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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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and john king was on twitter earlier just "repeating Dem CW" that if Obama wins, it will be with "280 evs, 285 tops". can't wait for his reaction on tuesday night, too.


No Scrubs

Yup, someone needs to fire Blitzer. That old Wolf needs to be put down (I don't mean killed I mean he needs to retire).


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
So Obama is holding a rally just a couple blocks from where I work here in Madison WI monday morning. He must be serious about gettin that wisconsin vote.


You gotta hand it to the GOP . . . the fucked themselves over badly. Akin was a rape nut, Mourdock was a rape nut, George 'Macaca' Allen never should have been allowed to run, Tommy Thompson turned out to be crazy-old-Tea-partier, Scott 'Tomahawk Chop' Brown lost it in the debates, etc. They could have picked up seats but they went with crazy & bad.
I'd not include Thompson or Brown in that group. But Mourdock and Akin are execrable candidates. They'll likely cost the Republicans two seats. At least the other candidates run in swing states or a Democratic stronghold. But the Republicans should win MO and IN handily.
Sean Hannity has a political "genius" on who says that all polls are looking favorably towards a Romney presidency. Some guy from the Washington Examiner.

I told y'all the crazy keep on coming.

lol, where is the crazy right wing claims like oh i dunno OBAMA IS A KENYAN MARXIST MUSLIM!?
Pathetic. If both sides are equally infused with craziness, why don't I see claims like this widely repeated on Facebook but I see right wing spam mail drivel repeated all the time?

I wish they would do just a bit of self reflection and evaluate the shit they're being led to believe by charlatans.


If anything Bloomberg will get the brunt of SI anger thanks to the marathon. Also he told Obama not to bother visiting NYC.


Staten Island was a Mccain/Palin district in'08. Island dems likely won't even be able to remove Grimm, FBI investigations and all.


Wait, the latest WaPost poll shows 91% of Mitt's voters are white?


it's why the Republicans better figure out a new coalition fast by changing some of their positions, or they are going to become pretty irrelevant in 15~20 years.

Puddles said:
Have you started shooting up the real heroin yet?

First of all, the heroin was snortable form.
Second of all, I threw it out.
Third of all, I'm not going to discuss this with anyone while I go to rehab. It's not good for the mind otherwise.


I swear this thread is half of Hannitys viewers
I think I've seen one episode of Hannity over the past four years. Maaaybe. But I'll definitely watch the prick on Tuesday night. Hell, I'd love to have someone make a jaunty dance remix of him sadly calling the election for Obama. Maybe get Colbert involved..
it's why the Republicans better figure out a new coalition fast by changing some of their positions, or they are going to become pretty irrelevant in 15~20 years.

First of all, the heroin was snortable form.
Second of all, I threw it out.
Third of all, I'm not going to discuss this with anyone while I go to rehab. It's not good for the mind otherwise.

THEN STOP RESPONDING TO PEOPLE. Seriously, just stop responding to people regarding it.
It's amazing how every four years Pennsylvania flashes some tit and the GOP candidate always wastes their time on an fool's errand in the final weeks. Someone needs to remind them that there's no sex in the PA champagne room. At least for Republicans...


Intrade is still at $6.70 for Obama shares right now. If you guys can get money into your accounts quickly enough, there's still a good margin to be made.
It's amazing how every four years Pennsylvania flashes some tit and the GOP candidate always wastes their time on an fool's errand in the final weeks. Someone needs to remind them that there's no sex in the PA champagne room. At least for Republicans...

It's like when the sun peaks through the clouds in Seattle at any point after Oct. 1st.

Me: "Oh shit, it might be a sunny day today..!"

Moving Cloud: (a few seconds later): "You mad, bro?"


it's why the Republicans better figure out a new coalition fast by changing some of their positions, or they are going to become pretty irrelevant in 15~20 years.
I personally am shocked that Republicans were unable to turn small government Medicare recipients into a sustainable coalition.
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