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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Neil Cavuto is really playing up the losing patience and long gas lines due to Sandy right now. Pretty obvious Fox is trying to make Sandy Obama's Katrina because since a Republican got shit for a natural disaster (Bush with Katrina), they going to make damn sure a Democrat gets his/her own 'Katrina', too.

Got to even that score.
It's so transparent. They really tried hard to make Benghazi Obama's 1979 Iran Hostage Crisis when it didn't fit whatsoever, and now this.
The funny part about the GOP thinking that Sandy caused Obama to win is that it means GOD wanted Obama to win.


voting for Obama lolz


Is there any substance to his claim that undecideds usually break for the challenger?
There's modest evidence challengers enjoyed a small advantage in the past. But over the past two decades, whatever advantage existed has dissipated. So, no. It's a spurious argument as most of the evidence indicates neither candidate enjoys an inherent advantage.
@PollTracker: IN Senator '12 : Donnelly 45.0% Mourdock 42.0% (Nov. 01 - Rasmussen) http://t.co/YPd1jaXZ

Not happening. An esteemed member of GAF assured me Mourdock would win. Even after the rape comment. I'll trust him.


Setec Astronomer
The going excuse is that before the storm, the narrative about Obama being unable to work across party lines - something that is very appealing to Independents - was sticking hard. Afterwards, with images plastered across the tv media of him with Christie, him hugging victims of the storm, him putting aside his campaign while Romney rallied on the cut screen next to his presidential lookin' ass... that narrative cracked. For a glimmering moment it appeared that Obama could work with Republicans.
You know, implicit in this is the claim that Chris Christie stabbed Republicans in the back.
Amazing to see this thread come full circle after everyone was diablosing after the first debate. I know it's boring and shit, but seriously, nothing has changed since last October other than Republicans never coming to terms with the damage they've done to the country since Clinton left office. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Boehner, McConnell, McCain, Palin, and now Romney/Ryan. Not one of them own up to the costs of failed leadership, not one of them atone for the traitorous sabotage their party has done to our nation.

PS -- Can I please start the 4-year anniversary thread of 'Checkin' off his list'?

Yes sir.


So it appears the Republicans have settled on a firm, unified excuse for Tuesday: The election was well in hand for Romney until Hurricane Sandy ruined everything

The Freepers are going nuts saying that Sandy - and by extension, Christie's emotional "pseudo endorsement" - handed the election to Obama.


Obama fired up the HAARP machines to create the hurricane and thus win the hearts & minds of voters . . . especially when he forced Chris Christie to say nice things about him if he wanted any money for Jersey.


The funny part about the GOP thinking that Sandy caused Obama to win is that it means GOD wanted Obama to win.


voting for Obama lolz

Jesus was a brown dude. I bet he's only endorsing Obama because of his race.

And, well, I think when you have somebody of your savior's race that you're proud of being president of the United States, I applaud God for standing with him.


Obama fired up the HAARP machines to create the hurricane and thus win the hearts & minds of voters . . . especially when he forced Chris Christie to say nice things about him if he wanted any money for Jersey.

At least they're consistent with Obama's ability to control hurricanes.


Amazing to see this thread come full circle after everyone was diablosing after the first debate. I know it's boring and shit, but seriously, nothing has changed since last October other than Republicans never coming to terms with the damage they've done to the country since Clinton left office. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Boehner, McConnell, McCain, Palin, and now Romney/Ryan. Not one of them own up to the costs of failed leadership, not one of them atone for the traitorous sabotage their party has done to our nation.

PS -- Can I please start the 4-year anniversary thread of 'Checkin' off his list'?

Just want to say that "everyone" was not Diablosing. This is my post in the immediate aftermath of the first debate:

[url=http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=42842393&postcount=4697]Amir0x[/url] said:
I am genuinely confident. Because it's not about national polls, it's about battlegrounds, and one debate is not going to erase the extremely strong ground work laid by the Obama campaign, particularly in rust belt states. He's already polling a consistent 5~ points ahead in Ohio, and he has 96 field offices compared to 30 some for Romney there, he was way ahead in polls during the start of Early Voting, and a debate isn't going to change Romney's "let Detroit go Bankrupt" or his 47% comments, not entirely, and Obama is going to continue to rule the airwaves on that front.

And then there is the Electoral College on a broader scale; something like a seismic shift would have to occur for Romney to be a odds-on favorite. And the debate, while clearly a loss for Obama, is not that. It simply gives Romney his first real winning news cycle all campaign, which for Romney must seem like heaven, for Obama supporters must seem completely unfamiliar and horrifying, but in the end is not enough to win an election.

As you can see, this post actually could have been made today for how much has changed. People are too much "in the moment" with events, they do not tend to look at the overarching trajectory. It's very understandable since the first debate performance was so bad for Obama, but to me it was immediately obvious that the game had not changed.

You know, implicit in this is the claim that Chris Christie stabbed Republicans in the back.

I don't know if that aspect of it will continue, but there was definitely plenty of Republican hand-wringing about Christie being a traitor and such during the week. Will be interesting to know if Christie loses any standing among the party post-election.


He was just wainting for an excuse to stop spinning, so that he can maintain some shred of credibility. He's known all along his own stuff was bs. Now he has his excuse, he can drop some pretense and save enough face so that he gets press next time around.

Morris is in this purely for the money and self-promotion. Got to sell those rightwing books and movies. Cannot do that if your followers feel you led them astray by ensuring Obama's defeat only to have him win by a comfortable margin. So he needs an excuse to backtrack. Sandy gave him that.
so obviously ohio has tightened with a noticeable, but slight, trend towards romney. hopefully obama's lead is durable and can hold up another few days..


The funny part about the GOP thinking that Sandy caused Obama to win is that it means GOD wanted Obama to win.


voting for Obama lolz

Well right now I think they have already moved off of that and now are trying to turn it into Sandy=Katrina for Obama. They will continue to replay on Fox News the angry republican locals from Long Island saying how Obama should have personally went there and put out the fires by himself with the waters from the coast surge, rescued the survivors (morons who decided to stay there when told to get the hell out of Dodge) with a raft he personally built made of American long island wood and wave his magic wand to give everybody electricity and gasoline. Cleanup shouldn't take more than 2 days after such a disaster. Where is Obama? Where is that federal government which they rail so hard against every day of the year?? Where are those federal dollars they love to complain they are getting taxed for?? WHERE?? WHERE DAMNIT?????
Let's look at this:

30 Continuing Democrats

Should all win handily.



Should all win.

That leaves:


As the tossups. 54, minimum. Could be an upset with 55.
You gotta hand it to the GOP . . . the fucked themselves over badly. Akin was a rape nut, Mourdock was a rape nut, George 'Macaca' Allen never should have been allowed to run, Tommy Thompson turned out to be crazy-old-Tea-partier, Scott 'Tomahawk Chop' Brown lost it in the debates, etc. They could have picked up seats but they went with crazy & bad.
he just asked janet napalotino why they didn't pre-position "stuff" such as generators, water before the storm hit to which she replied: "you don't want to preposition stuff in the path of the storm...."


he just asked janet napalotino why they didn't pre-position "stuff" such as generators, water before the storm hit to which she replied: "you don't want to preposition stuff in the path of the storm...."

God, he's so dumb. So ugly. So boring.

Why does he have a prominent job?
You gotta hand it to the GOP . . . the fucked themselves over badly. Akin was a rape nut, Mourdock was a rape nut, George 'Macaca' Allen never should have been allowed to run, Tommy Thompson turned out to be crazy-old-Tea-partier, Scott 'Tomahawk Chop' Brown lost it in the debates, etc. They could have picked up seats but they went with crazy & bad.

Yeah the number of unforced errors on the Senate races has been nuts.


he just asked janet napalotino why they didn't pre-position "stuff" such as generators, water before the storm hit to which she replied: "you don't want to preposition stuff in the path of the storm...."

Someone post Blitzer's Jepordy pic.

edit: ^ HA
You gotta hand it to the GOP . . . the fucked themselves over badly. Akin was a rape nut, Mourdock was a rape nut, George 'Macaca' Allen never should have been allowed to run, Tommy Thompson turned out to be crazy-old-Tea-partier, Scott 'Tomahawk Chop' Brown lost it in the debates, etc. They could have picked up seats but they went with crazy & bad.

and 2010, too. buck, angle, o'donnell cost them the majority... and this year will even be worse. mccconnel has to be steaming.
If there's one solid development this election cycle, it's that we've taken CNN from a semi-respectable, somewhat tolerable news organization to a grossly incompetent one. Rightly so.


If there's one solid development this election cycle, it's that we've taken CNN from a semi-respectable, somewhat tolerable news organization to a grossly incompetent one. Rightly so.
Yup. I'm at the point where I'd rather watch left-leaning commentary on MSNBC or PBS..
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