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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Seems like Iowa is Obama's to lose, given the EV lead. Same with Nevada being locked up. Ohio remains the big question mark, and it's clear Romney will win Florida

ohio is more locked up than iowa at this point. obama has a better chance of winning ohio than romney does of winning north carolina
for pete's sake


Election is still within the margin of fraud. GOP poll workers are ready and willing to commit up to 5% fraud on Obama ballots.
So people in my area are throwing a fit because the democratic party is handing out sample ballots to indicate how to fill it out for democratic candidates as a lot of the offices don't have D or R next to them. So now everyone is throwing a hissy fit.

The are campaigning?!?! That's cheating!
Hey guys, remember Paul Ryan?

Was that this guy?



I thought this was hilarious, and extremely sad at the same time.

If Romney loses, will SC GOP say ‘I told you so?’

A loss by GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney could be a wake-up call for the national Republican Party, giving ultra-conservative states like South Carolina a chance to say, “We told you so! You should have picked a more conservative nominee!”

A loss by Romney, panned by many S.C. Republicans as too moderate, could be a clue to the national Republican Party that it has moved too far to the center, predict some S.C. politicos.

It could send a signal to the national party that conservatives want to banish the GOP moderates, purify the party and step in line with its more conservative leaders, like U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint[ed], R-Greenville.

Oh lawd.


The final USA Today/Gallup Poll of swing states finds voters "have become as enthusiastic and engaged in the 2012 presidential election as they were in the historic contest four years ago."

President Obama and Mitt Romney are tied in these battleground states, 48% to 48%. However, the results indicate a surge for Obama as he's closed a four-point deficit from early October

Crappy way to poll, but shows movement towards Obama.

Also, for the PPP polls, good at Obama is at 50%, don't like that its so close still.


So my mom said Crist was at the Obama rally in Hollywood and Obama thanked him personally.

Seems likely Obama will throw his support behind him to upend Scott.

id have to look up his record, but the stuff i recall crist doing was mostly okay by me, and he won me back over bashing rick for his voter suppression efforts (crist actually worked to bring down the felon list, etc)

whoever RAWSE endorses

at least we know where ya girl nicki stands

It's complicated



scott aint listening, but please believe he will be next year when it's too late

So people in my area are throwing a fit because the democratic party is handing out sample ballots to indicate how to fill it out for democratic candidates as a lot of the offices don't have D or R next to them. So now everyone is throwing a hissy fit.

Wrong thing to do - ask why no one from the Republican party is out there doing the same. Or just. You know. Fill in the opposite bubble on your ballot.

Or not pick one up.

again my district in miami was flooded with GOP voting lists going around, the amendments co-signing "YES ON THIS ONE, NO ON THESE" was equally shameless. i'm not as upset by that as i am the 8 pages of legalese though, bad enough we toss votes at judges we don't know a thing about but there's important measures here and they're obfuscated by double (sometimes triple!) negatives, to the point that even when you grasp what the proposal's about, you cant clearly tell what a yes or no vote will do for it at times.


I thought this was hilarious, and extremely sad at the same time.

If Romney loses, will SC GOP say ‘I told you so?’

Oh lawd.

ahahaha it never fails
"should we, you know, maybe back off some of this archaic socially conservative shit, maybe consider walking back our immigration stance before more states flip blue? we could actually get serious about being fiscally conservative, maybe talk about corporate subsidies and a bloated military and
NOPE let's go further down the rabbit hole, there's gotta be a ton of voters we just missed somehow and you know those #'s will only extrapolate as these baby boomers die off"
I got my hopes up when holder called voter ID laws poll taxes. But they have to follow through. Take it to the courts.

Unfortunately, Republicans have spent the last thirty years packing the federal courts (even Clinton's appointments were often on the conservative side). So "taking it" to the courts is often like "taking it" to Republicans, i.e., Dixiecrats.


Yes...I want to see their OH polls

I wouldn't object to this. I like seeing poll after poll showing Obama consistently but narrowly ahead. It's been a constant source of comfort. It's been the freezing mechanism that keeps the ice in my veins solid this entire time, including after that first debate.
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