers to prohibit assessment increases for properties with decreasing market values.
Lucky you. In Oklahoma we've got something similar, except it's a cut from 5% to 3%. Long-term property tax revenues would plummet, except from the poor bastards who actually buy a house.

Also we're going to ban affirmative action.

The article relates that "Serious questions have been building for weeks about the deadly attack on the consulate, and what U.S. officials knew about its nature." I don't understand what "serious questions" exist about the US's knowledge of its character, or why the CBC is pretending such questions are serious. What does it matter what factual allegations the US was made aware of in the immediate aftermath? What are the meaningful implications? I can't think of any.

Dammit. He'll be missed.


sex vacation in Guam
Obama should release that stuff as a F-U to Trump, have it all come out clean, and take the $5 million dollars. Nothing could be sweeter than not only proving Trump wrong, but also taking his money.
1. Trump will not give up the money.
2. Trump will probably make more than $5mln up just on publicity alone.
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