I'm probably gonna go vote sometime in the late morning on election day. Hopefully there won't be anyone there since in 2010 it was a ghost town. Otherwise I'm gonna take a punt since my state is noncompetitive.
Its nothing to talk about.Obvious from twitter, media will talk about PA all day tomorrow
Did you see her right before the NH primary? I've never seen a politician care that much
What a total fucking waste of time. PA is Lucy football for the GOP presidential candidates. Forever being pulled away when they try for the kick.Obvious from twitter, media will talk about PA all day tomorrow
I still don't understand how one can win the popular vote...but lose the Electoral vote..?
I still don't understand how one can win the popular vote...but lose the Electoral vote..?
I didnt say they arent.Are you kidding me?
His whole campaign are pathological lairs.
I'll just leave this sans comment.
Haha.I love the American Crossroads ad with the pretty white lady standing in her amazing looking kitchen watching videos on her iPad and criticizing Obama for having failed her.
What if only one person voted per state?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wC42HgLA4k
You can get 270 electoral votes with only 21.91% of the popular vote.
I'll just leave this sans comment.
I'll just leave this sans comment.
Yes, please vote. But the popular vote is inconsequential as long as Obama wins the Electoral College. Achieving his agenda will be difficult regardless of the popular vote. Republicans are not going to be less refractory because Obama bests Romney by at least 1 vote.No such thing as taking a punt. Popular vote matters. If Obama wins EV but loses popular votes it will be a mess to get anything on his agenda done.
Do your civic duty.
I've seen worse gambits.http://talkingpointsmemo.com/assets_c/2012/11/mcmahon-obama-door-asset-cropped-proto-custom_28.jpg
I'll just leave this sans comment.
I'll just leave this sans comment.
That's some desperation right there. Wow.
I'll just leave this sans comment.
I'll just leave this sans comment.
Finally, bipartisanship.
I'll just leave this sans comment.
I'll just leave this sans comment.
I love that gif so much.
The quotes from the article make it sound like some kind of deception, like they're hoping to get Obama supporters to support her, or even just get her name mixed up with the Democratic candidate
Thump bump. The sound of Mitt being thrown under the bus.
I'll just leave this sans comment.
If you find yourself saying anything like "there's no reason to extend early voting" or "you can't take five minutes off work one day a year?" or "that's what election day is for," I need you to take a few minutes and think about the kind of person that you are.
i love how he always starts all his videos red cheeked and giggling as if right before he turned on the camera he says out loud "ha ha wait until you see what I'm going to tell these gullible fools next, I can't believe they're buying this shit!"
I really like this picture from the New York Times. I think its the black coats that do it.
here's my current status on facebook. basically waiting with a gatling gun at a chokepoint:
Last batch of shots;
Another shot of the Sesame street folks. Again, thankful that they were there to ease the tension caused by those abortion signs. Nice group of people, and they did a lot of fun stuff with the kids in the crowd.
Holy shit. How is this such a clusterfuck? I mean, I get how. But what's the excuse?
This Florida stuff is insane. What the hell's wrong with the Governor? Why doesn't he extend early voting?