Goddamn multiple threads.
Is there an election thread already?
Goddamn multiple threads.
Took me a while to find this from Oct. 20:
(The graph with the 3 point house effect was from mid June.)
.And yet GAF reviles Ras lol
That 538 image has me worried that everyone is purposefully over sampling Dems. I mean WE are all excited but I don't know if that translates well enough to the general public to constitute all the pollsters using 2008 turnout models
It concerns me that we're placing so much emphasis on these so-called "polls."That 538 image has me worried that everyone is purposefully over sampling Dems. I mean WE are all excited but I don't know if that translates well enough to the general public to constitute all the pollsters using 2008 turnout models
Okay, I'm back to Diablos-mode:
It concerns me that we're placing so much emphasis on these so-called "polls."
That 538 image has me worried that everyone is purposefully over sampling Dems. I mean WE are all excited but I don't know if that translates well enough to the general public to constitute all the pollsters using 2008 turnout models
"My real name is Barack Hussein Obama, and I am honored to become the next president of the United States. This has always been my name and I am certain you'll find my previous positions on my name very consistent"It'll be interesting to hear the possible concession speech from Romney.
It really just shows how few paths Romney has.
Okay, I'm back to Diablos-mode:
Honestly, I imagine Romney's concession would focus on a damage control spin like "This is just the beginning. We've shown what's best for America, and we've seen the response". However weak and absurd that may look. Rombot is a mouthpiece for the mission. I agree that the result of an Obama win will just drive the right to Right Harder. Their problem is that their base is predicated on fear and paranoia, they've married themselves too much to social and ideological themes.
If/when Obama wins, I suspect it'll take another GOP loss in 2016 for the party to truly begin to break up and leave the culture war crazies, and the ignorant extremist paranoiacs and conspiracy theorist behind. The thing is, we don't know what economic and global conditions will be then; I'd guess a reforming GOP would look for whatever economic issues it can build a solid foundation on at the time.
If the GOP stays locked out until 2024, I'm not sure it'll even exist at that point. Too many of the old people will be dead.
I gave-up. They know I'll be useless, so I don't work for the next few days. Haha..Come on PPP, one more poll and I swear I'll get back to work!
I second the notion that Romney's concession will be gracious. He'll congratulate the president, thank everyone for their hard work and support, and while he doesn't agree with the choice, the American people have spoken, blah blah blah...
He doesn't need electoral votes. He just needs to suppress votes in OH and FL like his minions are currently doing.
Kind of scary. We'll see what the 11th hour brings!
"The American people have spoken. I urge my fellow Republicans in Congress to work with the President in enacting a liberal agenda that brings us back to the prosperity we enjoyed under the Clinton administration."
"Nah, I'm yanking ya. Be as big of dicks as you can be."
The other night, Maddow showed this clip, then showed the map. Every state Mitt said McCain would win went to Obama. And he listed a lot of states.
He's going to flip-flop in the middle of the speech and declare himself the winner.
Rove's PAC ad is the only political ad I have seen during Sunday Night Football.
Rove's PAC ad is the only political ad I have seen during Sunday Night Football.
The other night, Maddow showed this clip, then showed the map. Every state Mitt said McCain would win went to Obama. And he listed a lot of states.
PPP National
50 O
48 R
NC up next for PPP.
That is just political posturing. You can't say, "no way in heckity heck McCain picks up those states"
O-47, R-49 I'm expecting from them.
And I still think Obama's winning this state.
I'm thinking a tie.
Hey who was the vice presidential nominee in 2012 again?
Come on guys, has there ever actually been a non-gracious concession speech for the Presidential Election?
So we agree.
Hey who was the vice presidential nominee in 2012 again?
I wrote up a post on why I endorse Barack Obama for a second term.
Read it; I think I did pretty well with this. It might even be better than a few endorsements that people got paid to write.