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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Not that they're of comparable importance, but anything on Initiative 502? Gay marriage and marijuana legalization in the same year would be HUGE for civil rights.


The KCTS 9 Washington Poll, conducted by University of Washington political scientists and released Thursday, found support for I-502 solidifying since its Oct. 18 poll.

Support among likely voters rose from 47 to 55 percent and opposition dropped from 40 to 38 percent, with the number of undecided voters shrinking. Another poll, commissioned by KING 5, reported nearly identical results: 55 to 37 in favor, with 7 percent undecided.


The problem with many of these polls is that they are based on 2008 turnout numbers. That could be an issue.

I'm on my phone right now so if you could just open up pop-gaf and flip through until you find a gif of some lady expressing disdain that would be great.


Anyone see this by Christie?


The order reads: “If your vehicle’s license plate ends in a letter (A,B,C…), you are only permitted to fuel the vehicle on odd-numbered days.” Numbers are allowed on even-numbered days.

The problem: All license plates in New Jersey end in letters, except for vanity plates. So on Saturday, most everyone in the state could buy gas. On Sunday, no one can. Or so it seems.

— The New York Times points out the pure stupidity of New Jersey governor Chris Christie’s order regarding gas rationing.

What a complete moron.


The Cincinnati fire chief says it was closer to 30k. Local media reported the same.

"Andrew Kaczynski ‏@BuzzFeedAndrew

Conflicting reports of Romney Ohio crowd size. Campaign cites Fire Dept. saying 30K, local enforcement says 18K, Secret Service says 15K."

Well someone's right. And it took the entire GOP to do that, though it's a good move and it does make a lot of Obama's rallies look small.


The problem with many of these polls is that they are based on 2008 turnout numbers. That could be an issue.


Just for you pigeon.
national polls updates:


Reuters +1
RAND + 3
PPP +1
UPI + 1
Purple + 1
Newsmax +2
Google: +4

Tied in Ras. Waiting for other polls to update. ABC had R+1 yesterday. The only poll with him up.


At this point it's all getting repetitive

I made the Election Day OT in 2008 and wanted to make this years OT... as it'll be my last topic for a long time... but if someone else called it, that's cool too

Does anyone have a topic title in mind? I thought the Year 1 of 1000 years of Darkness was winning last I saw...

Black Mamba said:

Reuters +1
RAND + 3
PPP +1
UPI + 1
Purple + 1
Newsmax +2
Google: +4

Tied in Ras. Waiting for other polls to update. ABC had R+1 yesterday. The only poll with him up.

It's amazing how the National Polls are slowly drifting to align with the battleground state polling numbers.

We're fastly approaching a scenario where the only way Obama won't win is if there has been a huge conspiracy with the polling sampling.
I'm trying to put together a good portfolio of blogs to follow on a regular basis. Krugman pretty much towers over everyone right now. IMO, no one beats him for readable expert analysis. Klein is great for 60 second recaps. I'm also learning a ton about stats from Sam Wang.

New Economic Perspectives
FT Alphaville.


At this point it's all getting repetitive

I made the Election Day OT in 2008 and wanted to make this years OT... as it'll be my last topic for a long time... but if someone else called it, that's cool too

Does anyone have a topic title in mind? I thought the Year 1 of 1000 years of Darkness was winning last I saw...

It's amazing how the National Polls are slowly drifting to align with the battleground state polling numbers.

We're fastly approaching a scenario where the only way Obama won't win is if there has been a huge conspiracy with the polling sampling.

That should be the next Poligaf OT title. Election OT should be called something else.


Does anyone have a topic title in mind? I thought the Year 1 of 1000 years of Darkness was winning last I saw...
I do rather enjoy that title. We'll be poking a lot of fun at the GOP's hysterics once Obama wins, so it'd be quite fitting.

Amir0x said:
It's amazing how the National Polls are slowly drifting to align with the battleground state polling numbers.

We're fastly approaching a scenario where the only way Obama won't win is if there has been a huge conspiracy with the polling sampling.
I said in my prediction post that if the national/state dichotomy doesn't resolve, then we'd end-up more likely to see a split decision. But voila! - it is resolved! Almost like magic! As entertaining as a split would be, I'm a bit relieved that this arrow is apparently being taken away from the GOP's post-election quiver.


Hmmm.. other OT suggestions..
"Let's Get This Shit Over With"
"Let the Riots Begin!"
"Sorry, Wolf - It Won't Be a Tie Tonight"


Should I vote for the House Dem candidate in Ohio 2nd? The guy who has never made a public appearance or made any public statement? I fear I would be voting for a serial killer, but on the other hand, hey I voted for a serial killer, that's an interesting story for the kids.

Assuming that Democratic control of the House is something that you want, yes. It seems as if the 2nd is probably not at all a competitive district. If you help make the margins of Republican victory smaller, perhaps in the future someone will actually attempt a spirited run against the incumbent.
Whoa indeed Ohio there.

OFA dishing some shit

RT @PeterHambyCNN: Obama campaign says they have made 125,646,479 voter contacts this cycle. Team Romney has made 50 million.

OFA: If EV polls are right, Romney needs to 65% of remaining NC voters, 59 in IA & Co, 58 in NV, 55 in FL * OH, and 52 in Va and WI.

Obviously that last stat is an exaggeration. In no scenario NC would be the hardest state for Romney to win while WI is easiest. NC will see a lot more Romney voters on Election day than WI or OH


Screw these unionized public service workers who take 3 hour breaks and then stand around do nothing. I am convinced that government can only work in homogenized cultures like in Europe and not where there is a lot of diversity like the USA


Screw these unionized public service workers who take 3 hour breaks and then stand around do nothing. I am convinced that government can only work in homogenized cultures like in Europe and not where there is a lot of diversity like the USA

Great post. Can't believe you're the same guy who was writing weird obama debate fanfic a month ago.
Oh god...the mac daddy of Iowa poll arrives today

@JenniferJJacobs: Des Moines Register's Oct.30-Nov. 2 Iowa Poll will be on our website at 7 p.m. IA time.

Obama +4 at 50% I say!

@BetsyMTP:Our FINAL pre-election @NBCNews @WSJ Poll numbers will be debuted tomorrow morning on @meetthepress by

It is going to be polling fucking overload these 2 days.


Great post. Can't believe you're the same guy who was writing weird obama debate fanfic a month ago.
Still believe in Obama. Romney is a lying crook. In fact I'd probably trust the federal government more than local government, they have far stricter standards.

Still, live through a hurricane and see that government does not work. Crews should be mandated to work 24/7 when an area has no power.

Many people in this country get paid too much for doing too little work. Most government employees are on that list. Fire them all and hire Mexicans at half the price plus citizenship. This is what should have been done with the GM bailout. A condition for federal loans should have been the firing of most workers below a certain performance threshold.
PoliGAF Election Thread 2012- Poll Beats, Dead Heads, Edge of Your Seats

If that was meant to be "Dead Heats" I can dig it

Still, live through a hurricane and see that government does not work. Crews should be mandated to work 24/7 when an area has no power.

bullshit. Where I work (not live, where i live is fine) has had power up since mid tuesday, but the cell towers (maintained by AT&T) are STILL down.

Screw these unionized public service workers who take 3 hour breaks and then stand around do nothing. I am convinced that government can only work in homogenized cultures like in Europe and not where there is a lot of diversity like the USA

I'm VERY interested in your theory of why "homogenized culture" can get things done, but "diversity" somehow leads to laziness and inefficiency. enlighten us.
Still believe in Obama. Romney is a lying crook. In fact I'd probably trust the federal government more than local government, they have far stricter standards.

Still, live through a hurricane and see that government does not work. Crews should be mandated to work 24/7 when an area has no power.

You remind me of the people I wanted to punch in the face after Hurricane Isaac because they'd do nothing but complain that the electric crews working 16 hour days all over town to get power back to hundreds of thousands of people weren't working hard enough.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
At this point, a Romney win would be more entertaining for me just for the reaction of every poll analyst, hard mathematics person out there.

Then the next 208 weeks would really suck.
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