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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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I want to see secret holds eliminated. I'd keep the filibuster, but reform it. Bring back the cots and let people hold the floor if they truly want to stall something

I'd like to see the Filibuster changed so that it no longer requires 60 votes and is no longer tied to voting at all. Instead, a Filibuster is used as a challenge, that setups a national debate on the bill in question where each side can pick one person from their party to represent their party on debating the pro's and con's of this particular bill.

Imagine having a national debate similar to the presidential debate between Obama and Boehner where it's 90 minutes of debating Obama Care.

I told y'all the crazy keep on coming.

lol, where is the crazy right wing claims like oh i dunno OBAMA IS A KENYAN MARXIST MUSLIM!?

So what is this crazy conspiracy theory? Well, Mitt is not being directly blamed, the company is! Mitt is just being called to account for the fact that he let them slide on repeated violations.

Romney’s lax regulation may have fueled meningitis outbreak

Massachusetts Gov.-elect Mitt Romney at the Statehouse in Boston, Nov. 7, 2002. (Credit: AP/Steven Senne)
The fatal meningitis epidemic sweeping the United States can now be traced to the failure of then-Gov. Mitt Romney to adequately regulate the Massachusetts pharmaceutical company that is being blamed for the deaths.

At least 344 people in 18 states have been infected by the growing public health crisis and 25 have died so far.

But the epidemic may also play a role in the presidential campaign, now that state records reveal that a Massachusetts regulatory agency found that the New England Compounding Co., the pharmaceutical company tied to the epidemic, repeatedly failed to meet accepted standards in 2004 — but a reprimand was withdrawn by the Romney administration in apparent deference to the company’s business interests.

So that is a crazy conspiracy? Then what is the all the Benghazi hoopla? It is no different!


THEN STOP RESPONDING TO PEOPLE. Seriously, just stop responding to people regarding it.

I have to do what I think is right. Sorry if it upsets you though.

Anyway, back on topic.

Black Mamba said:
22 polls

4 ties

1 romney lead

17 obama leads

Like I said, Obama is +3-4 in Ohio. mathematically, only thing that makes sense.

Man that Rasmussen poll sure looked lonely before it was a Tie :p
22 polls

4 ties

1 romney lead

17 obama leads

Like I said, Obama is +3-4 in Ohio. mathematically, only thing that makes sense.

Aye, at this point anything could happen!

I have no electricity, ergo no access to live streams of election coverage. It's looking like only 50:50 odds that I'll have it come Tuesday. :/


Junior Member
Tagged along with my niece for early voting here in Ohio. Place is packed! The parking lot is full of campaign signs and people passing out fliers. It's pretty crazy. Once again the dems are passing out fliers to people showing them the dem a ballot choices. Not seeing Republicans do the same. There is a big Romney bus saying to vote for Godly candidates.

Purely anecdotal, but there's a lot of minotlrities and young folks here.


Tagged along with my niece for early voting here in Ohio. Place is packed! The parking lot is full of campaign signs and people passing out fliers. It's pretty crazy. Once again the dems are passing out fliers to people showing them the dem a ballot choices.

Purely anecdotal, but there's a lot of minotlrities and young folks here.

Exactly how tired, on a scale of 1-10, are you of political ads?

I thougth PA wasn't so bad this year until I saw 6 anti-Obama ads on TV today back-to-back :/


I'd like to see the Filibuster changed so that it no longer requires 60 votes and is no longer tied to voting at all. Instead, a Filibuster is used as a challenge, that setups a national debate on the bill in question where each side can pick one person from their party to represent their party on debating the pro's and con's of this particular bill.

Imagine having a national debate similar to the presidential debate between Obama and Boehner where it's 90 minutes of debating Obama Care.

Regardless of other reforms, it needs to be impossible to filibuster confirmation votes. (I'm cheating here, because I think TPM had an article saying that that was part of the plan.) I'd prefer it to be impossible to stall legislation permanently -- failing that, maybe make it require a 3/5ths majority of senators present, rather than senators sworn in. That way nobody can go home.

In this photo, a prominent basketball player with connections to Chicago makes a late game changing play (stealing the ball) against another player with ties to Utah.

The Utah player had major momentum part way through the series.

The Chicago guy would go on to win the title that year.

That is all.

In this photo, a prominent basketball player with connections to Chicago makes a late game changing play (stealing the ball) against another player with ties to Utah.

The Utah player had major momentum part way through the series.

The Chicago guy would go on to win the title that year.

That is all.

Then he got away with an offensive foul to "win" the game


brazen editing lynx
*checks in on Fox*

"Obama was in Las Vegas campaigning right after Benghazi." (paraphrased)

They're officially stuck on loop. They have little else to talk about.



In this photo, a prominent basketball player with connections to Chicago makes a late game changing play (stealing the ball) against another player with ties to Utah.

The Utah player had major momentum part way through the series.

The Chicago guy would go on to win the title that year.

That is all.
This comparison is worthless until I see Mitt Romney making a diamond cutter sign.
John McCain‘s campaign has seen “significant” progress in internal polling in the last week, Republican pollster Bill McInturff said Tuesday, with notable strides among rural voters and soft Democrats.

McInturff, the campaign’s chief pollster, made a case for the viability of the campaign in a memo to the strategy team, which was released to the media late Tuesday. The campaign has seen the race between McCain and Barack Obama move “significantly over the past week,” McInturff said. “All signs say we are headed to an election that may easily be too close to call by next Tuesday.”

To be sure, public polling data both nationally and in battleground states tell a different story. Obama has a several-point lead nationally and has broken the 50% barrier in many battleground states.

But each campaign conducts extensive polling of its own and, according to McInturff, the McCain campaign has reason to be hopeful.

“The strongest sub-groups for McCain are non-college men and rural voters of both genders,” McInturff said. The campaign has also seen more reason to hope that they will get more than a “20% chunk” of soft Democrats. “Wal-Mart women,” which the campaign describes non-college-educated women in households making less than $60,000 a year, are “swinging back solidly,” McInturff said.

Undecided voters make up about 8% of the electorate in battleground states, McInturff said, and represent an older, rural and economically challenged voter bloc. McInturff said their surveys had found them to be “quite negative” and “seek change,” but tend to skew Republican.

“This partisan advantage is a critical element to understanding our capacity to ‘get’ these voters,” McInturff said.

Also, because of Obama’s overwhelming strength among African American voters, McInturff concluded that many of the undecideds are either white or Latino.

McInturff predicted extraordinarily high voter turnout — as much as 130 million voters — based on the level of excitement and interest in this election. Voters polled in 2000 were asked to rate their interest on a scale of one to 10; a little more than half picked 10. This year, however, that percentage is climbing steadily as Election Day nears, with 81% of respondents Monday night offering up a 10. “Wow,” McInturff wrote in the memo.

The highest turnout will come from two demographic groups predisposed towards Obama: African American voters and voters age 18-29.

In Joe the Plumber, the campaign seems to have found a storyline that sticks. Nearly six out of 10 voters in battleground states said they had heard “a lot” about that storyline, with more than eight in 10 saying they had heard “a lot” or “some.” The campaign has also succeeded in labeling Obama a liberal, according to McInturff, with 59% of respondents in battleground states describing him as such.


remind y'all of anyone?
Wow at CNN, a voter assistance guide about Jesus
Do you believe in a red state Jesus or a blue state Jesus?

Attempting to complete it as an Anti-theist I received this result:
You lean toward believing in a Blue State Jesus.

Speaking as a person of faith, that test or poll or whatever is ridiculous. Sometimes Often the answer is "uh... neither?," or is at least more nuanced than those arbitrary responses would allow. It's a caricature poll, more than anything else. Anyway, I polled as a Red State Jesus. Reality is that I'm slightly left of center.*

*As defined in these here United States of America.


Not surprising. Both networks are vomit inducing.

Don't you think objectively speaking there are simply more negative Romney stories, so this can't be used as a statistic? Negative stories about Obama are what? bad economy, birthers, Donald Trump and he wants to kill your babies and hates insurance companies.

Assuming the theoretical unbiased media existed wouldn't the majority of negative stories remain to be about Romney? I'm not claiming MSNBC isn't biased, just attacking the method to reach the conclusion.



In this photo, a prominent basketball player with connections to Chicago makes a late game changing play (stealing the ball) against another player with ties to Utah.

The Utah player had major momentum part way through the series.

The Chicago guy would go on to win the title that year.

That is all.

This pic is better...
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