why is intrade only at 65%
So, are there still going to be lines to vote in Florida long after all the polls across the country are supposed to be closed on Tuesday?
Its already started on my Facebook feed, some choice posts by my right leaning friends
So, are there still going to be lines to vote in Florida long after all the polls across the country are supposed to be closed on Tuesday?
Its already started on my Facebook feed, some choice posts by my right leaning friends
If I were any good with image editing programs I'd edit it and make him only cut out the top of the state.
I guarantee it. Especially in the areas Obama needs to dominate to win.
why is intrade only at 65%
And the supreme court is thinking about further destroying federal oversight of elections.I cannot believe you can vote early in Orange and Pinellas county today but not Broward.
This is neither a Democracy nor a Republic any longer... elections can literally be decided by the people who decide the methods by which voting is conducted. :-/
Would be interesting seeing a concession speech with people still in line to vote...
why is intrade only at 65%
ahahah. Someone make the Salty Tears OT please.
I support this suggestion! The glorious tears will sustain us all week
I cannot believe you can vote early in Orange and Pinellas county today but not Broward.
This is neither a Democracy nor a Republic any longer... elections can literally be decided by the people who decide the methods by which voting is conducted. :-/
Not sure, but I'm going to bet Romney's Californian voters are not a multicultural group of various faiths and beliefs.What's larger: the number of people in the credits for Assassin's Creed 3 or the number of votes Romney will get in California
The Romney Surge.
Pew is full of shit. The numbers haven't changed but they pressed the undecided likely voters. If the election wasn't next week, they would have said it was a tie lol
Columbus OH EV Line
That's right around the block from my house. The big building to the right is a Value City, and to the left is a shopping center with Gamestop and Payless Shoes. The EV center is an old KOHLS.
That line is ridiculous. I took my niece there Friday afternoon and it wasn't even close to being that long. I might drive by there and see what the political parties are passing out to the voters waiting in line.
So after showing Obama ahead of Romney by one point in Ohio yesterday, Reuters comes out with a poll today showing Obama ahead by four.
Fucking tracking polls.
Marginal but likely meaningful movement.
Significant that more and more of these are showing Obama at 50%. Sealing that deal.
Can you go and take more pics for us? we're hopium addicts you know.
Who owns these polling companies? I mean this is very suspicious...or is there an explanation for this?
It's especially stark in huge, highly populous states like this. The fact that the voting method can vary region-by-region (butterfly ballots...) is bad enough, but the actual days and times you can vote? Counties leaning one way being granted more total early voting time? It's sickening; makes so much of the work we've been doing feel hollow. Like we're just hoping to stem the tide of corruption, not actually legitimately affect the outcome.That is really fucked up. There seriously needs to be standarized election laws. Just boggles my mind that it takes me 10 minutes to vote while it can take others 10 hours. The only explanation is that that 10 hours is a conscious decision to suppress voters since I have a hard time believing that my state is that much more competent than florida
I already had ice in my veins back when the national and state polls seemed to tell two different stories. Now that they're converging, I'm definitely ready to celebrate on Tuesday.
Marginal but likely meaningful movement.
Significant that more and more of these are showing Obama at 50%. Sealing that deal.
Florida has to go blue this year or these tactics will just become further legitimized in the eyes of Republicans. "Oh sure we lost the election, but look at how we managed to keep Florida. We need to expand these kind of operations for future elections". As long as the punishment for such actions is merely the possible threat of citizens not voting for certain state officials, and not any kind of federal/legal response, this kind of voter suppression will be given free reign.
obama's got a shit ton of lawyers down there. if he wins the presidency, this will be addressed.
does your friend support romney by any chanceCrossposting:
A highschool friend of mine is actively arguing that the measures done to curtail voting in Florida is totally cool because "people can just commute to their voting station" and "that's what election day is for anyways".
What the FUCK.
I'm fucking furious. I'd go and protest myself if I weren't on the other side of the country.
I'm actually getting kind of emotional about it. All the people I spoke to in Plantation and Sunrise yesterday who really wanted to vote but only had until 7:00PM... I don't know how to convey to them that they can't vote today, right now, but their Republican counterparts a couple hours north can.It's pathetic that the Republican Party has realized the only way to ensure Florida goes their way is to do everything they can to suppress voting in South Florida.
So after showing Obama ahead of Romney by one point in Ohio yesterday, Reuters comes out with a poll today showing Obama ahead by four.
Stupid tracking polls.
obama's got a shit ton of lawyers down there. if he wins the presidency, this will be addressed.
Can you go and take more pics for us? we're hopium addicts you know.
No it won't. The state is run by republicans. Barring courts stepping in, things will be the same in red states in 2016.
Yeah, after I finish eating, I'll head over there. Gotta take some books back to the library anyway....
What Rick Scott is doing down in FL is just unconstitutional.