Black Republican
That CO poll is hard for me to believe, im sorry gaf 
Mellman group being the ones who predicted Reid victory in 2010
Seriously what the hell is rasmussen doing? They had Romney GAINING in VA and their national number this morning. They always try to copy the rest at the very end to hide their bias. I am honestly confused.
its pretty typical of what they do with most polling. go to drudge report and you get the point here: it brings in the views.
Rasmussen has only been polling (under that name) since 2004; that's a pretty small sample size and I haven't really seen someone actually present a convincing case that they do that.Seriously what the hell is rasmussen doing? They had Romney GAINING in VA and their national number this morning. They always try to copy the rest at the very end to hide their bias. I am honestly confused.’s a good thing I like Britain, because DOMA means we’re stuck. DOMA means my folks have had to resign themselves to having a son who will forever be across an ocean. DOMA means whatever children I might some day have can never be brought up in the land of my birth. DOMA means, no matter how many times I waved my flag and sang The Star Spangled Banner at the London 2012 Olympics, my country isn’t really mine.
Religious organisations may celebrate whichever weddings they choose, but there is no civic purpose served by the US federal government saying my relationship counts for nothing, that the man with whom I share a life is hardly different than a stranger. Whether by passage of the Uniting American Families or the Respect for Marriage Acts, or by the intervention of the courts, I hope that will change. But until it does, it is worth remembering who is fighting to make sure it doesn’t.
I've been looking back a few pages but I can't find the ppp florida poll.
Seriously what the hell is rasmussen doing? They had Romney GAINING in VA and their national number this morning. They always try to copy the rest at the very end to hide their bias. I am honestly confused.
Hi PoliGAF. Not a regular participant in this thread, but I thought this post from my brother about DOMA was worth sharing. Matt lives in London and has done so for about 5 years now and this paragraph in particular hit me quite hard.
I grew up a Republican, but I can't in good conscience vote for the party right now because I refuse to be on the wrong side of history. I can't stand with a party who endorses the viewpoints they do on gay marriage as well as women's rights.
Wow. Already discussing excuses, Lindsey?
-- Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), quoted by Politico, saying that demographics would be the only reason for a hypothetical Mitt Romney loss Tuesday.
Well... a major problem for Republicans is their failure to appeal to demographics beyond white men.
I get what your brother is saying, but it isn't like he can't live here or is forced to live somewhere else, especially considering Iowa, Vermont, Massachusetts, and soon to be Washington and possibly Maryland...
They aren't rounding up gays and throwing them in jails or anything.
From the point of view of the federal government, though, that legislation may as well not exist. Thats what Edie Windsor found when her partner of over 40 years, whom she had married in Canada, died. Never mind that their home state of New York recognised the marriage as valid, the IRS assessed an inheritance tax bill of over $360,000 on Windsor, a bill that would have been nil if her dead spouse were a man. The Republican party platform calls for a full repeal of the death tax (thats their catchy name for estate taxes), and yet the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group, controlled by House Republicans, was there front and centre to defend DOMA against the challenge of an 83 year-old woman.
I keep seeing Seinfeld pics with what looks like "tearing." Is this a thing now?
Apparently it's just Chrome being shitty on my end.
There is absolutely no way Obama is winning Colorado by 6, or 5 for that matter, and there are definitely plenty of precedents for a poll being off by 5 or even more points; even for polls that are clearly non-partisan (final fox news florida poll had Kerry up by 5). Still, it's more likely that the poll is off by less than that.
its great that PPP is bombarding us with polls but i find the numbers too good to believe without other polls backing them up
Well... a major problem for Republicans is their failure to appeal to demographics beyond old white men.
its great that PPP is bombarding us with polls but i find the numbers too good to believe without other polls backing them up
Was excited at first...but they are too universally positive for Obama and Dems.....they haven't had a disappointing one in days. Messin wit ma mind.
It's a matter of who is getting the Latino turnout right for CO
I would recommend reading the entire post for a multitude of reasons. This part makes that untenable, frankly.
Polls over the weekend have been great for Obama in general, not just PPP. The margins may not be as high as PPP, but he's consistently led in nearly all of them.
Final Democracy corps (Greenberg/Carville) poll 49-45 O
its great that PPP is bombarding us with polls but i find the numbers too good to believe without other polls backing them up
If minority and young people turnout is as high as I believe its going to be, I believe the 6 point spread from PPP. You have the marijuana initiative for young voters, and the mini-dream act to get out the hispanic voters.
Well... a major problem for Republicans is their failure to appeal to demographics beyond white men.
If minority and young people turnout is as high as I believe its going to be, I believe the 6 point spread from PPP. You have the marijuana initiative for young voters, and the mini-dream act to get out the hispanic voters.
thats true, i did forget about the other ballot initiatives that could push the turnout
i think he'll win the state, and there has been definite movement to Obama in the last 2 weeks, but I just don't think THAT much movement... and i'm not going with a gut feeling, its just PPP has gotten the majority of the attention here (or they are just doing the majority of the polling) that there hasn't been a lot of corroboration.
:jncThe young people will be too high to remember to vote tomorrow.
The youth supports the legalization by a overwhelming 73% whether a user or not. The youth turnout should be higher here just because of the initiative for legalization.
I could see FL and OH getting held hostage tomorrow night (and not called) with all the antics and hijinks going on in both.
Measley, what is the latest from the ground in the Buckeye State?
Wow. Already discussing excuses, Lindsey?
-- Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), quoted by Politico, saying that demographics would be the only reason for a hypothetical Mitt Romney loss Tuesday.
Wow. Already discussing excuses, Lindsey?
-- Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), quoted by Politico, saying that demographics would be the only reason for a hypothetical Mitt Romney loss Tuesday.
"Structurally, a Romney loss, following a McCain loss, would be a rebuke to moderates who have wanted ideological conservatives to fill the bus but not drive the bus, said a GOP operative close to one sure-fire future presidential aspirant. The nominee in 2016, if he is not a President Romney, will certainly be a card-carrying movement conservative with a track record to match."
This would make a helluva lot more sense if 2012 Romney were actually running as a moderate.
But he's not, so it doesn't.
Final University of Cinc. Ohio poll
O 50 (48 on 10/31)
R 48.5 (46 on 10/31)
They got the Ohio percentage in 2008 exactly right, considered best the Ohio pollster.