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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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The thing is the so called free market has never worked anywhere in the world, it only drives up the cost of everything and people are ultimately left penniless. How's that a free market?
Recessions and depressions are corrections to that order. Cost can't stay up if there is not enough demand. Look up the price of everything in early 2009 to disprove your claim. From stocks to gas to housing.
Joke character aside, the fact that America insists on hanging infrastructure off of poles is fucking embarassing. Especially on the East Coast. Bury it once and forget it, or deal with billions of dollars in related damage every time the wind picks up? Not to mention it looks fucking hideous.


Not to go all Yglesias here, but it's really not feasible unless we up the density of our communities. Most of the cities have it underground, it's all the suburbs/rural areas where it doesn't make sense to.

Even in NJ and CT where the population is fairly dense, it's a difficult and expensive proposition.


If Obama doesn't flinch on the Bush tax cuts, he can simply propose that Congress pass a "middle class tax cut" after the year begins that bring the cuts for <$250k earners back in.

My prediction is that both are not settled into the wee hours on New Years Eve and Congress passes something to kick it down the road a few months.


If you let bush tax cuts expire, we'll screw you over in debt negotiations. Hope obama is smart enough to not fall into the trap. Let them expire and make sequestration the bargaining chip.

Bingo. I never expected the GOP to willingly agree to tax increases, but Obama has the better hand with sequestration and the automatic tax increases. It would be unpopular, it could cause another debt downgrade from Moody's and S&P, but Obama can ultimately get what he wants even if the House Republicans want to play hardball.


Not to go all Yglesias here, but it's really not feasible unless we up the density of our communities. Most of the cities have it underground, it's all the suburbs/rural areas where it doesn't make sense to.

Even in NJ and CT where the population is fairly dense, it's a difficult and expensive proposition.
Gas lines are underground here along with water and sewer. It's not like we are in the middle of nowhere. Why not put the power lines there at the same time when they were putting the other lines in?


Whenever my wife and I brought up the topic of our daughter going to daycare, we were told by someone that we may want to look for alternatives because Obama is going to shut down all day cares.


Wsj says this is one of the closest elections in history

"neck and neck" "Tied" "Closest election in history" "neck and neck" "neck and neck" "neck and neck" "neck and neck" "neck and neck" "neck and neck" "neck and neck" "neck and neck" "neck and neck" "neck and neck" "neck and neck" "neck and neck" "neck and neck" "neck and neck" "neck and neck" "neck and neck" "neck and neck" "neck and neck" "neck and neck"

I need to go into media blackout.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Whenever my wife and I brought up the topic of our daughter going to daycare, we were told by someone that we may want to look for alternatives because Obama is going to shut down all day cares.

He's banning puppies too, didn't you hear?


Excited for tomorrow night. This place will be happening.

It's gonna be a long night... probably 2 AM EST or so before the networks call the national race unless things break for Obama at the end.

Granted, we're going to have a pretty good idea before that, but some of these states may be close enough that Romney will still have a path open until then.
Gas lines are underground here along with water and sewer. It's not like we are in the middle of nowhere. Why not put the power lines there at the same time when they were putting the other lines in?

Here's some numbers on it.


Long story short, unless a mile of power line is serving dramatically more people, it just doesn't really make sense to. The DC numbers are pretty staggering, and I'd imagine that NJ numbers would be pretty similar as the DC area and NJ seem to have pretty similar makeups.

The best answer to that would be more density, more taller buildings, that way a mile of really solid, secure, expensive power line could serve more people.
Cnn is showing Romney's stump speech. This makes me angry. So full of the rights hatred for the President. So full of lies. Obama really needs to win this.


It's gonna be a long night... probably 2 AM EST or so before the networks call the national race unless things break for Obama at the end.

Granted, we're going to have a pretty good idea before that, but some of these states may be close enough that Romney will still have a path open until then.

When Virginia or Ohio are called, might as well start popping champagne.
Yea, OH got called really early in 2008, and Obama has better looking polls this time around. I'm actually thinking OH gets called around midnight or so, at which point WI, and NV will have been called and it'll be be OHVA.

VA won't be called till later, since they don't really have strong early voting.

From the White House perspective, a sensational and traffic-obsessed press corps is increasingly hard to manage. Replying to a POLITICO reporter’s inquiry, sent by email, a top deputy in the White House press office accused the reporter of trying to “drum up some criticism on short notice to facilitate the publishing of another blog item that will hopefully land you the Drudge Report link that you covet.”




Rasmussen finds Romney gaining a point in their tracker to be up 1, and ahead in VA by 2.

They usually match the rest of polls right before an election. Odd move from them.


Methinks PPP's house effect has shot up significantly since Nate said it was only .5, but they're at least good for the hopium.


Methinks PPP's house effect has shot up significantly since Nate said it was only .5, but they're at least good for the hopium.

PPP's last Iowa poll was +2, average +3; NH poll +2, average +3. They turn up better results for Obama in more diverse states -- Colorado is another state where it's all about the Latino vote for O.

Edit: terrible margins in whiter non swing states as well

Hunter S.

The thing that if Colorado goes red that will piss me off is a lot of people will just label Colorado as red and horrible politically if they barely lose. It should always be shown as purple until there is a larger shift towards red or blue.


Seriously what the hell is rasmussen doing? They had Romney GAINING in VA and their national number this morning. They always try to copy the rest at the very end to hide their bias. I am honestly confused.


And now the Hagel endorsing Kerrey ads have hit in full force.

There's no less than 8-10 political ads in each break

I hate living in a TV market that covers two states sometimes
Seriously what the hell is rasmussen doing? They had Romney GAINING in VA and their national number this morning. They always try to copy the rest at the very end to hide their bias. I am honestly confused.

I don't think Ras changes numbers, they just weigh their poll by party ID according to what they think the electorate will look like and report those numbers.


Wow. Already discussing excuses, Lindsey?

"If I hear anybody say it was because Romney wasn't conservative enough I'm going to go nuts. We're not losing 95% of African-Americans and two-thirds of Hispanics and voters under 30 because we're not being hard-ass enough."
-- Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), quoted by Politico, saying that demographics would be the only reason for a hypothetical Mitt Romney loss Tuesday.

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