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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Still believe in Obama. Romney is a lying crook. In fact I'd probably trust the federal government more than local government, they have far stricter standards.

Still, live through a hurricane and see that government does not work. Crews should be mandated to work 24/7 when an area has no power.

I understand being frustrated about power loss, but it's typically utility company workers who are responsiblle for that. Local government doesn't have that much to do with it, and you're not only blaming them unfairly, but you're also making up crazy bullshit about unions and 3-hour breaks. You sound like a teabagger.


You remind me of the people I wanted to punch in the face after Hurricane Isaac because they'd do nothing but complain that the electric crews working 16 hour days all over town to get power back to hundreds of thousands of people weren't working hard enough.

Yeah. I went without power for a month after Hurricane Andrew, feel free to bitch in December.


I understand being frustrated about power loss, but it's typically utility company workers who are responsiblle for that. Local government doesn't have that much to do with it, and you're not only blaming them unfairly, but you're also making up crazy bullshit about unions and 3-hour breaks. You sound like a teabagger.
I am not making crazy bullshit up. I saw these things with my own eyes. Can't pass judgement on power crews because I don't know what it takes to run wires over polls but the local municipality workers tasked with the menial job of cutting down fallen trees indeed take 3 hour breaks and half of them watch while the other half do work. And they don't work a second more than 9-5



Just saw this by my home in Missouri.....


I am not making crazy bullshit up. I saw these things with my own eyes. Can't pass judgement on power crews because I don't know what it takes to run wires over polls but the local municipality workers tasked with the menial job of cutting down fallen trees indeed take 3 hour breaks and half of them watch while the other half do work. And they don't work a second more than 9-5

So are you complaining about power or are you complaining about trees? And you watched a work crew for the full duration of a "3 hour break" and a 9 to 5 workday? This is worse bullshit than your debate fanfic.


You could probably get even more productivity if you whipped them whenever they slowed down, too.
Well I did enjoy the option of hurrying production in civilization at the cost of population :). But let's not change the subject. Americans workers are really good at carrying out a task that's given to them but they are horrible at practical intelligence and have to wait 3 hours for someone to tell them what to do.



Just saw this by my home in Missouri.....[/QUOTE]
I suppose I understand different political opinions... But the amount of vitriol against Obama is baffling.

He's really been kind of a "meh" president.


So are you complaining about power or are you complaining about trees? And you watched a work crew for the full duration of a "3 hour break" and a 9 to 5 workday? This is worse bullshit than your debate fanfic.
Power; they take too long to decide on what to do. They are not smart enough to be anything more than robots.
Public works: 3 hour breaks I see with my own eyes every day. If you have ever been to other countries like china or Mexico you will know exactly how spoiled the US menial worker is.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
You're like Nero looking for a really cool backdrop for a musical solo.

LOL. That I could see. Some men just want to watch the world burn.

The fallout would honestly be pretty hilarious in many of the same ways it will be awesome to see the backtracking from Fox News, Dick Morris, Jay Cost, etc.
Willard stepped out of the shower and turned to the mirror. Two years of campaigning had taken its toll on his body and mind. The last three months alone had aged him more than the past three decades. But it was worth it. America needed a leader, a true leader, and no other wealthy white man was better suited than him.

He splashed a handful of cold water on his face and smiled. That charming, beautiful, pearly-white smile. The smile that drove all of those frumpy Ohio housewives and closeted queers mad.

"I'm Mitt Romney, and I approve of this glisten. Heh heh, you charming sunofagun."

A screech from the bedroom spoiled the moment.

"Mitt!" yelled his wife. "Come quick!"

Willard wrapped a towel around his waist and ran to Ann's side. Her eyes were glued to the television. The authoritative voice of political ace Wolf Blitzer played over a montage of the president with Chris. His Chris.

The president touching Chris' shoulder, offering comfort in the midst of chaos. The president sitting next to Chris in Marine One, giving him a bird's-eye view of the destruction. The president and Chris locked in a warm embrace, letting him know that he would do anything to help.

His Chris. With him.

"This is truly an unprecedented showing of bipartisanship," said Blitzer as CNN's footage came to a merciful end. "One cannot help but wonder what Governor Romney is thinking about this new relationship between the president and one of his closest allies. Next up, is your cat giving you cancer? More after the break."

Willard sat down at the edge of the bed, his eyes red. His wife placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. Willard recoiled.

"It's nothing, Ann," said Willard, turning away, not wanting his wife to see his tears.

"You don't have to hide it from me, Mitt," said Ann. "I know how much he meant to you."

Willard turned to his wife, a look of pure disgust lining his chiseled face-like face.

"You have no idea," he choked. "No fucking idea."

Willard sprinted to the bathroom, his towel falling on the floor behind him. He slammed the door shut, sat on the toilet, and buried his face in his hands.

He remembered the moment where he lost him. Lost Chris. His Chris. And it was all his doing.

It was a warm August evening. Willard's brow was drenched with sweat. It was time for him to make the call; the call he was dreading. His heart pounded as he waited for Chris to answer.

Beep. Beeeeeep. Beeeeeeeeeeep.


"Hi, Chris. It's Mitt. Mitt Romney."

"No shit? I thought it was some other Mitt," said Chris.

Willard laughed. His Chris had a wonderfully crude sense of humor.

"Oh, you jokester. Listen, I have some news."

"I hope it's what I think it is," said Chris. Willard could sense the anticipation in his voice. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"First of all, I just want you to know how much I value your support. You've been a true friend to me, and I know that we'll always work together for our country's best interests. Having you as a friend..."

"Stop," said Chris.


"Stop rambling Mitt. I know what this is, so stop fucking around."

"C'mon, Chris. Just calm down a second."

"Is it the Mexican?"

"The Mexican?"

"The one from Florida. The Mexican."

"Marco? No. I mean, he's actually Cuban, but I mean, I wasn't going to go in that direction, to be honest..."

"Portman? That boring fuck from Ohio? My colon could move more tracking polls than Portman."


"That redneck Indian? Jeb? Condi? Just spit it the fuck out, Mitt."

"Ryan. It's Paul Ryan."

The receiver went silent. Ominously silent.

"Chris? Chris, are you there?"

"Paul Ryan."


"Paul Fucking Ryan. That bird-legged fuck from Minnesota?"


"Same fucking thing."

"Now listen, Chris, I know you're upset, but I really think..."

"Upset?" said Chris, his voice quivering. "What do I have to be upset about? That you showered me with praise and told me how much you loved my take-no-prisoners approach to politics? That you spoiled me with lavish gifts and campaign donations and ham? That you called me baby and told me everything would be alright? What do I have to be upset about?"

"Chris, just let me explain."

"What happened to appealing to moderates? What happened to healing our country through bipartisanship? That Ryan fuck told me he wants to privatize babies, I swear to Christ!"

"Chris, I'm so sorry," said Willard, truthfully. "He's young, he's passionate, and he's from a swing state."

"And he's thin."

"What? No. That had nothing to do with it. How could you accuse me..."

"You told me you love me as I am. 'Every big round Republican pound,' you said."

"Chris, I said a lot of things. We both did."

"You're right. We did. But not anymore. We're done, Mitt. Goodbye."

And it was over.

Willard tried to forget it, and to forget him. Ryan was sharp as a tack and emboldened his base, but he couldn't shake the doubt that Chris, his Chris, could have reshaped the whole election.

And now, at the time when he needed him most, Chris had turned against him. And sided with his adversary.

His Chris, whom he cared for with all of his heart, had chosen people - impoverished, undignified, homeless people - over political loyalty. The betrayal was almost too much to bear.

Almost. But not quite.

The tears stopped. Willard stood up faced himself in the mirror once more.

"You are better than this," he said. "Your people need you. Your church needs you. Your country needs you. And by darn, you're not going to let some silly storm turn everyone against you."

Mitt woke up the next morning, his passion for fiscal reform and conservative values rejuvenated. He grabbed the Wall Street Journal outside his hotel room door. Obama up 5 in Ohio; race dead even said the headline.

Willard smiled.
I am not making crazy bullshit up. I saw these things with my own eyes. Can't pass judgement on power crews because I don't know what it takes to run wires over polls but the local municipality workers tasked with the menial job of cutting down fallen trees indeed take 3 hour breaks and half of them watch while the other half do work. And they don't work a second more than 9-5
Often one party is tasked as a safety observer when doing potentially dangerous work.
At this point, a Romney win would be more entertaining for me just for the reaction of every poll analyst, hard mathematics person out there.

Then the next 208 weeks would really suck.

A Romney win would be hugely informative for Silver's model. If not for everyone considering it career-ending for Nate if Romney wins, I bet he'd find it fascinating to look into.


Won't stop picking the right nation
Jay Cost seems to think Romney has this in the bag. But his prediction depends on "not taking polls at face value." He seems to have a lot of contempt for the idea of predictive statistical modeling.

He may not think it's contradictory to trust poll internals without trusting the results of the poll, but I do. I'm not aware of any evidence that the poll is misleading and the internal data is not. Furthermore, his analysis of the issue of economic trust isn't terribly nuanced. He doesn't mention individual states, for instance. CBS News claims:

The president has gained some ground on handling the economy since last month. In August, Romney had an advantage on this issue (including a 10-point lead on it Colorado), but the candidates are now running much closer. In Colorado, 48 percent of voters think Romney will handle the economy better compared to 47 percent for Mr. Obama. In Virginia and Wisconsin, Mr. Obama has a 49-47 percent and 49-46 percent edge respectively on the economy issue.

And even if Romney is leading Obama nationally over the issue of handling the economy, the ABC News/WaPo poll found that Obama leads by 5% when people are asked "Who do you think better understands the economic problems people in this country are having?" There is no real reason to take these issues at face value, despite Cost's insistence that we do. How do we really know that people actually trust Romney on the economy? It could just be registering the discontent of the current economic situation, which doesn't tell us anything that we didn't already know. So this isn't issue isn't as obvious as he makes it out to be.


Power; they take too long to decide on what to do. They are not smart enough to be anything more than robots.
Public works: 3 hour breaks I see with my own eyes every day. If you have ever been to other countries like china or Mexico you will know exactly how spoiled the US menial worker is.

Youre a horrible human being.


Romney Pure Presidency Prediction Center (RPPPC)​
Here at the RPPPC, we collect various sources that predict a strong Mitt Romney victory over Barack Obama.
3rd Round, 2nd Round, 1st Round

Karl Rove:
~Romney wins with at least 279 EV and 51 percent of the popular vote.
~In another interview Rove said Romney would probably win Ohio but he could still win the election without it. He said he'll have a map up on monday before the election that details which states Romney wins, so stay tuned folks!

Rove's Record: Right hand man of Bush Jr, Fox pundit, Super PAC lover, predicted an Obama victory in 2008.

"This is the first time that Romney has hit 50 percent in the Gallup likely voter poll and the president has never hit 50 percent in the likely voter poll. And no candidate who has led in mid-October with 50 percent or more in the likely voter poll has ever gone on to lose." via Fox News

Michael Barone (pundit for the Washington Examiner):
~Romney wins with 315 EV.
~Romney will carry Indiana, North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Colorado, Iowa, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Barone's record: Seemed pretty kinda sure that Obama would be the president in 2008, although he also seemed pretty sure the democrats wouldn't get a filibuster-proof senate.


Willard stepped out of the shower and turned to the mirror. Two years of campaigning had taken its toll on his body and mind. The last three months alone had aged him more than the past three decades. But it was worth it. America needed a leader, a true leader, and no other wealthy white man was better suited than him.


Willard smiled.



Youre a horrible human being.
He is without power, correct? Perhaps he is at a heightened level of stress and is lashing out. That's not anything to be proud of, but maybe ordinarily he wouldn't say something so horrible as menial laborers in America are spoiled.


He is without power, correct? Perhaps he is at a heightened level of stress and is lashing out. That's not anything to be proud of, but maybe ordinarily he wouldn't say something so horrible as menial laborers in America are spoiled.

Lashing out at other people because you are inconvenienced and stressed is another sign of a horrible human being
Romney Pure Presidency Prediction Center (RPPPC)​
Here at the RPPPC, we collect various sources that predict a strong Mitt Romney victory over Barack Obama.
3rd Round, 2nd Round, 1st Round

Karl Rove:
~Romney wins with at least 279 EV and 51 percent of the popular vote.
~In another interview Rove said Romney would probably win Ohio but he could still win the election without it. He said he'll have a map up on monday before the election that details which states Romney wins, so stay tuned folks!

Rove's Record: Right hand man of Bush Jr, Fox pundit, Super PAC lover, predicted an Obama victory in 2008.

"This is the first time that Romney has hit 50 percent in the Gallup likely voter poll and the president has never hit 50 percent in the likely voter poll. And no candidate who has led in mid-October with 50 percent or more in the likely voter poll has ever gone on to lose." via Fox News

Michael Barone (pundit for the Washington Examiner):
~Romney wins with 315 EV.
~Romney will carry Indiana, North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Colorado, Iowa, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Barone's record: Seemed pretty sure that Obama would be the president in 2008, although he also seemed pretty sure the democrats wouldn't get a filibuster-proof senate.

hahaha what a joke. Barone was warning everyone to look out for a McCain surprise on election day. He believed voters might be lying to polls.


Won't stop picking the right nation
BertramCooper should write a screenplay, but I'm sure that it would just be rejected by libural Hollywood.


Totally sounds fair-minded and credible, I'm sold.
I posted pictures in the sandy thread. If you experience something like me, your viewpoint will change.

However my point stands: Us non-college educated workers are lazy and spoiled in general. That's exactly why we are losing jobs to China.
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