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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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I'm too busy over at FreeRepublic reading about how Romney is going to flip Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and Nevada. They don't mention Christie or Sandy that much any more, but they're absolutely convinced that Romney's "got this." And they cite Dick Morris and Hannity as their main sources of confidence. They're really, really giddy.

edit: and they're on the lookout for trolls. Especially trolls with new registration dates. Hahaha!

I lurked at Rapture Ready forums the other day:

They actually seemed split and many were resigned for a loss. Kinda funny that those rapture nuts were less delusional.
I lurked at Rapture Ready forums the other day:

They actually seemed split and many were resigned for a loss. Kinda funny that those rapture nuts were less delusional.

I looked at the Hannity forums the other day and they were also pretty sane (never really been there before). Seemed like most were expecting a loss but were hopeful.

Other places like freerepublic, on the other hand, are going to be drowning in their own tears should Obama win.
There are pundits out there spinning Ohio, claiming that Reps are making up a higher percent of the early vote versus Dems this time around (compared to 2008).

Remember, all the NEW VOTER REGISTRATIONS (which are skewing towards women, minority, and the young) show up at NO PARTY registrations. That's because these newly registered voters have never voted in a primary in Ohio.

So don't panic.


Chris Matthews with an epic last comment at the end of his show tonight. Sing it brotha!!
I'm cracking up so hard at the first comment on that article.

This one? It is pretty good.

Party: Independent
Reply #2
Nov. 5, 2012 - 5:24 AM EST
Yes, Abe Lincoln was the first Republican president. But that was back when the REPUBLICANS were the liberals. Today, a tolerant, intellectual, broad-minded spirit like Lincoln couldn't win a race for dog-catcher in the GOP.

This one is great . . . it is a conspiracy theory about how those conspiracy theorists in the party (Tea partiers) are actually Dems planted to destroy the party. So you have the conspiracy theory wing of the party and the mega-conspiracy theory wing of the party.
Party: NA
Reply #3
Nov. 5, 2012 - 5:25 AM EST
For the conspiratorial among us its almost as if the Tea party is a sinister plot by the Democratic Party to influence Republicans that their representatives aren't conservative enough thus eventually replacing them with Democrats. Thus through a series of primaries they are able to rid the Republican party of effective Senators like Dick Lugar all the while mischievously getting the public to accept bat**** crazy nutcases like Mourdock which end up losing in the general election; this fiendish plot has effectively worked in states like Delaware, Nevada, Colorado and most likely will end up working in Indiana and Missouri.
Anne's face looks like it's had work done. Also, Anne is like a Stepford Wife, she seems devoid of purpose outside being a good house wife. Michelle was a more successful lawyer and manager than Barack was before he won office.

True but the thrill would be showing her many things she has never seen before. I don't believe Mitt is particular good in bed, and he seems like the type to just have sex to procreate and that's the end of it.


Junior Member
From the Rapture Ready Forum;

I don't remember the year or the month (too lazy to look it up...lol) but, after Obama gave a speech at the DNC around 2005/6, he was on the cover of a nationally syndicated magazine. I remember looking at that magazine cover and a voice came in my head, and mind you, not my everyday internal voice that talks to me all the time, no....this was an outside voice whispering to my mind...and it said "That is the next and last POTUS the world will ever know." Not exactly those words, but that is what my mind heard. That was before I even knew the guys name or what he did for a living. So I always took that with me when seeing what the U.S. has done and come to be in the last six years. Scary...

I can totally see something happening that causes Obama to stay in office, that whispering voice in my head is louder than ever lately, especially with all of the static coming out of this Libya deal...I don't know who will win, but I voted straight Republican on Saturday. I live in NM so I know my vote is a waste, but God knows my heart and my intentions with my vote, so it's not a waste to me personally.

Man, tomorrow night is going to be nuts.

Gallup: Sandy Halted Romney’s Momentum, Gave Obama A Boost

When Romney loses tomorrow, expect this Gallup report to be plastered all over the airwaves by the GOP to explain away Romney's loss.

It is pretty clear god hates the GOP
In 2005 Hurricane Katrina made a fool out of Bush
In 2008 Hurricane Gustav hit during the GOP convention
In 2012 Hurricane Isaac hit the GOP convention
In 2012 Hurricane Sandy "Halted Romney’s Momentum"

They all need to convert to Islam and worship B-Rock the Islamic Shock Obama.
I'm so confused now, who does PD want to fuck more? Anne, Hillary, or Michelle?

If I had to make a list it would go Michelle, Hillary, Anne. Sex isn't everything, in fact I'd be more interested in just being with Hillary than being sexually involved; as I explained weeks ago, she has a condition that makes sex painful for her anyway. I am more interested in the romantic aspect of a relationship with Hillary.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Is there like, some thing that prevents polling from being done with electronic machines that just accept your personal information and bring up your precinct's ballot, you vote on it, submit it and then leave, and then make it so everyone in the US has that?
BOSTON -- New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who was effusive in his praise of President Barack Obama when the two leaders toured damage from Hurricane Sandy last week, turned down a request by Mitt Romney to appear with him at a rally on Sunday night in Pennsylvania, The Huffington Post has learned.

Christie's decision will only add to questions among Republicans about what the governor -- who is up for reelection a year from now -- is thinking, and why he went out of his way to heap praise on the president, and then refused to appear with Romney.

The Romney rally was held at a farm in Morrisville, Pa., not more than 20 minutes from Trenton, the New Jersey capital. The physical proximity of the event to New Jersey only added to questions in the Romney campaign about why Christie chose not to come.

"You can't tell me he couldn't have gone over there for a night rally," a Romney campaign source told HuffPost.

Romney, at the rally on Sunday night, praised Christie's handling of the storm from the podium, saying that the governor was "giving it all of his heart and his passion to help the people of his state."

"They're in a hard way, and we appreciate his hard work. Thank you, governor," Romney said.



If they blame it on Sandy, I'm expecting some of the crazies to say this is God's way of showing he disproved of a Mormon candidate.


Literally within 5 seconds of sitting down in my office I had Gary O'Toole and his friend rush in to YELL AT ME in the most obnoxious fashion over and over:

"Obama is down is Ohio.
He's down in Florida, in North Carolina.
He's done in Virginia, in Iowa, in New Hampshire.
He might even come near death in Pennsylvania!"

Then I informed him about the state of the polls, which he uniformly denied even existed, and then we started arguing loudly about Republican voter suppression efforts, to which they ended by yelling at my repeatedly about how early voting is against the constitution.

It got so heated that he tried to end it by betting me $100 bucks Romney would win, but I could not take that bet. I'd get fired for betting on the Election at work anyway.

Dat trendline

Lol in the early days voting was spread out over MONTHS IIRC
If I had to make a list it would go Michelle, Hillary, Anne. Sex isn't everything, in fact I'd be more interested in just being with Hillary than being sexually involved; as I explained weeks ago, she has a condition that makes sex painful for her anyway. I am more interested in the romantic aspect of a relationship with Hillary.



If I had to make a list it would go Michelle, Hillary, Anne. Sex isn't everything, in fact I'd be more interested in just being with Hillary than being sexually involved; as I explained weeks ago, she has a condition that makes sex painful for her anyway. I am more interested in the romantic aspect of a relationship with Hillary.


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I have to work until 10 pm tomorrow night:/ It better be called shortly after I'm home!

You're going to miss the Obama concession speech if you don't get off work. [/PD]

If I had to make a list it would go Michelle, Hillary, Anne. Sex isn't everything, in fact I'd be more interested in just being with Hillary than being sexually involved; as I explained weeks ago, she has a condition that makes sex painful for her anyway. I am more interested in the romantic aspect of a relationship with Hillary.

Discussion gets weird

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
I looked at the Hannity forums the other day and they were also pretty sane (never really been there before). Seemed like most were expecting a loss but were hopeful.

Other places like freerepublic, on the other hand, are going to be drowning in their own tears should Obama win.

I need a list of the top 10 forums to go to for schadenfreude purposes if/when Obama wins.... Yes I enjoy schadenfreude
There was also a bit of a debate about Michelle v Anne, but only one guy sided with Anne. I'm not gonna lie, I like older women and Anne is fine to me...but I gotta go with Michelle.

If that is my choice, I'm remaining celibate. I'm not into the big booty thing, so sorry Michelle (as if she'd give a crap about me, lol). But Ann is the matronly country club sourpuss with the dancing horsies. Ugh.


President Obama connected Bruce Springsteen and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie during a phone call from Air Force One Monday, TPM has confirmed. The New Jersey legend campaigned with the president in Wisconsin and Ohio on Monday.

Politico reported the call earlier, and confirmed it with White House press secretary Jay Carney.



"Oh hey Chris, yeah the Boss is here, want to talk to him? Just this once"
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