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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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So who are the main candidates for the 2016 democratic ticket?

Personally, I hope Amy Klobuchar runs. She's not as liberal as id want her to be (that makes her electable), but I think she's done a good job and has a very good presence. She comes off kind, caring, and serious, while giving the impression that she can be tough and stern if she needs to. It seems like most Minnesotans agree since she is basically running unopposed (i have no idea who is running against her). Id also like to see a president from Minnesota after so many failures ;)
I want Mark Warner.
So who are the main candidates for the 2016 democratic ticket?

Personally, I hope Amy Klobuchar runs. She's not as liberal as id want her to be (that makes her electable), but I think she's done a good job and has a very good presence. She comes off kind, caring, and serious, while giving the impression that she can be tough and stern if she needs to. It seems like most Minnesotans agree since she is basically running unopposed (i have no idea who is running against her). Id also like to see a president from Minnesota after so many failures ;)

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Listening to AM radio today was like listening to a schizophrenic.

Hannity was practically screaming into the mic, calling Sandy "Obama's Katrina," the next guy started screaming about how Romney's already won while playing patriotic sounding music in the background, and the third guy claimed to have a secret source on the ground in Ohio that would support the statement that Romney has a 80,000 vote lead in early voting.
So who are the main candidates for the 2016 democratic ticket?

Personally, I hope Amy Klobuchar runs. She's not as liberal as id want her to be (that makes her electable), but I think she's done a good job and has a very good presence. She comes off kind, caring, and serious, while giving the impression that she can be tough and stern if she needs to. It seems like most Minnesotans agree since she is basically running unopposed (i have no idea who is running against her). Id also like to see a president from Minnesota after so many failures ;)

Kurt Bills!

Isn't my answer but that's whos going to lose against her.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I remember ini 2008, McCain had a pretty big rally in Ohio, but that's cause he literally bused in students (elementary, jr. high and high school) from the surrounding areas.

If'n I had to guess, Mittens probably did something similar.


Today's swing state poll update.











PA (Please waste more resources here, Mittens.)

We should move to the electoral rally system. Whoever has the biggest rally by Nov. 6 wins.

If there's a tie, the winner is whoever has the most yard signs.

If it was a contest for who spams you with the most email asking for money, Obama wins.


Uncle Joe

all take turns tag teaming my inbox. And I just visited their website--nothing more.



Who said anything about metaphors? I just wanted to post about the Pistons.

It is.

ESTE ES TODO.Don't think small ball. We've got The Worm and Charles Barkley with a special guest appearance by Madonna.

You guys know that "este es todo" means "this is all," and not "that is all," right? It would also need to end in an 'o' and not an 'e'...


Fork 'em, Sparky!
It is a strange thing to experience so much right-wing craziness that have actually deluded themselves and their listenership into believing that they are going to win this one and big.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Wolf Blitzer did call the new CNN/ORC Ohio poll "dead heat'. lol, this guy

I muted when david gergen started to speak.

What would you actually expect him to say? He's not going to aggregate his own company's poll with all the other polls to increase the confidence interval.

The thing about Silver is that the reason he gets so much heat is the fact that its easy to misinterpret what he's saying. He will assign a very large chance for Obama to win Ohio, but the actual polling data suggests only a 1-3 point margin, which to the layman seems like its within the margin of error. The key is, however, that Silver's model is designed to use the data from multiple polls to increase the confidence in the result regardless of how tight the result might be. When you have 50 polls saying "2 points," its a very significant lead, whereas CNN's poll by itself is practically a toss-up.
Listening to AM radio today was like listening to a schizophrenic.

Hannity was practically screaming into the mic, calling Sandy "Obama's Katrina," the next guy started screaming about how Romney's already won while playing patriotic sounding music in the background, and the third guy claimed to have a secret source on the ground in Ohio that would support the statement that Romney has a 80,000 vote lead in early voting.

I love hearing them cherry-pick numbers to support their Mitt-mentum narrative. National polling numbers (until today I guess), national early votes, change in early voter turnout from 2008 to 2012 (but not the actual early vote numbers), Obama's approval numbers (but only on the economy, nothing else), occasionally a swing-state Rasmussen poll. It's hilarious how many gaping holes they leave in the data they actually read on the air.

If it was a contest for who spams you with the most email asking for money, Obama wins.


Very true, although I think Romney gives him a run for his money if you count unsolicited junk snailmail.


When does Nate update his model?

Florida seems doable. My god.

If this keeps up, every one of the original swing states will seem doable. I'm wondering if we'll see a last-minute schedule change where Obama makes a stop in North Carolina on Monday, to be honest.
So who are the main candidates for the 2016 democratic ticket?

Personally, I hope Amy Klobuchar runs. She's not as liberal as id want her to be (that makes her electable), but I think she's done a good job and has a very good presence. She comes off kind, caring, and serious, while giving the impression that she can be tough and stern if she needs to. It seems like most Minnesotans agree since she is basically running unopposed (i have no idea who is running against her). Id also like to see a president from Minnesota after so many failures ;)

Christie? ;)


the 25k-30k Romney rally is like a republican convention, wow. Kid Rock playing there too.

3 p.m. An updated list of notables attending with Mitt Romney at the rally has been released. Names: Senator Kelly Ayotte, Senator Kay Bailey-Hutchinson, Mr. Hector Barreto, Congressman Marsha Blackburn, Speaker John Boehner, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, Governor Sam Brownback, Governor Phil Bryant, Ms. Bay Buchanan, Congressman Jason Chaffetz, Secretary Elaine Chao, Senator Norm Coleman, Mrs. Barbara Comstock, Congressman Artur Davis, Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Senator Lindsey Graham, Lieutenant Governor Kerry Healey, Governor Dave Heineman, Governor Bobby Jindal, Treasurer Rosario Marin, Mrs. Cindy McCain, Senator John McCain, Governor Bob McDonnell, Mr. Derek Parra, Governor Rick Perry, Senator Rob Portman, Chairman Reince Priebus, Congresswoman Martha Roby, Dr. Ben Romney, Mr. Craig Romney, Mr. Josh Romney, Mr. Matt Romney, Mr. Tagg Romney, Senator Marco Rubio, Senator Rick Santorum, Congressman Aaron Schock, Governor John Sununu, Senator Jim Talent, Lieutenant Governor Mary Taylor, Senator John Thune, Senator Pat Toomey and Governor Scott Walker.


It is a strange thing to experience so much right-wing craziness that have actually deluded themselves and their listenership into believing that they are going to win this one and big.

FreeRepublic is going to be GLORIOUS. You can already see them starting to crack.


Maine voters support legalizing gay marriage 52/45- undecided usually means no on these things so it's likely to be a close vote

Tight. But I'm so hopeful.
If this keeps up, every one of the original swing states will seem doable. I'm wondering if we'll see a last-minute schedule change where Obama makes a stop in North Carolina on Monday, to be honest.

EVERY one? Indiana is long gone, but i think everything else is workable. Good turnout can even swing NC.
the 25k-30k Romney rally is like a republican convention, wow. Kid Rock playing there too.

3 p.m. An updated list of notables attending with Mitt Romney at the rally has been released. Names: Senator Kelly Ayotte, Senator Kay Bailey-Hutchinson, Mr. Hector Barreto, Congressman Marsha Blackburn, Speaker John Boehner, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, Governor Sam Brownback, Governor Phil Bryant, Ms. Bay Buchanan, Congressman Jason Chaffetz, Secretary Elaine Chao, Senator Norm Coleman, Mrs. Barbara Comstock, Congressman Artur Davis, Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Senator Lindsey Graham, Lieutenant Governor Kerry Healey, Governor Dave Heineman, Governor Bobby Jindal, Treasurer Rosario Marin, Mrs. Cindy McCain, Senator John McCain, Governor Bob McDonnell, Mr. Derek Parra, Governor Rick Perry, Senator Rob Portman, Chairman Reince Priebus, Congresswoman Martha Roby, Dr. Ben Romney, Mr. Craig Romney, Mr. Josh Romney, Mr. Matt Romney, Mr. Tagg Romney, Senator Marco Rubio, Senator Rick Santorum, Congressman Aaron Schock, Governor John Sununu, Senator Jim Talent, Lieutenant Governor Mary Taylor, Senator John Thune, Senator Pat Toomey and Governor Scott Walker.

Obama's recent rallies have ranged from 2k-5k, for comparison
Obama's recent rallies have ranged from 2k-5k, for comparison

I was under the impression that the smaller rallies are by design. I think it got mentioned in the brian williams interview (they did a ride along) that the secret service prefers smaller venues to the giant arena sized ones.
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