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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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brazen editing lynx
A little bit of looking, and it seems like there's no organized opposition. There are some people speaking out against it, though:

See for example what happened in Chicago with the 75-year parking meter lease agreement nightmare.

I'm currently inclined to vote No since I don't trust the state government to not abuse it. All the sponsors for it are Republicans, though it did get heavy support from both parties in both the state House and Senate. It sounds like a good idea and it will probably pass, but I just have a feeling that someone will get screwed over by it.
Obama's Edge: The Ground Game That Could Put Him Over the Top


Yep. I stick to my assertion: a state with tied polls going into Election Day has to slightly favor Obama for this reason alone. Now that we're into the GOTV portion of the race, we're hearing the same testimony from reporters everywhere.

Well that sure explains Nevada. I thought Nevada was going to be close because it is a pretty divided state and has a sizable Mormon population. Nope, the GOP lost that state.
If nevada senate is a tied race I fully expect Berkley to gain a few points from polls undercounting Hispanics like they did in 08 and 10. Fingers crossed


Obama's Edge: The Ground Game That Could Put Him Over the Top


Yep. I stick to my assertion: a state with tied polls going into Election Day has to slightly favor Obama for this reason alone. Now that we're into the GOTV portion of the race, we're hearing the same testimony from reporters everywhere.

you know I agree with that assertion, I've been saying it all along. If a state is tied, it's going to be Obama.

If a state is +2/3, it's going to go Obama by +4. If the state remains this static going into election day, he has got Ohio. And, by extension, the race.


Well that sure explains Nevada. I thought Nevada was going to be close because it is a pretty divided state and has a sizable Mormon population. Nope, the GOP lost that state.

I know his opponent was a loon but Harry Reid was able to hold on in a GOP wave..
If Berkley's actually tied in polling then that basically ensures the Dems gain seats (assuming Kerrey's the only one in a current-Dem seat to lose)

Now to see if Mourdock's position gets worse in IN


Good lord at the ridiculous GOTV Early Voting Numbers for Obama in multiple states (IA, OH, and now NV)

Does the GOP honestly think their day of voters are going to be somehow make up the ground??
Not likely to decide the election, at least, but early voting in VA not looking so hot for Obama:


In VA's McCain localities, early vote = 95,744 (vs 80,881 at this pt in '08). VA's Obama localities = 152,084 (vs 145,673 in '08)

VIRGINIA EARLY VOTE: Up 18.8% in the 86 localities McCain won in '08, but up ONLY 4.4% in the 48 Obama won: http://www.sbe.virginia.gov/sbe_csv/STATS/

3 of 4 top DECREASES in VA early voting vs '08: 1) Richmond City (-16.8%) 3) Arlington County (-14.0%) 4) Charlottesville City (-10.5%)

Huge drop-offs in Richmond, Arlington & C'ville indicative of understandable (yet troubling for Ds) decline in Af-Am, yuppie & college vote


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
If someone could please tell me how momentum works in dating, please do. Is it like when you trip and fall and your momentum carries you right into sex?

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