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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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You know what they say about black, and what you do and won't do once you went there.

I don't really know much of anything about the man, but after seeing his twitter feed during the hurricane I'd definitely be down with having a listen to what he says.
It'll be a mixture. Outside of Hillary, I don't see there being a democrat candidate who can galvanize multiple demographics (blacks, Hispanics, youth vote, white liberals) as effectively as Obama has; he's a political phenomenon in that regard. But I do believe the actual democrat engine of early voting, caucusing, and organizing can be passed on to another candidate as long as he or she is an exciting candidate; so the organization will be there, the question will become who is best able to exploit it. For instance I couldn't imagine John Kerry coming close to what Obama is doing on the grass roots.

It's also worth noting that Howard Dean basically built the framework for this in 2005 and 2006 with the DNC 50 state strategy. The party just needs candidates who realize the importance of the grass roots. Obama made a lot of friends with the DailyKos, MoveOn, unions, etc types. That's why I don't believe Andrew Cuomo can be an effective democrat candidate: he turns off all of those groups.


That guy really gets too little credit for that.


Interesting analysis by the Pollster who does the DMR poll


Rather than talking about the gender gap, we might want to start talking about the marriage gap. Almost two-thirds of the Iowa electorate (63 percent) is currently married. They give Romney a 10-point lead. Unmarried Iowa voters favor Barack Obama by almost 2-to-1.

In 1984, my doctoral dissertation examined the gender gap in presidential elections from 1960 to 1980. My theory had to do with women’s increasing workforce participation and exposure to political communication from sources outside the home.

If I were writing today, I’d look instead at the marriage gap. It begs interesting questions. Is it that women who work are more likely to vote Democratic, and single women are more likely than married women (especially married women with children under age 18) to not be in the labor force? Is it that single people feel less financially secure and so align with candidates who support more rather than fewer government services? Is it that families with children are more likely to attend religious services at least weekly (according to national polls) and so are influenced by their churches? Perhaps more conservative people are more inclined to marry than more liberal people?

Very interesting...


Romney Pure Presidency Prediction Center (RPPPC)​
Here at the RPPPC, we collect various sources that predict a strong Mitt Romney victory over Barack Obama.
Quickie 4th Round, 3rd Round, 2nd Round, 1st Round

Newt Gingrinch:
~Romney wins with over 300 EV and at least 53 percent of the popular vote.
~Among the states Romney will carry include Virginia, Florida, and Wisconsin.

Newt's Record: Has given fantastic, careful analysis of the election. A valued historian. Respected crusader of family values. Was just a nose hair away from being the presidential nominee.

"You’ll notice he’s canceling his trips over the hurricane. He did not cancel his trips over Benghazi." via ABC's This Week

I missed this important nugget of analysis so here's another update for my list of fantastic predictions.


I thought he interviewed well. His speech was county fairesque though.

Yeah, his interviews seem good. His speech was alright. I didn't think it was terrible, but yeah it didn't go over as well as he probably thought.

I wonder if his personality would be far better suited to a more subdued speech style more similar to Clinton.


Newt Gingrinch:
~Romney wins with over 300 EV and at least 53 percent of the popular vote.
~Among the states Romney will carry include Virginia, Florida, and Wisconsin.



The email, titled “What’s really at stake this Tuesday …” came from Gingrich Marketplace and went out to people who’d given their contact information to the Gingrich campaign when the former speaker of the House was still in the presidential race. Bygone candidates, such as Gingrich and Herman Cain, regularly rent out their email address lists to advertisers.

“The truth is, the next election has already been decided. Obama is going to win. It’s nearly impossible to beat an incumbent president,” advertiser Porter Stansberry wrote in the email to Gingrich supporters. “What’s actually at stake right now is whether or not he will have a third-term.”


So I did have a little secret fear that Romney's ad push in PA might actually yield some results. It seems clear that that's not the case now -- PA's certainly not moving, and in general these polls don't seem to be trending back towards Romney. One more day down.
So I did have a little secret fear that Romney's ad push in PA might actually yield some results. It seems clear that that's not the case now -- PA's certainly not moving, and in general these polls don't seem to be trending back towards Romney. One more day down.

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review poll will show just how wrong you are. we're doomed

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician

“The truth is, the next election has already been decided. Obama is going to win. It’s nearly impossible to beat an incumbent president,” advertiser Porter Stansberry wrote in the email to Gingrich supporters. “What’s actually at stake right now is whether or not he will have a third-term.”
They're...really not joking, are they? I mean, they clearly are, but the people they are sending this too actually think Obama might sieze power.
“What’s actually at stake right now is whether or not he will have a third-term.”

So when is Obama going to start executing his secret muslin communist agenda?
2nd or 3rd term?

Naw, he'll change the term restriction rule halfway through (2014 when ACA is enacted and the War in Afghanistan is ended).

The big surprise will be that he's doing it so he and Clinton can just take turns tagging and out as President forever ala Medvedev and Putin.



So I did have a little secret fear that Romney's ad push in PA might actually yield some results. It seems clear that that's not the case now -- PA's certainly not moving, and in general these polls don't seem to be trending back towards Romney. One more day down.
One more day down, indeed. Weekends are for watching football, so I breathed a big sigh of relief when Friday went by without incident.
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