Weren't cat owners shown to be more right leaning, while dog owners were the more lefty among us?
There's no way that's true. That would absolutely blow my mind if true. I feel like lefty cat people is a stereotype that my dad's always played up (he hates cats).
Just got back from the Clinton stop in Minnesota. Bill, Al Franken, and Jim Graves were all there. Bill was on fire tonight. Fantastic speech.
On a sombre note, Politico has a Dem leak about the feeling that they won't win very many new seats:
Little disappointing, and will probably make Sam Wang look bad on this one issue. Hopefully not any others!
what's going on with long lines in Florida early voting is disgusting and depressing.
And for revenge. Screw those guys.
Weren't cat owners shown to be more right leaning, while dog owners were the more lefty among us?
Could this be the blunder that does the Obama campaign in? Encouraging right-wing internet denizens to vote?!?!
You got it backwards. I couldn't find the original but this guy cites the poll in his article.
Democrats acknowledge that if they want to regain the majority, they’re going to have to find a way to play in more conservative districts — a blueprint that then-DCCC Chairman Rahm Emanuel embraced with success during his successful 2006 push to claim the Democratic majority.
“You have to recruit and compete nationally because you can’t just win in the safest seats in the country,” Beattie said. “You need to compete in seats that are on the other side of the playing field.”
Retaking the House simply must become a higher priority. It's too late to change anything for 2012 as far as House strategy goes, but the next two years needs to be dedicated to figuring out solutions to this problem and following through. Two things:
1. As much as possible the amazing GOTV organization that the Dems have now needs to be active for 2014 and directed toward the House. There might be fewer people who come forward to volunteer, but the potential rewards are far greater than in a Presidential election. People are already interested in a Presidential election, a push when they're apathetic about a midterm could mean much more.
2. I think that people need to be educated about what the hell the House's role in our democracy is. I don't think people realize the importance of Congress. An easy way to illustrate the importance of controlling the House can be made by comparing "Obama's" accomplishments in 2009-2010 and 2011-12. Perhaps this would have been more effective this year, but Obama didn't run against a do-nothing Congress.
This is a real Obama ad:
Where the hell did the campaign pick up with this false notion of Jeep going to China? and who told them it was a good idea to run with it?
I could have run the Romney campaign better. That is a fact.
your wish is my command B-Dubs
Your dad has proven to be a poor source of truth on almost any topic. I am sorry to say.
Yeah, I do remember that article, but makes sense I got it backwards. Dogs = south. Cats = apartment dwelling libs.
I, myself am a cat person. Of course, I am a secret anti-abortion lib, so maybe there is some truth to it.
I think this seems fitting.
Just got back from the Clinton stop in Minnesota. Bill, Al Franken, and Jim Graves were all there. Bill was on fire tonight. Fantastic speech.
Cats = Democrats because they are lazy assholes who live off their owners teet
Dogs = Republicans because they are active and hard working animals
I think the technique is to 'suggest lies'. Romney outright lied at a campaign speech saying they were moving all Jeep production to China. But the TV ad is just saying that the are going to start building Jeeps in China . . . which is true but only for the Chinese market and they will continue building all Jeeps for the domestic market here. So ad doesn't directly lie . . . but it suggests a lie that people will create in their own brain (Jeep is moving all manufacturing to China).Where the hell did the campaign pick up with this false notion of Jeep going to China? and who told them it was a good idea to run with it?
I could have run the Romney campaign better. That is a fact.
I think the technique is to 'suggest lies'. Romney outright lied at a campaign speech saying they were moving all Jeep production to China. But the TV ad is just saying that the are going to start building Jeeps in China . . . which is true but only for the Chinese market and they will continue building all Jeeps for the domestic market here. So ad doesn't directly lie . . . but it suggests a lie that people will create in their own brain (Jeep is moving all manufacturing to China).
Sort like Saddam 9/11 Saddam 9/11 Saddam Saddam 9/11 Saddam 9/11 until half the the country believed Saddam was behind 9/11. Just 'suggest lies' and the hardcore base will put the lie together in their own mind. This leaves you plausible deniability.
Ahh, understood. So, just politics, then. I was wondering how they could be so bravado. But the China built for Chinese market is still I guess somewhat scandalous in today's hyper-partisan world.
I think this seems fitting.
The company doing so well that it can actually expand into new markets shouldn't really be scandalous.
Early voting here (FL) sucked ASS!
Love this. Can someone post the 2008 one
As PoliGAF's official Minnesota Representative, I can confirm to the thread that Minnesota is indeed going red. I've polled about 15 people in and around my area (randomly) and the results are stunning.
60% Obama
30% Romney
7% Ron Paul
3% undecided
+/- 15.3 MOE
I was just having an argument with my dad over abortion. I was telling him that Under Obama there will be less abortions as studies show and he acknowledges this, but then goes on to say that contraception has caused so much moral decay in our country and that regardless of this study abortion should still become illegal even in the case of rape and incest. After that I'm all like @_@ and I don't think I can really get through to him
As PoliGAF's official Minnesota Representative, I can confirm to the thread that Minnesota is indeed going red. I've polled about 15 people in and around my area (randomly) and the results are stunning.
60% Obama
30% Romney
7% Ron Paul
3% undecided
+/- 15.3 MOE
Ahh, understood. So, just politics, then. I was wondering how they could be so bravado. But the China built for Chinese market is still I guess somewhat scandalous in today's hyper-partisan world.
Yes, but every sperm is sacred. If one is wasted, god becomes quite irate.
A year ago GM said they would start building cars there. China is now the largest car market in the world, they passed the US. And besides high-end niche cars, you are just not going to be able to build cars here and sell them there. So the US car companies are going to build factories there and sell cars there. It is pretty much the only way they can participate in that fast-growing market.
Btw hes not catholic, and hes not totally against contraception he just I dunno... he said something about contraception being developed to control the population of black people or something. Its really weird.
Remember to show up in 2014 to vote Rick Scott out then!
I was just having an argument with my dad over abortion. I was telling him that Under Obama there will be less abortions as studies show and he acknowledges this, but then goes on to say that contraception has caused so much moral decay in our country and that regardless of this study abortion should still become illegal even in the case of rape and incest. After that I'm all like @_@ and I don't think I can really get through to him
Btw hes not catholic, and hes not totally against contraception he just I dunno... he said something about contraception being developed to control the population of black people or something. Its really weird.
House Republicans are sending a stark message to the White House: If President Barack Obama pushes for tax increases during the lame-duck session, it would ruin his chances for a productive second term.
Republicans arent conceding that Obama will win Tuesday, but theyre warning that allowing tax rates on high-income Americans to increase at the end of the year as Obama and Hill Democrats have proposed will set a bad tone that would complicate major deal making in the 113th Congress.
Continue Reading
Poisoning the well right out of the gate makes no sense if the goal is a productive second term, said one senior House GOP leadership aide.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1112/83297.html#ixzz2BK4L1teU
Guys, I'm starting to think Congressional Republicans might be less than cooperative.
Guys, I'm starting to think Congressional Republicans might be less than cooperative.
Guys, I'm starting to think Congressional Republicans might be less than cooperative.