The Librarian

Cramer must have just bought up a fuckton of hopium stock.Did anyone see Washington Post's piece where they question 16 pundits and strategists and get them to predict the outcome of the race?
Only 2 said Romney would win - the Republican strategist (former bush adviser) and a horse-race columnist (per Politico).
But what I found hilarious was Jim Cramer's fucking prediction:
Electoral votes:
Romney - 98, Obama - 440
This put the image of an ass that snaps shut like a bear trap, tearing off the hand that touches it. Kinda fitting in context, though.
Their turnout is incredibly low, fuck 'm! lol @ Wii, that's funny.Congratulations to Dota2 players are in order I guess.
Why does Halo 4 have to come out on election day? I'm blaming Microsoft if Obama loses.
That shows you how bad the Browns suck.
So Romney's speech today was REALLY negative. It was scary almost. Really just one lie after another. A culmination of all the campaign's lies in one speech.
cartoon_soldier said:Reuters Polls
O48-R47 National
O48-R44 OH
CO: 48% each
FL: 46% each
VA: 47-46 O
Why does Halo 4 have to come out on election day? I'm blaming Microsoft if Obama loses.
47% comment is closer to the truth, then the lie Obama has spun on Benghazi not being a terrorist attack for a month, then claiming he said it on the second day. Not to mention having the White House say it was related to a YouTube video and paying tax dollars to air a video over seas apologizing for someone in our country making a video that is nothing more than free speech. Not to mention his message to the Russians on giving them missile dominance after his election. His repetitive speeches on wealth redistribution. His government spending is ridiculous. His leniency with Iran. His lavish spending on projects like solar and wind that have had little to none results. The Chevy volt catches fire. His horrible excuse for healthcare reform. Claiming "it's not a tax!" And low and behold it gets passed only because its a tax. Remember his speech that made him famous? Something about the democrats and republicans must all work together. Then he constantly blames conservatives and pushed the obamacare trough anyway. Forcing religious institutions to pay into healthcare that goes against their own beliefs. Jobs are down for people right out of college. Most of the people I know looked for well over a year for jobs after they graduated, some now work at sales jobs instead of in there career fields making minimum wages. Economy hasn't bounced back any really at all. In fact cost of daily living items has gone up. Food for one is more expensive now than it was four years ago. He killed the NASA program funding and ended the future plan to have more moon missions. He shut down Yucca mountain which many nuclear plants paid millions to build, and now the government has to pay the money back from tax payer money because the government mandated plants to pay for its construction. Operation fast and furious disaster. He literally gave Chrysler to Fiat. Obama has been quoted to have said there are 57 states in the USA. Huh? Can't get dems in the senate to agree with anyone to even pass a budget. (This was a big deal when I worked for the government. We thought we could/would all loose our jobs if the government shut down. It's been 3 years and there still is no budget). Having personally seen how the federal government spends tax dollars I can tell you private companies do a hell of a lot better. And then he blames bush and conservatives for handing him a "credit card" bill. Well, compare bushes bill to Obamas. Not even on the same page. And there is many many more. Cash for clunkers waste of money. People should buy more fuel efficient small cars. Doesn't that take away freedom of choice? If I want a beast that takes 3 mpg who is the government to take away my choices. It's my money that pays for it, not there's.
Romney may not be the greatest choice in the world. But his track record isn't nowhere near as long as Obama who has had the presidency for 4 years and has accomplished the opposite of what everyone thought would be done by now.
@ppppolls: Pew 50-47 Obama lead matches our national tracking from Thursday to Saturday nights
@ppppolls: Pew 50-47 Obama lead matches our national tracking from Thursday to Saturday nights
@ppppolls: Pew 50-47 Obama lead matches our national tracking from Thursday to Saturday nights
@ppppolls: Pew 50-47 Obama lead matches our national tracking from Thursday to Saturday nights
Alert Alert all polling converging on reality Alert Alert
Obama focused on turnout, Romney on Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania is like a great snare, always wagging its ass just enough to lure in unsuspecting Republicans before springing its trap. So sad, so sad.
Polls close at 7:30 on Tuesday... My mind just cannot fathom the logic and mental gymnastics that were performed to come up with the American election system. I'm sorry for complaining yet again, but all I'm seeing is a country that is trying to make voting, a basic right and one of the most important ones at that, as difficult as possible.Columbus OH EV Line
Love that comparison! lol It's like electoral jailbait. Totally agree.
Hurricane Sandy tilts election to Obama
Is Christie to blame?
Love that comparison! lol It's like electoral jailbait. Totally agree.
Does anyone know if Gallup will be putting out any new numbers before the election?
Polls close at 7:30 on Tuesday... My mind just cannot fathom the logic and mental gymnastics that were performed to come up with the American election system. I'm sorry for complaining yet again, but all I'm seeing is a country that is trying to make voting, a basic right and one of the most important ones at that, as difficult as possible.
Sometime tomorrow. Thurs - Sun sampling.
I have been watching some of these Clinton & Obama rallies they are doing together now. Incredible stuff. Clinton outlines the facts and explains why Romney's polices are terrible and Obama comes on to get everyone pumped and excited. It's an amazing combination to watch at once like that. Clinton explains why they need to vote for Obama and Obama gets everyone excited to go out and vote.
Welcome to the great theocratic plutocracy of the US. Or at least, what Republicans would like to be a theocratic plutocracy. Suppress the poor, let the rich religious white men run the country.Polls close at 7:30 on Tuesday... My mind just cannot fathom the logic and mental gymnastics that were performed to come up with the American election system. I'm sorry for complaining yet again, but all I'm seeing is a country that is trying to make voting, a basic right and one of the most important ones at that, as difficult as possible.
Cramer must have just bought up a fuckton of hopium stock.
Quinnipiac poll that broke it down showed O up by 19 points in South Florida. Please don't cast us off with the rest of them. D':
I miss gallup
But undecideds always break late for the challenger!
I have been watching some of these Clinton & Obama rallies they are doing together now. Incredible stuff. Clinton outlines the facts and explains why Romney's polices are terrible and Obama comes on to get everyone pumped and excited. It's an amazing combination to watch at once like that. Clinton explains why they need to vote for Obama and Obama gets everyone excited to go out and vote.
Clinton is one of those rare guys to whom the statement "If you have to explain, you're losing" doesn't apply. He can win by explaining all day.
why is intrade only at 65%
Romney's family and friends tipping the scales?why is intrade only at 65%
why is intrade only at 65%
Hope you enjoy 4 more years of "change' america
Obama is lucky Sanday came into his life
The block hammer claims 3 more. Perhaps I'll care what you have to say a few months from now when you're not spouting political nonsense all over my news feed. Buh bye.
If I were any good with image editing programs I'd edit it and make him only cut out the top of the state. I also think a GIF of him just cutting most of the south loose would be cool too, again out of my skill set unfortunately.Quinnipiac poll that broke it down showed O up by 19 points in South Florida. Please don't cast us off with the rest of them. D':