Eh, I actually think Cristie could beat her.
With the resumè she has and Riding off Obama's coattails?
Yeah, okay.
Eh, I actually think Cristie could beat her.
How about your mom? I'm curious whether she had changed her mind to vote for the secret Kenyan Muslim and atheist
And yet GAF says Ohio is in the bag for Obama.
Romney has a double digit lead among those who haven't voted early
I just volunteered to drive people to the polls on election day.
Obama's an atheist now?
Ah no.Eh, I actually think Cristie could beat her.
Obama's ev vote lead isn't enough though. Ohio will be the surprise of the night, nearly every poll shows good news for Romney when you actually look at all the numbers. From ridiculous dem ID leads to Romney's clear Election Day voter lead. If you halve the 8-9 point dem ID leads you get Obama being up by barely three points. Add in margin of error and an increase in white voters and it's a dead heat. And Husted will take it from there.I like how you look at one part of the electorate and call it good.
Hint: people have also voted early. Derpity.
excellent. this is the best opportunity to convince the old people you'll be driving to the polls that they should vote for obama. they'll be so thankful for the ride that they (in my experience) will return the favor with a vote for the person you're working for.
there's been countless election days and early voting periods where our biggest goal is 1) renting enough vans to drive folks to polls and 2) the soft, but convincing sell
Obama's ev vote lead isn't enough though. Ohio will be the surprise of the night, nearly every poll shows good news for Romney when you actually look at all the numbers. From ridiculous dem ID leads to Romney's clear Election Day voter lead. If you halve the 8-9 point dem ID leads you get Obama being up by barely three points. Add in margin of error and an increase in white voters and it's a dead heat. And Husted will take it from there.
Obama's ev vote lead isn't enough though. Ohio will be the surprise of the night, nearly every poll shows good news for Romney when you actually look at all the numbers. From ridiculous dem ID leads to Romney's clear Election Day voter lead. If you halve the 8-9 point dem ID leads you get Obama being up by barely three points. Add in margin of error and an increase in white voters and it's a dead heat. And Husted will take it from there.
PD your shit got old months ago I don't know why you think it's better now.
Obama's ev vote lead isn't enough though. Ohio will be the surprise of the night, nearly every poll shows good news for Romney when you actually look at all the numbers. From ridiculous dem ID leads to Romney's clear Election Day voter lead. If you halve the 8-9 point dem ID leads you get Obama being up by barely three points. Add in margin of error and an increase in white voters and it's a dead heat. And Husted will take it from there.
So who's the current frontrunner for the Democratic nominee in 2016?
So who's the current frontrunner for the Democratic nominee in 2016?
Obama's ev vote lead isn't enough though. Ohio will be the surprise of the night, nearly every poll shows good news for Romney when you actually look at all the numbers. From ridiculous dem ID leads to Romney's clear Election Day voter lead. If you halve the 8-9 point dem ID leads you get Obama being up by barely three points. Add in margin of error and an increase in white voters and it's a dead heat. And Husted will take it from there.
Obama's ev vote lead isn't enough though. Ohio will be the surprise of the night, nearly every poll shows good news for Romney when you actually look at all the numbers. From ridiculous dem ID leads to Romney's clear Election Day voter lead. If you halve the 8-9 point dem ID leads you get Obama being up by barely three points. Add in margin of error and an increase in white voters and it's a dead heat. And Husted will take it from there.
It IS going to be a close race. Even Silver says that with a poll sample size of 17000, even if unbiased, the MOE is still like 1.5% and Obama's lead in OH polls is hovering around 2-3. Add in the Husted factor and its really close.
Helping people early vote. Feels good man.
this is lazy. This is just the GOP narrative right now.No creativity.
Aren't you insulting your target audience?'I can't eat right now mom, I am posting on a forum where everyone thinks I'm an idiot, a weirdo or a fake character!'
this is lazy. This is just the GOP narrative right now.No creativity.
The GOP doesn't talk about a Husted bonus. He is a bullshit aggregator.
That's why it's so bad. He isn't even trying.
In other news, Maddow's entire show last night was GOD TIER.
Best I've seen in a long while.
Obama's ev vote lead isn't enough though. Ohio will be the surprise of the night, nearly every poll shows good news for Romney when you actually look at all the numbers. From ridiculous dem ID leads to Romney's clear Election Day voter lead. If you halve the 8-9 point dem ID leads you get Obama being up by barely three points. Add in margin of error and an increase in white voters and it's a dead heat. And Husted will take it from there.
Unprecedented micro-targeting by campaigns creeps out voters
solicitations. For weeks, she's been receiving three political robocalls per day related to the presidential election. On Thursday, she got seven.
But one call she got on Halloween still haunts her. It was a recorded message read by a presidential candidate trying to get her to vote.
"It was Mitt Romney saying, 'I know you have an absentee ballot and I know you haven't sent it in yet,' " Trulen said in an interview. "That just sent me over the line. Not only is it like Big Brother. It is Big Brother. It's down to where they know I have a ballot and I haven't sent it in! I thought when I requested the ballot that the only other entity that would know was the Mukwonago clerk."
Trulen isn't the only voter among Wisconsin's much-courted electorate who is getting creeped out by the political campaigns' unprecedented, uncanny ability to micro-target voters who are likely to vote for their candidate.
That shows how unbiased NPR is. The only bias is her confirmation bias.No. I still talk to her about politics, but I've given up hope of her ever changing.
She can listen to any report and spin to find how it's a positive for Republicans. Someone here mentioned that their parents' views changed after they stopped watching to Fox News, but my mom has started listening to NPR and is convinced that they're in the tank for Romney with her.
That argument doesn't discredit Nate and is largely the correct reaction. If people start giving up just because Nate Silver has them down then we'll have to ask ourselves if these aggregators are actually in the public interest.
Hannity's was pretty good too.
I've always thought that Romney was a bit creepy, and now the evidence is coming in.
Every campaign worth their salt does this, though. Especially during the early vote period. You know who's voted and who hasn't. And what their preferred method is. Then you follow up until they do actually vote. If you're not doing this, you're either 1) lacking resources 2) going to lose.
Every campaign worth their salt does this, though. Especially during the early vote period. You know who's voted and who hasn't. And what their preferred method is. Then you follow up until they do actually vote. If you're not doing this, you're either 1) lacking resources 2) going to lose.
This is true in general but obviously Romney doesn't have the chops to lure voters with recorded messages of how he knows all about them. Christie, maybe.
"Listen. Why the fuck haven't you sent in your ballot? Yeah, that's right, I know about that. What are you going to do about it?"
Why is this leaking now?
“He’d be great anywhere there are ordinary white men,” the official said. “They would have loved him because here’s this straight-talking, hard-charging, in-your-face guy, and he’s a man’s man. Ohio is the only battleground state where Mitt has a net negative gender gap — where his approval among men doesn’t outweigh the president’s approval among women. Chris Christie changes that.”
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1112/83254.html#ixzz2BBCWBKxb
Mitt liked him because he saw him as a street fighter, a Romney official said. Its the kind of political mentality that Romney doesnt have, but admires. He wanted someone who could play the Chicago game [like Obama headquarters] on its own terms.
Mitt Romney is about to become the new president and gas prices are going down.... Imagine that!! #elephant
I had a friend on twitter credit falling gas prices on "president Romney" it amused me so I thought I would share.