Hm, something's funky with his Montana prediction. He's got the polling average as only +2 Romney but the listed polls show nothing like that, and there hasn't been one since mid-October.
I oppose abortion after the fetus has brain function. A lot of my liberal friends disagree with me, so I just don't bring it up. Often it seems that if you aren't completely on board with any abortion, any time, you're a patriarchal misogynist who just wants to control women's bodies. At least in a blue state like California. It does get frustrating.
Also this. I had a conversation with my religio-conservative parents recently where I brought up the study showing that free contraception dramatically lowered abortion rates. I basically told them that if they really want to stop abortions because they think abortion = murder, that they have to support increasing access to birth control. That they can have fewer abortions or fewer people on birth control, but not both. I think I almost got my mom on board with that.
Guess I just want to protect more life than you libs out there...
/deliberately smug asshole post.
But seriously, I do
Once again, so as to not confuse anyone:
I am all for universal healthcare, free and easy birth control (obviously I am against pre-marital sex due to being Mormon, but understand that exactly 99% of the country feels differently), and exceptions for rape/incest/life of mother. I would make adoptions a benefit to anyone willing to do so for newborns/infants and have mothers who choose to do the honorable and sensible thing and deliver the baby be taken care of with any counseling necessary, paid time away from employment due to the pregnancy and delivery/recovery and the guarantee of job protection.
But, as part of my quest for personal responsibility and the protection of all life, I would fully support a ban on abortions in all other instances.
Brain function is nice, I could amend my position for brain function,
Interesting that Montana is leaning less towards Romney than NC is on 538. The update went from like 98% Romney to 78%. What the hell happened there?
.Nate Silver ‏@fivethirtyeight
Sorry, we entered a Montana poll with the candidates' names reversed. Re-running forecast.
I am all for universal healthcare, free and easy birth control (obviously I am against pre-marital sex due to being Mormon, but understand that exactly 99% of the country feels differently), and exceptions for rape/incest/life of mother. I would make adoptions a benefit to anyone willing to do so for newborns/infants and have mothers who choose to do the honorable and sensible thing and deliver the baby be taken care of with any counseling necessary, paid time away from employment due to the pregnancy and delivery/recovery and the guarantee of job protection.
But, as part of my quest for personal responsibility and the protection of all life, I would fully support a ban on abortions in all other instances.
Not sure if serious.
Well I have to say you're one of the few people on this issue I legitimately respect even if I completely disagree on the ban. If we could enact all of those policies I wouldn't be vehemently oppposed to a ban even if I wouldn't vote for it. The biggest problem is that if Romney took an anti abortion stand and was for real about passing legislation you would be voting in the ban without any account for people's well being since universal healthcare and all those other things would not be passed.
I don't get anti-abortion advocates who support it in the case or rape, incest, or the life of the mother. Either it's a life and it shouldn't be killed, or it's not. Can't have it both ways.
Well I have to say you're one of the few people on this issue I legitimately respect even if I completely disagree on the ban. If we could enact all of those policies I wouldn't be vehemently oppposed to a ban even if I wouldn't vote for it. The biggest problem is that if Romney took an anti abortion stand and was for real about passing legislation you would be voting in the ban without any account for people's well being since universal healthcare and all those other things would not be passed.
or the life of the mother. Either it's a life and it shouldn't be killed, or it's not. Can't have it both ways.
I don't get anti-abortion advocates who support it in the case or rape, incest, or the life of the mother. Either it's a life and it shouldn't be killed, or it's not. Can't have it both ways.
Well I have to say you're one of the few people on this issue I legitimately respect even if I completely disagree on the ban. If we could enact all of those policies I wouldn't be vehemently oppposed to a ban even if I wouldn't vote for it. The biggest problem is that if Romney took an anti abortion stand and was for real about passing legislation you would be voting in the ban without any account for people's well being since universal healthcare and all those other things would not be passed.
Because not everything is black and white in life.I don't get anti-abortion advocates who support it in the case or rape, incest, or the life of the mother. Either it's a life and it shouldn't be killed, or it's not. Can't have it both ways.
Obama could always win all 3 of Nebraska's electoral votes.Welp, there goes my 335-203 prediction.
Plucked from the OT thread, an extension of the previous rumor.
Iran suspends uranium enrichment in act of goodwill.
Plucked from the OT thread, an extension of the previous rumor.
Iran suspends uranium enrichment in act of goodwill.
Obama could always win all 3 of Nebraska's electoral votes.
You know, while losing the state at large.
Oct...November surprise?
Plucked from the OT thread, an extension of the previous rumor.
Iran suspends uranium enrichment in act of goodwill.
That'd be quite the Monday before the Tuesday election Rose Garden announcement. Akin to the Reagan/Hostages Inaugural moment.
The Islamic republic's economy has plummeted in the grip of punitive economic measures and Tehran indicated earlier this month that it would be willing to negotiate. However, the offer to suspend enrichment required so many concessions that it was dismissed by the United States.
Plucked from the OT thread, an extension of the previous rumor.
Iran suspends uranium enrichment in act of goodwill.
My final prediction:
So you're predicting a Romney win that will put our country back 160 years?
Plucked from the OT thread, an extension of the previous rumor.
Iran suspends uranium enrichment in act of goodwill.
Al Arabiya Link, story went live at 12:30 in Saudi Arabia, So this will be the morning news in both countries.
Only 254 EVs for Obama? Constitutional crisis incomingMy final prediction:
This deserves its own thread. Even ignoring the elections entirely this is serious good news. I would like to imagine it would matter to the election but probably the biggest effect is ensuring there won't be a big negative foreign policy story.
Religious grounds is the only way I can understand such positions. I still don't agree with them when one believes in god or not. For the religious, well, god is the #1 abortionist and there is no hard & clear rule in the Bible against abortion. For the non religious, well, a fetus is just not a sentient human that has gained rights yet.Anti-abortion except for life of the mother. Yes, religious grounds. I believe it is murder.
That said, like AlteredBeast, I am also anti-death penalty and pro-universal healthcare.
Oddly, I despise children and would kindly wish that everyone would stop procreating. The next politician to come along and propose a kid free America is the politician with some change I can believe in.
There is no scriptural support for being pro-life or pro-choice, so you essentially just admit you're going to believe whatever your pope or pastor tells you to believe.
Any chance this Iran thing is big news the next 2 days? This can only be positive news for Obama. And not in a slight way.
Plucked from the OT thread, an extension of the previous rumor.
Iran suspends uranium enrichment in act of goodwill.
Al Arabiya Link, story went live at 12:30 in Saudi Arabia, So this will be the morning news in both countries.
Any chance this Iran thing is big news the next 2 days? This can only be positive news for Obama. And not in a slight way.
I also really hate chimpanzee research getting back to ethical topics. I think a creatures that have the capacity to understand who they are and become that sentient shouldn't be forced to basically be slaves. I understand how valuable the info they give us, but we could also be doing research on 2 year olds but no one would dare suggest that.
Plucked from the OT thread, an extension of the previous rumor.
Iran suspends uranium enrichment in act of goodwill.
Muslim country wants to help get a Muslim President re-elected.HANNITY: "Do you wonder why the Iranians want to make a deal now, at this point? The Iranians know that a Romney Administration will crack down on them so they would rather keep status quo in the White House so they can keep going with their nuke plans after the election."
Fuck that.
If Romney supported chimpanzee extermination, he'd get my vote.