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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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1) How amazingly condescending. I know you dittoheads can't think for yourselves do please don't even try. I'll download new talking points for you soon.

It's pretty much the gist of his show - he calls it the "University of Conservatism" and of course, he's the prof. Keep 'em stupid.
That is great.


I'll be watching Fox News on election for the sweet taste of bitter tears and grey-faced sadness. Fox News tried to prop up Mitt this whole year and it will be nice to watch it coming crash down on them.



Former Chrysler Exec Backs Romney In Op-Ed
"We need someone who understands the critical role of competitiveness in the global economy," Sperlich writes. "We need someone who is up to this task, someone who has successfully led turnarounds in the private and the public sectors. We need someone with real experience. That man is Mitt Romney."

Oddly enough, though, the column doesn't address the Jeep to China controversy at all outside of its first paragraph, and even then there's no mention of why it's in the news. It doesn't deal with the controversy except to say that "politicizing these issues misses the point we need to think about as Americans."

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Thats the worst tie I ever seen.

If it makes you feel more confident about using wolfdeadheat.jpg, Rasmussen just released their MI poll showing 52 O - 47 R, a gain of +1 for Romney.
Even Ras is showing Donnelly ahead of Mourdock?

lmao, these guys and their rape + abortion comments. How are they so stupid to open their mouths?
Mama, remember how we felt in game 7 in 2010 watching Sasha hit those free throws? That's how I am feeling right now.

Really? I'm feeling like the possession before when Rondo hit the 3 and the game wasn't completely decided yet.

Ohio getting called for Obama will be the Sasha freethrows.

Although Obama getting the election called will be Lamar tossing the ball down the court to a streaking Kobe as time runs out.

And his Chicago acceptance speech will be Kobe on the announcer's table, holding the ball and putting up 5 fingers as the confetti falls...


If Romney defeats Obama, in spite of the polls in Obama's favor right now, what will that say about the polls in general?

This is, in a sense, a good question. (In another sense, since the prior is absurdly unlikely, it's a silly question.) At this point, national polls are converging on state polls to show Obama leading, so a Romney victory would indicate a fundamental methodological issue with basically all the polls. What that methodological issue might be is pretty uncertain -- it would probably represent a misreading of the likely turnout for the election, which would suggest their original polls of the electorate were misguided. But why would that be the case?
Even Ras is showing Donnelly ahead of Mourdock?

lmao, these guys and their rape + abortion comments. How are they so stupid to open their mouths?
The best thing is that the religious right still doesn't understand they lost the abortion fight years ago, and see nothing wrong with those rape comments. It'll only continue
I'll be watching Fox News on election for the sweet taste of bitter tears and grey-faced sadness. Fox News tried to prop up Mitt this whole year and it will be nice to watch it coming crash down on them.

I'll be like the control room guy in Cabin in the Woods cursing out those Japanese schoolgirls.
"F- you. F- you. F- you. F- you..."


O 46
R 46

Obama is down 1 from yesterday.


Ok I admit it, this act is hard to keep up with so few days left


Why fucking poll MN?

Why waste your time and money doing that?

There was a close one. They Diablosed.

I'd note here that -- while it is still possible for Romney to win the election -- a key likely sign of that would be that polls would move TOWARDS him in the last few days. It is significantly less probable in my view that he would magically outperform all the polls by four points.
This is, in a sense, a good question. (In another sense, since the prior is absurdly unlikely, it's a silly question.) At this point, national polls are converging on state polls to show Obama leading, so a Romney victory would indicate a fundamental methodological issue with basically all the polls. What that methodological issue might be is pretty uncertain -- it would probably represent a misreading of the likely turnout for the election, which would suggest their original polls of the electorate were misguided. But why would that be the case?

Because respondents decided to lie to pollsters en masse about their voting inclinations and/or propensity to vote, to a degree unprecedented in any recent (previous?) election.

That's basically what the right-wing Poll Truthers have to cling to at this point. (BTW, with the national polls trending away from Romney, it's amusing that we can't call them State Poll Truthers anymore.)


Because respondents decided to lie to pollsters en masse about their voting inclinations and/or propensity to vote, to a degree unprecedented in any recent (previous?) election.

That's basically what the right-wing Poll Truthers have to cling to at this point. (BTW, with the national polls trending away from Romney, it's amusing that we can't call them State Poll Truthers anymore.)

An even more important thing to realize, though, is that that isn't what they ask -- people do lie about that, and pollsters have already factored that in. People will have lied to an unprecedented degree about things like knowing where their polling place is or how much news they watch. They wouldn't just be lying about voting -- they would be lying about the specific weird questions on a likely voter screen.


O 46
R 46

Obama is down 1 from yesterday.


Ok I admit it, this act is hard to keep up with so few days left

So it's been obvious that you and PD are kidding for a while now but I just have to know, is it just Diablos that's for real?
I'll be watching Fox News on election for the sweet taste of bitter tears and grey-faced sadness. Fox News tried to prop up Mitt this whole year and it will be nice to watch it coming crash down on them.

im rubbing my hands together in anticipation of hannity and the five on wednesday. cant. wait.

question: does fox news stop talking about benghazi on wednesday? because, if not, when?


Holy shit. A newspaper here asked about early voting on facebook. They asked whether it should be allowed, etc, and some of the responses are just plain stupid:

no.... election day is election day..........

It should only be allowed if there is a legitimate reason you can't be there on election day. Too much potential for fraud.

I don't like it. I don't care for absentee voting either. Absentee ballots should be segregated from normal ballots and the privacy of the ballot should be waived.

I think early voting is illegal. It violates the "equal protection" clause. It also cheapens the importance of the vote. And finally it injects an element of fraud and manipulation to the process. Not a fan at all.

I think early voting should not be allowed. It opens the door for corruption. For those that will be out of town, there is absentee voting. Voting shouldn't be about how convenient it is for people ... it should be for people that understand the importance of it. If you make a choice to stay home and watch The Jersey Shore instead of voting, that's your choice (and tells volumes about your lack of intelligence)

Unless you are NOT GOING TO BE ABLE to vote on ELECTION DAY, you should NOT be allowed to "early vote". This is an invitation to fraud. County Clerks who favor Barry Hussein bin Lying Cool Chicago Tiger Øbama will most likely destroy Romney ballots. DEMOCRATS CAN NOT BE TRUSTED. They have proved it time and time again!

Who watches your early vote?? Soros owns some of the companys that count the votes. You should be worried!

Seriously, what's wrong with these people?


im rubbing my hands together in anticipation of hannity and the five on wednesday. cant. wait.

question: does fox news stop talking about benghazi on wednesday? because, if not, when?

They start talking about how Obama should be impeached because of Fast & the Furious and Benghazi
Here's some interesting numbers, though just for one county in Ohio.

I queried the data for Hamilton County (Ohio) early voting. Historically, this is a red county that broke for Obama (53% to 46%) in 2008. It is the home to Cincinnati. Out of all the absentee (and early), here's the breakdown of the ballots that have been cast, those still outstanding (unreturned absentee), by party affiliation.

                    Pct of Issued   Issued  Returned  Pct Returned
Non Partisan               61.734   71,246    54,088      76
Republican                 22.806   26,320    23,804      90
Democratic                 15.282   17,637    16,381      93
Libertarian                 0.090      104        84      81
Green                       0.049       56        45      80
Constitution                0.033       38        34      89
Socialist                   0.006        7         5      71
Total                              115,408    94,441      82

For comparison, 424,085 votes were cast in 2008.

There are 564,429 registered voters in Hamilton County right now.

I have not found how many early/absentee ballots were cast here in 2008, nor have I found how many registered voters were here in 2008.

Note that in Ohio if you have not ever voted in a primary, you are considered NON PARTISAN. This would include everyone who registered in the last eight months.
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