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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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I'll just leave this sans comment.

holy shit. :lol



here's my current status on facebook. basically waiting with a gatling gun at a chokepoint:

I like this. And I like you. Had a similar baiting topic about racism the other day. I started off playing the "Go Romney" card but I snapped. Get em'!


It's not a clusterfuck. It is going exactly as planned.

You just have to hope these people are determined and will not go away until they vote.

hi its rick scott

No, I get that this is exactly how it's planned. But what's the excuse for the length of time to wait?
After arguing with a friend about why he shouldn't vote yes on the MN marriage amendment for like an hour (he of course had no valid reason, I only stopped because he obviously wasn't going to change his mind), this was nice to read:

poll from Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling released late Saturday shows 52 percent of likely Minnesota voters oppose a proposed constitutional amendment to recognize marriage between a man and woman as the only valid union in the state. Forty-five percent support the amendment. PPP's previous Minnesota survey conducted in early-October showed a decidedly tighter race.

In Maine, a survey from in-state pollster Critical Insights released Sunday shows 55 percent of likely voters support a referendum to provide legal recognition to same-sex marriage. Opposition to the measure has jumped 7 points to 42 percent since the previous Critical Insights poll in June, while support has remained largely static.


MOE of 2.9 on the MN poll, 4 on the Maine one. Of course the problem being that the MN bill is just there to get shot down, not really for furthering gay marriage.



the jokes write themselves.

i know a lot has been said about Romney being a robot or whatever, but I mean this genuinely... could you EVER imagine anyone on the Romney/Ryan ticket being as genuinely compassionate as Joe Biden is with people? The instant, drop-of-the-hat reaching out to whomever, wherever as long as that person has some good heart? This guy clearly believes that the policies he supports will make these peoples lives better, and it's clear he is enjoying every second of being part of this history with Obama. This little guy riding a train back to Delaware, who enjoys engaging in active conversations with its passengers, is such an affecting individual you can't help but smile.

Honestly, I feel he's even more genuine than Obama is in many ways.


After arguing with a friend about why he shouldn't vote yes on the MN marriage amendment for like an hour (he of course had no valid reason, I only stopped because he obviously wasn't going to change his mind), this was nice to read:


MOE of 2.9 on the MN poll, 4 on the Maine one. Of course the problem being that the MN bill is just there to get shot down, not really for furthering gay marriage.

What was his reasoning? I love/hate this shit?
This voter suppression shit is fucking trash.

Fuckers know if everything was equal they would get blown the fuck out so what do they do?


Would love for FL to go blue as a huge FUCK YOU to these clowns.
Honestly, I feel he's even more genuine than Obama is in many ways.

i supported biden in the 2008 primary until it became obama v. hillary and i got injected with hopium. i was thrilled when he was selected as VP.

i really hope he runs in 2016. he would be an amazing president, i don't care that he's old.


No Scrubs
the jokes write themselves.

i know a lot has been said about Romney being a robot or whatever, but I mean this genuinely... could you EVER imagine anyone on the Romney/Ryan ticket being as genuinely compassionate as Joe Biden is with people? The instant, drop-of-the-hat reaching out to whomever, wherever as long as that person has some good heart? This guy clearly believes that the policies he supports will make these peoples lives better, and it's clear he is enjoying every second of being part of this history with Obama. This little guy riding a train back to Delaware, who enjoys engaging in active conversations with its passengers, is such an affecting individual you can't help but smile.

Honestly, I feel he's even more genuine than Obama is in many ways.

He's just a classy dude. God he'd make a great president.


I'm going to be sick. Come on Obama. This Florida shit is making me nauseous.

EDIT: As I post this the Ohio poll is posted. Hopium in my veins is the only thing keeping me going.
Its time like this I had a girl nearby.

Some celebratory sex is in order. Only thing that could top that would be the house swinging so hard it lands in the river.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Holy shit. How is this such a clusterfuck? I mean, I get how. But what's the excuse?
This Florida stuff is insane. What the hell's wrong with the Governor? Why doesn't he extend early voting?
I don't know. I don't know. I am normally a pretty cynical and sarcastic dude but on this day I am just borderline breaking down at the miscarriage of democracy taking place and the resultant attitude from the people said abortion is benefiting.
I like this. And I like you. Had a similar baiting topic about racism the other day. I started off playing the "Go Romney" card but I snapped. Get em'!
A month ago I wanted a win. Right now Rick Scott has me wanting blood.
What was his reasoning? I love/hate this shit?
It didn't make any sense. His parents are both pretty conservative I think so that's probably why. He couldn't really counter any of my points.

But if I had to type it out it would be something like


or some shit

I don't know. I just asked him if he'd like to be on the right side of history or not. He disagreed with me when I compared it to other civil rights movements. So pretty much I think he's just taking his parents' position by default.


It didn't make any sense. His parents are both pretty conservative I think so that's probably why. He couldn't really counter any of my points.

But if I had to type it out it would be something like


or some shit

I don't know. I just asked him if he'd like to be on the right side of history or not. He disagreed with me when I compared it to other civil rights movements. So pretty much I think he's just taking his parents' position by default.

Does he have any gay friends?

Before you vote on a marriage amendment like this, you should have to go in front of all your gay friends and tell them how you're voting. But then ASSURE THEM YOU'RE NOT ANTI-GAY!


The Cryptarch's Bane
I'm going to be sick. Come on Obama. This Florida shit is making me nauseous.
This is literally true for me. It has stunned me to my core today how overt and impactful the suppression could ultimately be, and I'm pretty skeptical under most circumstances.

If we eke out a win, if we somehow, gloriously, pull off a win in this state, it will mean a lot more than 29 electoral votes in Obama's favor.

EDIT: As I post this the Ohio poll is posted. Hopium in my veins is the only thing keeping me going.


Obama still has a 78% chance in Virginia, according to Mr Nate. I like those odds. OHVA is more likely for Barry than Mittens.

We'll see.
the jokes write themselves.

i know a lot has been said about Romney being a robot or whatever, but I mean this genuinely... could you EVER imagine anyone on the Romney/Ryan ticket being as genuinely compassionate as Joe Biden is with people? The instant, drop-of-the-hat reaching out to whomever, wherever as long as that person has some good heart? This guy clearly believes that the policies he supports will make these peoples lives better, and it's clear he is enjoying every second of being part of this history with Obama. This little guy riding a train back to Delaware, who enjoys engaging in active conversations with its passengers, is such an affecting individual you can't help but smile.

Honestly, I feel he's even more genuine than Obama is in many ways.

I wasn't that thrilled when Obama picked Joe in 2008 but I couldn't be happier now. Obama knows how to pick great people (save for Geithner, not a big fan)


Junior Member
It's going to be interesting to see the media spin those Ohio numbers.

And they are going to spin them. They're going to spin the shit out of them.
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