Aaron Strife
Romney's actually up 4.D+9 sample in that Ohio poll
Romney's actually up 4.D+9 sample in that Ohio poll
Like someone said, it seems a number of Republicans are identifying as "Independent," or at least consider themselves as such after how far-right the current party is.
D+9 sample in that Ohio poll
http://twitter.com/mpoindc/status/264578702480928768If you were to halve Democrats' party ID advantage in the Ohio sample, Obama's lead narrows to three http://is.gd/1ttuUv
I'm looking forward to Hannity's 1st show after the election and even moreso for Jon Stewart's take of Hannity's show after the election. lol
Secretly Fox News would love Obama to win because since 2008 their ratings have been through the roof. Its easy and fun to have someone to rail against every day/night. When Bush was in office, their whole script was to defend Bush to the bitter end and frame anyone who questioned the government as un-American. Kinda boring :/ and their ratings were lower, although still number one.
To add to this, the same group that says Romney's leading by 4 also said Obama was leading by 1 back in mid-September. Around that same time the other polls had him leading from 6 to 12.1. Pennsylvania is not in contention. Look at poll aggregates.
2. That Mason Dixon FL poll actually shows an Obama gain over their last one.
I can't help but feel O+2 is closer to the mark in Florida than R+6.
Read the George Will columns and stop crying. Nearly every post you make is about the lib media. Quite an odd Obama supporter.Wait a minute. I actually like the Washington Post (and I'm an Obama supporter).
But yes, posting pro-Obama article (or anti-Romney article) after pro-Obama article should be classified as 'shilling'. When your paper reaches the point of releasing an official statement claiming the Republican presidential candidate has a deep-seated contempt for the American people, then they should be called out for shilling.
Your response is similar to those who dismissed that Pew Media Bias study. 'MSNBC only features more biased stories because Romney is so bad!' It's such a cringe-worthy rationalization.
As for who was arguing they were dominated by conservatives, quadriplegicjon comes to mind.
I get that. This guy I was arguing with specifically said that more people that were polled selected Romney but that the results were adjusted. Sounds like a flat out lie to me. I googled and couldn't even find any claims of the sort other than on sites like unskewedpolls.com
It's actually +7
But yes, posting pro-Obama article (or anti-Romney article) after pro-Obama article should be classified as 'shilling'. When your paper reaches the point of releasing an official statement claiming the Republican presidential candidate has a deep-seated contempt for the American people, then they should be called out for shilling.
Wait a minute. I actually like the Washington Post (and I'm an Obama supporter).
But yes, posting pro-Obama article (or anti-Romney article) after pro-Obama article should be classified as 'shilling'. When your paper reaches the point of releasing an official statement claiming the Republican presidential candidate has a deep-seated contempt for the American people, then they should be called out for shilling.
Your response is similar to those who dismissed that Pew Media Bias study. 'MSNBC only features more biased stories because Romney is so bad!' It's such a cringe-worthy rationalization.
As for who was arguing they were dominated by conservatives, quadriplegicjon comes to mind.
Dem: 38
Rep: 29
Dems won't have a 9 point ID lead on election day
Technically speaking I believe that could be happening in a way, but that's not because of party ID weighting. That would happen if the poll sampled too many old people, for example, and the electorate had far less older people. They'd have to weight the answers of the younger people a bit more to put it in line with reality. The reverse would happen if they oversampled too many african americans, for example, though.
Wait a second.
They posted that in their OFFICIAL ENDORSEMENT OF OBAMA.
You don't think that article might be assumed to be a bit more shillworthy than the rest of the paper?
Dem: 38
Rep: 29
Dems won't have a 9 point ID lead on election day
I'm going with Florida for Obama and this is called by 9pm Central Time.
The electorate is based on the census, right?
@electionate said:@michaelpwilt the live interview polls w/cell phones are O+2, O+1, Tie, R+1, R+6
Good news for Susquehanna. Romney will totally turn this race around in three days.
Yes, they weight based on the census of the entire state (or whatever they're polling), and then use a likely voter screen to whittle things down to who might actually vote.
I remember when they did this before the 2008 campaign at some of the rallies. Bless their hearts.
Miami Herald FL Poll: Romney 51%-Obama 45%
Did some checking. They are located out of Florida and considered the best in the state. Odd how their margin is so different than other polls.
NBC Ohio Marist Poll: 51-45 /// Obama +6
Good news for Susquehanna. Romney will totally turn this race around in three days.
Remember that time people got all worked up when I pointed out that WaPo was shilling for Obama? I do. The Post is dominated by conservatives, they said.
lol k guys
So is there any way to see the actual raw data of these polls? Like, before they weight the polls?
Nice to see you guys working together.
CNN fuckoffanddiekthxOpinion: Stand up for centrists
No matter who wins the presidency, we need to see more principled problem-solving centrists, such as Sen. Scott Brown, above, elected from both parties, John Avlon says. FULL STORY
I like to think of it as a collective "fuck you" to Rick Scott.Wow Florida seems to be swinging towards Obama again. I wonder whats causing this?
Wow, CNN's ballwashing for Republicans has gone blatant. Check out their frontpage. Their top headline has a picture of Scott Brown with the heading
CNN fuckoffanddiekthx
How much money Linda McMahon thrown into the race from her own bank? Love to see her not only lose the election but also millions of dollars of her own.
538 updated again 30 minutes ago, now up to 83.7%. Hopium.
538 updated again 30 minutes ago, now up to 83.7%. Hopium.
$16M in the GOP primary alone apparently.
nyt said:The FiveThirtyEight forecast explicitly accounts for the possibility that the polls are biased toward Mr. Obama — but it also accounts for the chance that the polls could be systematically biased against him.
@BuzzFeedAndrew: Conflicting reports of Romney Ohio crowd size. Campaign cites Fire Dept. saying 30K, local enforcement says 18K, Secret Service says 15K.
What don't these guys lie about?
I'm going to go with the secret service number, if anyone is going to know the real number odds are it's them.
"In our private conversations with Democratic and Republican leaders, we see two diametrically opposed visions of the electorate almost parallel universes and two visions of how the election will shake out. Unsurprisingly, the Democrats AND the Republicans are confident of victory for their party in what is a close presidential contest. Democrats see favorable demographics and sturdy leads in enough states to get Obama over the magic 270-vote mark, while Republicans discern rumblings of a 1980-style wave that will not only ruin Obama, but also drown Democratic Senate candidates and ruin the reputations of many pollsters, particularly on the state level."
"In our private conversations with Democratic and Republican leaders, we see two diametrically opposed visions of the electorate almost parallel universes and two visions of how the election will shake out. Unsurprisingly, the Democrats AND the Republicans are confident of victory for their party in what is a close presidential contest. Democrats see favorable demographics and sturdy leads in enough states to get Obama over the magic 270-vote mark, while Republicans discern rumblings of a 1980-style wave that will not only ruin Obama, but also drown Democratic Senate candidates and ruin the reputations of many pollsters, particularly on the state level."
How are we sure that the Secret Service wouldn't lie for President Obama? Didn't he allow them unlimited Brazilian hookers?
Yeah they are providing his security, you would think they would know.
How are we sure that the Secret Service wouldn't lie for President Obama? Didn't he allow them unlimited Brazilian hookers?
@fivethirtyeight said:Conditional upon Obama winning, his most likely outcomes are 332, 303, 347, 348, 333, 290, 281, 294, 318 electoral votes.
It's funny to see the Romney camp grossly exaggerate even that lol.