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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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No Scrubs
Blitzer was totally trying to troll Beau Biden and Biden was having none of it.


Blitzer: how come in the new Obama ad that came out it doesn't mention Obamacare? Isn't he proud of it?
Biden: Biltzer pls. He was just on CNN last night talking about it. There are only so many seconds to fit in all those accomplishments.

Biltzer: how come Democrats can't reach across the aisle?
Biden: Biltzer pls. My dad worked with Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond. Democrats are not the problem.

Blitzer pls! That needs to be a meme.

"The race is tied" Blitzer pls!
oh fuck guys im diablosing






Actually, DailyKos is right about this:

Of course, past performance is no guarantee of future results. So I'm definitely on a limb. But really, where's the fun in playing it safe? Worst case scenario, we lose those two and end up ... exactly where we began—53-47, but with a much better, more cohesive, more activist caucus. With Elizabeth Warren.

Fact. And I still think that the Dems will get at least 54 seats with a MUCH more liberal caucus.


Blitzer was totally trying to troll Beau Biden and Biden was having none of it.


Blitzer: how come in the new Obama ad that came out it doesn't mention Obamacare? Isn't he proud of it?
Biden: Biltzer pls. He was just on CNN last night talking about it. There are only so many seconds to fit in all those accomplishments.

Biltzer: how come Democrats can't reach across the aisle?
Biden: Biltzer pls. My dad worked with Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond. Democrats are not the problem.

Yeah, caught that too. Wolf was concern trolling so badly. Can't wait till this horserace bullshit is over tomorrow.



Gallup: Sandy Halted Romney’s Momentum, Gave Obama A Boost
A growing chorus of Republicans are arguing that the deadly storm that rocked the East Coast last week also jeopardized Mitt Romney's presidential prospects, and they appear to be backed up by one of the leading polling organizations in the country.

Gallup on Monday found Romney leading President Barack Obama by a mere point in its final survey before Election Day — a change from the larger margins boasted by the GOP nominee before superstorm Sandy caused Gallup to suspend its daily tracking poll last week. In the final pre-storm poll last Monday — conducted during the 7-day tracking period of Oct. 22-28 — Gallup found Romney earning more than 50 percent among likely voters nationwide and leading the president by 5 points.

From Gallup's analysis:

Current voting preferences mark a return to the status of the race from Oct. 1-7, when Obama and Romney were tied at 48% among likely voters. After that, Romney moved ahead in mid-October during the presidential debate period, holding a three- to five-point lead in Gallup Daily tracking shortly before superstorm Sandy devastated many areas on the East Coast Oct. 29-30. Romney's and Obama's current close positioning in the Nov. 1-4 poll was measured as the Northeast continued to recover from superstorm Sandy, and after Obama's highly visible visit to the region.

Between Oct. 22-28 and Nov. 1-4, voter support for Obama increased by six points in the East, to 58% from 52%, while it held largely steady in the three other regions. This provides further support for the possibility that Obama's support grew as a result of his response to the storm.

When Romney loses tomorrow, expect this Gallup report to be plastered all over the airwaves by the GOP to explain away Romney's loss.





Gallup: Sandy Halted Romney’s Momentum, Gave Obama A Boost

When Romney loses tomorrow, expect this Gallup report to be plastered all over the airwaves by the GOP to explain away Romney's loss.

god damn it

Fuck fucking Gallup.

How does that argument work from the GOP angle though, when hurricanes are controlled by God?

God is punishing us with another four years of Obama because we have too many abortions and we lost our traditional marriage and values and we're too socialist



Doesn't make sense, Romney was right on top of the Sandy response after his campaign went to Walmart.

Seriously, Mitt held a storm relief event. Canned goods, toilet paper, diapers, the works. What the hell else can you want from the man, America?

Enjoy your 10,000 years of liberal darkness.


When Romney loses tomorrow, expect this Gallup report to be plastered all over the airwaves by the GOP to explain away Romney's loss.

Yup, I've been saying this all week. It appeared obvious to me on Thursday, that the GOP had probably received a memo saying it's time to blame Sandy for the loss and not, you know, Romney.

It's truly embarrassing for them
Nope, no one will remember Sandy as the fake reason for Obama victory, just like no one remembers 2008 market crash as the fake reason for Obama victory...which is interesting if you think about it. Obama's 4 years in office are bookended by disasters out of his control, and both in which he did a pretty damn good job of handling.


Nope, no one will remember Sandy as the fake reason for Obama victory, just like no one remembers 2008 market crash as the fake reason for Obama victory...which is interesting if you think about it. Obama's 4 years in office are bookended by disasters out of his control, and both in which he did a pretty damn good job of handling.
It's as though voters were concerned with competency.


Won't stop picking the right nation
Arguing that Obama was the beneficiary of some random act which blunted the ascendancy of St. Mitt is not the same thing as arguing that Obama benefited from his adroit handling of the situation. Voter approval of Obama's response to the storm suggests that the latter explanation is likely the case. But Republicans obviously won't make that distinction. And anyway, Romney's numbers were falling even before the hurricane.
I took the opportunity to finally get my afro cut off today and naturally the barber shop was dominated by election talk (plus some bitter Lions fans as usual). There also was a popular urban radio station on and every commercial break was dominated by Obama ads and legal information about what to do if you're not allowed to vote. Many people knew exactly where their polling place was, and those who didn't were quickly helped by others.

I can now broadly confirm that the general feel in the black community is that "I ain't fucking with that gay marriage shit, but I'm definitely voting for Barack tomorrow." Note: nobody in the shop called him Obama, it was all first name basis.

There was also a bit of a debate about Michelle v Anne, but only one guy sided with Anne. I'm not gonna lie, I like older women and Anne is fine to me...but I gotta go with Michelle.


The GOP and their surrogates may blame the storm for Obama's win but most sane people will know that it's because of their shitty candidate and their policies of disregarding every group except for white males as the reason for their loss.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Hopefully retire. CNN should give PoliGAF a show, we'd do a better job than Wolf.

We'll title it "Bad News for Obama."

It'll fit right in with CNN's recent hard turn to the right.
Never gonna happen. Have you seen whats happened on a national level with redistricting? Repubs fortified week seats into stronger ones and Gov. Cuomo pretty much muted what the Dems would have gained from California by ignoring a proposed plan to gain seats in New York.

History is so odd. Just because 2010 was mid-term election that meant the lazy Dems don't show up to the polls. So the GOP wins lots of state legislative branches and Governor races such that they get to do a lot of favorable gerrymandering. Of course, they Dems have no one to blame but themselves.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I took the opportunity to finally get my afro cut off today and naturally the barber shop was dominated by election talk (plus some bitter Lions fans as usual). There also was a popular urban radio station on and every commercial break was dominated by Obama ads and legal information about what to do if you're not allowed to vote. Many people knew exactly where their polling place was, and those who didn't were quickly helped by others.

I can now broadly confirm that the general feel in the black community is that "I ain't fucking with that gay marriage shit, but I'm definitely voting for Barack tomorrow." Note: nobody in the shop called him Obama, it was all first name basis.

There was also a bit of a debate about Michelle v Anne, but only one guy sided with Anne. I'm not gonna lie, I like older women and Anne is fine to me...but I gotta go with Michelle.

LOL--hey, two wins in a row! Yesterday was the first game we've dominated like that in almost a year.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
My polls open at 6 tomorrow morning. I may try to be the first person to vote in my area.


I'm just getting in and then heading out again - any new news? Should I be crappin the bed in panic?

I'm so pissed I can't help out tonight or tomorrow like I had wanted too. Very mad at myself right now. And a big shout out to user Littleworm who is out in Wilmington NC fighting the good fight.

Restore my faith in humanity. Come on Barack. Don't let me down America.

Ya'll know I don't want to reveal to much identifying info but having formerly lived in a more blue state:

Come on Ohio. I didn't mean all those bad things girl. Do this for me, just this one time and I'll never hurt you again. I won't say those bad words. I won't bash the Browns. I won't tell people Cleveland is the butthole of the US. I'll take it all back. Just do me a solid tomorrow OH.


I took the opportunity to finally get my afro cut off today and naturally the barber shop was dominated by election talk (plus some bitter Lions fans as usual). There also was a popular urban radio station on and every commercial break was dominated by Obama ads and legal information about what to do if you're not allowed to vote. Many people knew exactly where their polling place was, and those who didn't were quickly helped by others.

I can now broadly confirm that the general feel in the black community is that "I ain't fucking with that gay marriage shit, but I'm definitely voting for Barack tomorrow." Note: nobody in the shop called him Obama, it was all first name basis.

There was also a bit of a debate about Michelle v Anne, but only one guy sided with Anne. I'm not gonna lie, I like older women and Anne is fine to me...but I gotta go with Michelle.

Anne's face looks like it's had work done. Also, Anne is like a Stepford Wife, she seems devoid of purpose outside being a good house wife. Michelle was a more successful lawyer and manager than Barack was before he won office.


Slideshow of the past week: http://www.cnn.com/2012/11/04/politics/gallery/obama-inside-the-bubble/index.html?hpt=hp_t2

Obama has lunch following an event at the Elm Street Middle School in Nashua, New Hampshire, on Oct. 27, 2012.

Obama talks with former President Bill Clinton at the DoubleTree Downtown Orlando Hotel in Orlando, Florida, on Oct. 28, 2012.

Obama "tweets" a thank you message to people making donations to the Red Cross during his visit to the Disaster Operation Center of the Red Cross at national headquarters in Washington on Oct. 30, 2012.

Obama hugs Donna Vanzant, the owner of North Point Marina, as he tours damage from Hurricane Sandy in Brigantine, New Jersey, on Oct. 31, 2012.

More at the link.


Junior Member
The GOP and their surrogates may blame the storm for Obama's win but most sane people will know that it's because of their shitty candidate and their policies of disregarding every group except for white males as the reason for their loss.

It will take awhile, tho. I can now talk about how horrible Gore or Kerry was. It's like finally seeing Dole as who he really was. I mean, seriously, Herman Cain had a shot at the Republican nomination. Guiliani sat it out. Nobody wanted to pick up the stick and face Bams this year. Bachman, Caine, Perry, Mittens, fricken Gingrich. Just a terrible lineup.

So, I just read on FB that a friend is moving to Florida soon from NJ. I told him to hurry up and move by tomorrow so he could vote. #datvoterfraud

Edit: But on a more serious note: any links to that misty eyed visit with that lady, Vanzant?
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