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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Soooo, watching the "us elections expert" on belgians nationalnews channel raised my eyebrows. He was really running with the dead heat story line... Some interesting tidbits... : he says republicans have an early voting advantage, and that numbers show the difference in ohio is only 5000 votes as of now. Are these correct?

He also said the 269-269 outcome is not unlikely... Which is the "tie" talking point taken to its essence...
Soooo, watching the "us elections expert" on belgians nationalnews channel raised my eyebrows. He was really running with the dead heat story line... Some interesting tidbits... : he says republicans have an early voting advantage, and that numbers show the difference in ohio is only 5000 votes as of now. Are these correct?

He also said the 269-269 outcome is not unlikely... Which is the "tie" talking point taken to its essence...

Your guy is wrong on all accounts.

It's going to be great having Murphy in the senate instead of Lieberman.


Soooo, watching the "us elections expert" on belgians nationalnews channel raised my eyebrows. He was really running with the dead heat story line... Some interesting tidbits... : he says republicans have an early voting advantage, and that numbers show the difference in ohio is only 5000 votes as of now. Are these correct?

He also said the 269-269 outcome is not unlikely... Which is the "tie" talking point taken to its essence...

PD is on your news channel?


Well, try to read carefully and form an opinion.
You can search information online, but watch the source - well known old media outlets are you best option.

If you have question about a specific ballot measure, post it here (you can just list your district, they're all available online) and I'm sure pollgaf will shower you with enough communist propaganda that you'll write in Friedrich Engels.

bad news for young hegelians


Romney momentum in Ohio?

I'm skeptical. This AP reporter's tweet gives me even more reason to be skeptical.


McMahon would crush Lieberman.

I'd honestly vote for her over him; dude is a fucking disgrace. I understand he's a more centrist/conservative democrat, but disagreeing with your party's president is one thing - being disloyal is a completely different thing. Obama saved his ass in 2006 and Lieberman repaid him by not just endorsing McCain (which was fine imo) but disparaging Obama all throughout the 08 campaign. And then when Obama won what did he do? Saved Lieberman's ass again, making sure he wasn't stripped of his chairmanship statuses. And in response...Lieberman not just continued to throw Obama under the bus, he also questioned his commitment to Israel.
Dick Cheney's daughter is telling me all about benghazi thats I all I need to know, I now understand that Obama deserves to be impeached.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Karl Rove on Hannity is pretty sure Romney is winning.

You know that you are scum when the people who like you best christen you "Turdblossom." I don't think I'm projecting when I imagine all the taller, richer, more powerful people around him laughing at him behind his back and simply using him because he'll stoop lower and deeper into the shit, so they don't have to.

And thousands of US soldiers died in adventurism he is partly responsible for. Little fucking shit.

Romney momentum in Ohio?

I'm skeptical. This AP reporter's tweet gives me even more reason to be skeptical.





Soooo, watching the "us elections expert" on belgians nationalnews channel raised my eyebrows. He was really running with the dead heat story line... Some interesting tidbits... : he says republicans have an early voting advantage, and that numbers show the difference in ohio is only 5000 votes as of now. Are these correct?

He also said the 269-269 outcome is not unlikely... Which is the "tie" talking point taken to its essence...

Ohio party registration is whatever primary you voted in last. Ohio did not have a democratic primary this year. This might explain the discrepancy between ohio party id ballot reports and the actual Ohio polls showing Obama leading by enormous numbers in early voting.

The tie could hardly be more unlikely.
After watching Hannity I never knew how much of a failure Obama is. He can't do anything right. Going to hang out with Jay-Z in LV instead of protecting americans in Libya, and only going to NJ for a photo-op. Disgraceful

Your guy is wrong on all accounts.

It's going to be great having Murphy in the senate instead of Lieberman.
But what are the numbers in ohio right now. How are the guesses on absentee and early voting percentages? Do we have anything on this?

And on the early voting advantage, he didnt specify which states, so perhaps on a national level more repubs have already voted compared to dems...?


What's everybody drinking on tuesday?'

I'm thinking of splurging and getting some quality stuff for a good night. Recommendations?

Likely a pot of coffee. Work the next day. Though if things go really well might just take the day off to calm my nerves.

Donated for the last time tonight. As anxious as I am I'm looking forward to this being over. Been hard to concentrate at work do to constantly checking this thread, news sites, during my free time.


After watching Hannity I never knew how much of a failure Obama is. He can't do anything right. Going to hang out with Jay-Z in LV instead of protecting americans in Libya, and only going to NJ for a photo-op. Disgraceful


Stick around, he's going to tell next how Romney will win Pennsylvania, just like McCain did, or not.
Stick around, he's going to tell next how Romney will win Pennsylvania, just like McCain, GW Bush, Bush Sr. did, or not.

Lol before they went to break he teased "you know Obama is in trouble when even a rag like the NYT says Pennsylvania is in play."

This is amazing! Obama is gonna lose PA because of how badly he handled sandy.
How much money Linda McMahon thrown into the race from her own bank? Love to see her not only lose the election but also millions of dollars of her own.


I'd be super leery of voter guides from organizations you don't know or haven't worked with/interacted with in the past.

Well, try to read carefully and form an opinion.
You can search information online, but watch the source - well known old media outlets are you best option.

If you have question about a specific ballot measure, post it here (you can just list your district, they're all available online) and I'm sure pollgaf will shower you with enough communist propaganda that you'll write in Friedrich Engels.

I'm so sorry everyone. I didn't mean to imply I was going to use this thing.

I guess what I am trying to get at is this:

We received a mailer which was basically like, "Hey *person of specific ethnicity*. Here's how you should vote."

Is stuff like this common? California only thing?


Read our press release mocking Democrat suppression poll. http://www.lindaforsenate2012.com/?p=4912 #ctsen ~Staff

Linda McMahon Will Win on Tuesday

The famously Democrat-leaning Public Policy Polling (PPP) manufactured a new poll for Congressman Chris Murphy’s campaign. Its numbers only reflect the desperation coming from national Democrats as Linda McMahon heads toward victory on November 6.

“PPP’s newly released poll is nothing more than a desperate stunt,” McMahon campaign manager Corry Bliss said. “This poll is clearly meant to discourage Linda McMahon’s supporters. Today, we had over 1,000 volunteers making phone calls and knocking on doors. And this weekend our supporters will be knocking on 400,000 doors and making 600,000 calls. Whether it be manufactured polls, flying in President Clinton, or asking President Obama to beg for support, nothing can erase Congressman Murphy’s record. The ad from President Obama is the only ad he’s recorded for a Senate candidate this cycle. Too bad for Congressman Murphy the last ad President Obama recorded for a Senate candidate was in Massachusetts for Martha Coakley, who faded into oblivion. PPP is nothing more than a front for the Democrats, and this is a sad stunt. Our supporters won’t be deterred by the Democrats’ desperation.”


What's everybody drinking on tuesday?'

I'm thinking of splurging and getting some quality stuff for a good night. Recommendations?

I'll be drinking on Wednesday, since my first three days next week go Midterm -> Election and Paper due -> Midterm. If I manage to get my studying done by Tuesday night and the race gets called for Barry, I might have a hard cider or something.
NoRéN;43907715 said:
Is stuff like this common? California only thing?

Mass Direct Mail is common pretty much everywhere. I got two Mitt Romney-aligned voter guides here in NC because I am a college-educated white man over the age of 35, even though I'm a registered Democrat.
Is anyone terrified of the 2014 Senate mid-terms? Going by the numbers some of our new guys won by in such a favorable environment, I'm getting sort of nervous already. I'm seriously doubting we hold Alaska for instance, maybe not Minnesota either.
Is anyone terrified of the 2014 Senate mid-terms? Going by the numbers some of our guys won by in such a favorable environment, I'm getting sort of nervous already.

Doesn't this year have more vulnerable seats since these guys won on the 06 wave? If we keep 55 seats or so were in great shape I think.


Is anyone terrified of the 2014 Senate mid-terms? Going by the numbers some of our new guys won by in such a favorable environment, I'm getting sort of nervous already. I'm seriously doubting we hold Alaska for instance, maybe not Minnesota either.

This year is making me more comfortable about the daunting 2014 midterms. More seats means we have more room in the event that the electorate is not happy with Dems.
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