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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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I thought Joe Scarborough was one of the more tolerable mainstream conservatives.

My mistake.

I've watched morning joe regularly for about a year, sometimes he is capable of making rational points but he does turn into an irrational spoiled child far too often.



I'd like to go forward... with her... or something


No Scrubs
Undecided Voter Pretty Sure He’s Some Kind Of Idiot


SEATTLE—With just one day to go before the presidential election between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, undecided voter Andrew Mueller is pretty sure he’s some kind of idiot, the 37-year-old Seattle resident told reporters today.

According to Mueller, he’s “had a feeling for a while” that he is a total imbecile and hopelessly stupid human being, and this sentiment has gained more traction in recent days as his political sympathies have remained divided between two candidates with drastically different views on the economy, health care, social issues, and the environment.

“I have to say, the fact that I’m still undecided a day before the election has started to make me think I must be a complete and utter moron,” Mueller said in a rare moment of insight and clarity. “I mean, this presidential campaign has essentially been going on for two years, during which the clearly divergent platforms of both parties have been articulated in attack ads, campaign appearances, debates, interviews, and thousands of articles online and in newspapers. So the fact that I can’t decide between candidates at this point can really only mean that I’m some sort of bumbling half-wit with little to no capacity for critical thought.”

Full article here, courtesy of you're favorite news source!
I was watching live this morning, and he was definitely joking.

Even when joking he seems to relish belittling Mika. I'm not going to fully defend her, she definitely plays dumb a lot which strikes me as demeaning but it's very obvious he has a condescending attitude toward her. And of course he loves being an ass to Maddow.

In short, he strikes me as a bully.
To be fair to Joe that is his usual dickishness. He doesn't like his home state being crapped on for only running an election Like ‘a Third-World Country’. Probably doesn't believe the Libya nonsense but it is FOX News headline stuff. He dips into the crap enough to keep the conservative street cred while on MSNBC. McCain was on via satellite to yack about it but I just fast forwarded through it.


Sidhe / PikPok
Undecided Voter Pretty Sure He’s Some Kind Of Idiot

Full article here, courtesy of you're favorite news source!

I know its an Onion article, but I can't help but think that people still declaring themselves undecided at this point are doing so naively thinking it gives the appearance that they are fully independent and above persuasion, and will be "thinking about their choice" right until the point that they vote as some sort of indication they are a more thoughtful and considered voter than most.

When, in fact, it gives the complete opposite impression.
To be fair to Joe that is his usual dickishness. He doesn't like his home state being crapped on for only running an election Like ‘a Third-World Country’. Probably doesn't believe the Libya nonsense but it is FOX News headline stuff. He dips into the crap enough to keep the conservative street cred while on MSNBC. McCain was on via satellite to yack about it but I just fast forwarded through it.

I believe he's bullshitting about believing Romney is the favorite tomorrow, but let's be clear: the dude is an obvious right winger. He hides it well by pretending to be serious, but when he actually discusses issues it becomes clear he agrees with Paul Ryan types on most things. He hides it by claiming Ryan and other conservative ideas are actually moderate.

Just because you don't want to kick illegal immigrants out the country doesn't mean you're moderate


Tomorrow is going to be fucking crazy. I'm betting money that someone on GAF will throw out the n-word. Just like the last presidential election.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions

Iowa, New Hampshire, Ohio, Colorado, AND Virginia? Sorry Karl, that's just not going to happen. But at least you have one of the saner maps on the right (albeit a wishful optimistic one).

I find it amusing not even Rove thinks Pennsylvania is going for Romney.


Wait ... that happened? I was here but don't remember that.

If I recall correctly, the poster in question, who was permabanned, was upset about Prop 8 passing in California and took it out on Obama's victory. His post was removed, but Bish and other posters quoted him.

It's in the Poligaf election thread. Not sure which post though.
I know its an Onion article, but I can't help but think that people still declaring themselves undecided at this point are doing so naively thinking it gives the appearance that they are fully independent and above persuasion, and will be "thinking about their choice" right until the point that they vote as some sort of indication they are a more thoughtful and considered voter than most.

When, in fact, it gives the complete opposite impression.
Fortunately both campaigns seem to be wise to the bullshit, even as the media treats a panel of undecided voters like some sort of sacred holy council of sages.

Iowa, New Hampshire, Ohio, Colorado, AND Virginia? Sorry Karl, that's just not going to happen. But at least you have one of the saner maps on the right (albeit a wishful optimistic one).

In fairness to Rove, I guess that's the closest he can make it and still have Romney win...even on his map, if just Ohio were to flip to Obama...Obama would win.
In fairness to Rove, I guess that's the closest he can make it and still have Romney win...even on his map, if just Ohio were to flip to Obama...Obama would win.

Yea. He can't give the race to Obama but he can't be too far off the mark.

I seriously cant concentrate on anything except this election. I seriously need this to be over.

Tell me about it. The only depressing thing is that come wednesday morning there will be this emptiness I won't be able to fill.
I know what you mean. I've been trying to finish a book for the past few weeks, but ALL I can focus on is the election and election related reading. It is ridiculous.

This is why I need to work in something dealing with politics. I need this to be my work.


I know what you mean. I've been trying to finish a book for the past few weeks, but ALL I can focus on is the election and election related reading. It is ridiculous.

Im trying to catch up on readings for class and im having trouble, im not even American. Damn America for being crazy enough to keep it this close -_- (or making it seem like its close).
As a left leaning person that prefers an Obama victory, are you guys REALLY that confident that all these state polls will hold?

Here's the thing . . . Obama is leading in several swing states. Depending on how you classify your swing states, Romney pretty much needs to win all or most of them to win. Obama can only needs to win like one close state to win.

For example, look at Karl's map.
If Obama wins Florida, Obama wins.
If Obama wins Ohio, Obama wins.
If Obama wins Virgina, Obama wins.
If Obama wins New Hampshire and Colorado, Obama wins.

Romney needs to "shoot the moon" to win. Obama just needs to win one or two toss-up states. Is it possible that Romney wins? Yes. Is it likely? Not likely at all.
Yea. He can't give the race to Obama but he can't be too far off the mark.

Tell me about it. The only depressing thing is that come wednesday morning there will be this emptiness I won't be able to fill.
Oh, I'm sure the salty tears from the right will last a few weeks. At the very least this week. I remember 2008 being delicious and I expect it to be even better this time when their conservative bubble comes crashing down.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
As a left leaning person that prefers an Obama victory, are you guys REALLY that confident that all these state polls will hold?

I was just playing with the map, and Obama can realistically win without Iowa, Ohio and Colorado. It would be stupid close, but still a win. Obama seems really likely to take Ohio and Iowa, and I feel good about his chances in Colorado. Not only that, I wouldn't put Florida out of reach. I never give it to Obama when I play with the map, but the polling has it close.


The Cryptarch's Bane
CBS This Morning: "This race could not be closer."

Couldn't it be tied in the swing states?
The thing that's funny about that, a statement like, "could not be closer."

In mathematical terms, Politifact doesn't even have something adequate to describe this sort of lie. There are a virtually infinite number of ways in which this race close be closer, the first of which being that it could be close.


As a left leaning person that prefers an Obama victory, are you guys REALLY that confident that all these state polls will hold?

Yes, Obama just needs IA or NV/WI/OH to win and he's held comfortable leads in all of those states. All this talk about Florida/Virginia/Colorado/North Carolina is really about adding onto the score.

This was true in August and it's still true today.
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