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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Colorado: Obama 46%, Romney 46% (Reuters/Ipsos)

Colorado: Obama 50%, Romney 46% (Public Policy Polling)

Colorado: Obama 47%, Romney 45% (Denver Post/SurveyUSA)

Florida: Obama 48%, Romney 46% (Reuters/Ipsos)

Iowa: Obama 49%, Romney 45% (Gravis)

Michigan: Obama 52%, Romney 47% (Rasmussen)

Michigan: Obama 52%, Romney 46% (Public Policy Polling)

Nevada: Obama 50%, Romney 44% (Mellman)

New Hampshire: Obama 50%, Romney 44% (New England College)

Ohio: Obama 49%, Romney 49% (Rasmussen)

Ohio: Obama 47%, Romney 45% (Reuters/Ipsos)

Ohio: Obama 50%, Romney 46% (We Ask America)

Virginia: Obama 48%, Romney 45% (Reuters/Ipsos)

Virginia: Obama 49%, Romney 48% (We Ask America)

Wisconsin: Obama 52%, Romney 45% (We Ask America)

These are all from TODAY. We are THREE DAYS AWAY FROM THE ELECTION. Absolutely nothing is going to occur between now and them to shift anything in any meaningful way. It's still possible that Romney could win, but it's just as mathematically unlikely as it has been most of the year.


Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
This describes most republicans I know. By default they assume that polls lie, that data or statistics lie, that the President fixes gas prices for political opportunism, that scientists are not to be believed, that news organizations that aren't parroting the talking points of the republican party are biased against them, etc.

The general republican attitude I see everywhere online, and stamped in triplicate on Facebook, amounts to: everything that doesn't conform to a right wing talking point isn't just unlikely, but an outright lie and active attempt at deception. The popular meme is that virtually all Americans have 'seen through Obama's lies' and are obviously backing Romney. With only a tiny minority of "liberal dupes" too stupid to see they've been had by Obama, how could everything NOT be a lie? After all, non-GOP approved sources actually claim Obama has a good shot. Can't be, not enough people are supporting him. The entire country is behind Romney.

What scares me about those people is how Romney and Ryan's brittle, nervous pandering and inability to hold it together on stage and on camera flies right over their heads. Even if they hate Obama, one would think if they really wanted their team to win, they'd be really concerned at how much of a fuckup Romney appears to be. How unprepared he looks for becoming "The Leader of the Free World". You'd think they'd be raging that the better candidates didn't get the nomination.

Instead, R&R can do no wrong, every word from their lips is golden, and they're practically Reagan's soul split in twain and reborn to save us for the secret Crypto Communists. It's that glassy-eyed fanaticism that's genuinely unsettling.


so 53 seats in the senate?


also, as the election nears, looks like people are actually saying, 'eh, devil we know.'

Let's look at this:

30 Continuing Democrats

Should all win handily.



Should all win.

That leaves:


As the tossups. 54, minimum. Could be an upset with 55.
This is all on the topic of Fox News' "top story" right now:

I'm really getting exhausted here, so I'm not going to be as civil as I ordinarily might, but regardless- they're not probably old people, they are definitely idiots.

I'm not in favor of electronic voting machines at all, but this is incredibly painful stuff to read.

I know I bolded it but let me spell out that last sentence again.

Fox News headline? "A Romney Vote Goes to Obama?" But of course.

Don't worry, we're just getting started.


How is this complaint different from "I wonder how many voters just fill in a box without reading the ballot?" or, to the tune of EIGHT YEARS OF OUR LIVES, "I wonder how many voters didn't double-check that they punched the right hole on their Butterfly Ballot?"

Inattentiveness is an issue that has nothing to do with the method of voting whatsoever.

...if that's what you're concerned about, why would the machine show you your vote was going to Obama? These are the really ethical voter fraud conspiracies that make sure you understand your vote is being stolen? What in the hell...

And for the kicker... let's gloss over the minor tiny detail that OHIO VOTING MACHINES HAVE A PAPER TRAIL.



Colorado: Obama 46%, Romney 46% (Reuters/Ipsos)

Colorado: Obama 50%, Romney 46% (Public Policy Polling)

Colorado: Obama 47%, Romney 45% (Denver Post/SurveyUSA)

Florida: Obama 48%, Romney 46% (Reuters/Ipsos)

Iowa: Obama 49%, Romney 45% (Gravis)

Michigan: Obama 52%, Romney 47% (Rasmussen)

Michigan: Obama 52%, Romney 46% (Public Policy Polling)

Nevada: Obama 50%, Romney 44% (Mellman)

New Hampshire: Obama 50%, Romney 44% (New England College)

Ohio: Obama 49%, Romney 49% (Rasmussen)

Ohio: Obama 47%, Romney 45% (Reuters/Ipsos)

Ohio: Obama 50%, Romney 46% (We Ask America)

Virginia: Obama 48%, Romney 45% (Reuters/Ipsos)

Virginia: Obama 49%, Romney 48% (We Ask America)

Wisconsin: Obama 52%, Romney 45% (We Ask America)

These are all from TODAY. We are THREE DAYS AWAY FROM THE ELECTION. Absolutely nothing is going to occur between now and them to shift anything in any meaningful way. It's still possible that Romney could win, but it's just as mathematically unlikely as it has been most of the year.

Hey, now I get the POLLiGAF part of the thread title. :)

I'll be surprised in FL goes blue again


The Obama Ground Machine needs to stay operational such that it treats the midterms like presidential election years.


What was the turnout like in 2006?

One thing that I remember is that in the national zeitgeist in 2006 there was an idea that it was ok and often prudent to vote by party. I have no numbers to back that up, and perhaps someone has numbers to dispute that claim, but I heard pieces on NPR claiming that voting for your congressman by party is acceptable and I came across similar pieces in newspapers. We need to build up this idea.

In my experience the biggest excuse I heard from people not voting in 2010 was "I'm not informed enough. I wouldn't know who to vote for." Some people I know even claimed that they were being responsible by not voting since they didn't know much about individual candidates. These were people with world views that align much more closely to the Democratic side of things than the Republican.
Let's look at this:

30 Continuing Democrats

Should all win handily.



Should all win.

That leaves:


As the tossups. 54, minimum. Could be an upset with 55.
i'd rather win 58
Colorado: Obama 46%, Romney 46% (Reuters/Ipsos)

Colorado: Obama 50%, Romney 46% (Public Policy Polling)

Colorado: Obama 47%, Romney 45% (Denver Post/SurveyUSA)

Florida: Obama 48%, Romney 46% (Reuters/Ipsos)

Iowa: Obama 49%, Romney 45% (Gravis)

Michigan: Obama 52%, Romney 47% (Rasmussen)

Michigan: Obama 52%, Romney 46% (Public Policy Polling)

Nevada: Obama 50%, Romney 44% (Mellman)

New Hampshire: Obama 50%, Romney 44% (New England College)

Ohio: Obama 49%, Romney 49% (Rasmussen)

Ohio: Obama 47%, Romney 45% (Reuters/Ipsos)

Ohio: Obama 50%, Romney 46% (We Ask America)

Virginia: Obama 48%, Romney 45% (Reuters/Ipsos)

Virginia: Obama 49%, Romney 48% (We Ask America)

Wisconsin: Obama 52%, Romney 45% (We Ask America)

These are all from TODAY. We are THREE DAYS AWAY FROM THE ELECTION. Absolutely nothing is going to occur between now and them to shift anything in any meaningful way. It's still possible that Romney could win, but it's just as mathematically unlikely as it has been most of the year.

Thanks for the summary!
When Dick Morris can't argue you're going to win any more, something has really gone off the rails.

I'm still waiting for somebody at Fox to come up with a narrative that allows them to not look completely insane on Tuesday. I guess this could be the beginning of one? Though it's hard to envision a narrative beginning with Dick Morris.

He was just wainting for an excuse to stop spinning, so that he can maintain some shred of credibility. He's known all along his own stuff was bs. Now he has his excuse, he can drop some pretense and save enough face so that he gets press next time around.


I think FL just might go blue, the last 2 days I have heard on the radio a LOT of Hispanics upset at Romney's newest slimey add about Castro.

They are offended because he is clearly playing to older Cubans and completely shitting on the Mexicans and Puerto Ricans who now make up a big part of the state.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Undecideds just don't vote. They just say they're going to vote to look cool on the application and then put blanks. If undecideds always broke for the challenger there would more than nothing to support that.

I for one, can't wait for evidence based news reporting to come back into fashion


I think FL just might go blue, the last 2 days I have heard on the radio a LOT of Hispanics upset at Romney's newest slimey add about Castro.

They are offended because he is clearly playing to older Cubans and completely shitting on the Mexicans and Puerto Ricans who now make up a big part of the state.

Dear god please let this happen. And so I can win the Amirox contest.


I think FL just might go blue, the last 2 days I have heard on the radio a LOT of Hispanics upset at Romney's newest slimey add about Castro.

They are offended because he is clearly playing to older Cubans and completely shitting on the Mexicans and Puerto Ricans who now make up a big part of the state.

Yes please


He was just wainting for an excuse to stop spinning, so that he can maintain some shred of credibility. He's known all along his own stuff was bs. Now he has his excuse, he can drop some pretense and save enough face so that he gets press next time around.

This is exactly right.

This guy knows how to sell bullshit, he's been in the bullshit business for years now. He's going to retract almost everything right before Tuesday.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The problem is that the "Romney landslide" rhetoric can't gain traction without recent Gallup figures to distort the polling average.


I always wondered about that. If someone is still undecided even now would they even shown up in the end? The whole thing is based on the idea that they will finally make a decision in the very end but what if they (or at least a good percent of them) don't and just throw up their hands. If they can't make up their mind even now should they even be allowed to vote? To me that shows something is clearly wrong with a person if they're still undecided at this point.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The ipsos poll was an online poll, right? Would that lean left more than a more comprehensive poll in the way that a landline-only poll would lean right?

No clue how Ipsos is running that online poll, but Silver doesn't seem to be giving it low confidence ratings.


So it appears the Republicans have settled on a firm, unified excuse for Tuesday: The election was well in hand for Romney until Hurricane Sandy ruined everything



Neil Cavuto is really playing up the losing patience and long gas lines due to Sandy right now. Pretty obvious Fox is trying to make Sandy Obama's Katrina because since a Republican got shit for a natural disaster (Bush with Katrina), they are going to make damn sure a Democrat gets his/her own 'Katrina', too.

Got to even that score.
So it appears the Republicans have settled on a firm, unified excuse for Tuesday: The election was well in hand for Romney until Hurricane Sandy ruined everything


Don't forget the rigged voting machines! The fact that they're planting all these seeds and preparing for a loss really makes me feel good about Tuesday :)

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
This is exactly right.

This guy knows how to sell bullshit, he's been in the bullshit business for years now. He's going to retract almost everything right before Tuesday.

Dick Morris is basically a seedy back-alley low-quality GOP hopium dealer. Unfortunately, I couldn't think of a good contraction for hope and crack.
Even Ras is showing Donnelly ahead of Mourdock?

lmao, these guys and their rape + abortion comments. How are they so stupid to open their mouths?

I'll give them credit for being honest & open about their position. It allows the voters to decide to vote for or against their position.
So it appears the Republicans have settled on a firm, unified excuse for Tuesday: The election was well in hand for Romney until Hurricane Sandy ruined everything


I'd rather have that than them saying the election was rigged/stolen/... But they'll definitely be pushing that angle as well though.


So it appears the Republicans have settled on a firm, unified excuse for Tuesday: The election was well in hand for Romney until Hurricane Sandy ruined everything



And not only that, they are somehow trying to spin it into Obama faking being presidential during all of this. Hannity today was full-on slope-brow today. He summed up everything Obama has done for NJ/NY as a photo op.

Tuesday's salt will preserve my meat for years.


I don't get how they can use that.

The going excuse is that before the storm, the narrative about Obama being unable to work across party lines - something that is very appealing to Independents - was sticking hard. Afterwards, with images plastered across the tv media of him with Christie, him hugging victims of the storm, him putting aside his campaign while Romney rallied on the cut screen next to his presidential lookin' ass... that narrative cracked. For a glimmering moment it appeared that Obama could work with Republicans

this has changed everything! </sarcasm>

of course, if logic was the dictating factor the Republicans making this excuse would have seen Obama was ahead pre-Sandy too, but they don't care about that.

they are all

1. Election loss due to Election Fraud
2. Election loss due to Hurricane Sandy
3. Election loss due to Magic

Think of this: DICK MORRIS is freaking out now. If that isn't the clearest case yet the Republicans are on the road to loss, I don't know what is

Don't forget the rigged voting machines! The fact that they're planting all these seeds and preparing for a loss really makes me feel good about Tuesday :)

It's gonna be great seeing the spin

like, so great


Professional Schmuck
Amazing to see this thread come full circle after everyone was diablosing after the first debate. I know it's boring and shit, but seriously, nothing has changed since last October other than Republicans never coming to terms with the damage they've done to the country since Clinton left office. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Boehner, McConnell, McCain, Palin, and now Romney/Ryan. Not one of them own up to the costs of failed leadership, not one of them atone for the traitorous sabotage their party has done to our nation.

PS -- Can I please start the 4-year anniversary thread of 'Checkin' off his list'?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
To be fair, I heard a report on NPR this morning about people in New York bitching about not getting enough Federal Aid.
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