Even TYT is trying out Diablosing about polls that include Gary Johnson and Jill Stein in Ohio. Ralph Nader + Babar got 1% combined in 2008 and Obama won by 4.6%. But somehow they're going to magically get 5% tomorrow.
yep, databasing test tomorrow, so badly timed+1. attempting to study for a stats test tomorrow..
Woah, could I get a link on that?
guys I'm diablosing here
As a left leaning person that prefers an Obama victory, are you guys REALLY that confident that all these state polls will hold?
Woah, could I get a link on that?
yep, databasing test tomorrow, so badly timed
More on Dick Morris' prediction and the best part is he will be liveblogging the results on his website.
How are you gonna lead if you're uncomfortable?"
More on Dick Morris' prediction and the best part is he will be liveblogging the results on his website.
If you aren't nervous, you don't care. But NONE of the polling aggregates show Romney winning. Its difficult to conceive of Romney winning a state he's never led in ever.
"Could not be closer" would be if every state was safe Obama/Romney except Florida, which is where it is right now.
PD is really, really, reallllyyyy oversharing at this point. Please stop.
"And yet ANOTHER state gets stolen by Democrat voter fraud!"
24 hours until we have the first few states called.
If you aren't nervous, you don't care.
5 hours till the first votes are cast :O
More like "Inward."
If you aren't nervous, you don't care. But NONE of the polling aggregates show Romney winning. Its difficult to conceive of Romney winning a state he's never led in ever.
"Could not be closer" would be if every state was safe Obama/Romney except Florida, which is where it is right now.
Pretty much how I feel. I'm supremely confident in Silver and Wang's models and the accuracy of the state polling aggregates, but at the same time, I'm nervous as hell. The 'what ifs' are eating away at me when my rational self knows that it shouldn't be a problem. All in all, I just want this over.
Diablos, avert your eyes. One of this century's most celebrated political consultant revealed his electoral college map tonight and has Romney winning 285 EV's to Obama's 253.
Naw, I voted last week.
Cocky Nate Silver ‏@CockyNateSilver
We're about 24 hours away from me making phone calls to certain pundits where I just laugh and laugh and laugh. #silveristhenewgold
this professor is really bad, he's already said the test is really hard, our TA had trouble finishing it in the allotted time, and it doesn't start til 5 pm. It's not going to go well. At least I have the election results and halo 4 to look forward to afterProgramming Exam myself, not worried about it though.
Well, it's good to know that I care A LOT!If you aren't nervous, you don't care.
In Columbus.
Is there any chance that the Dick Morris assertion is accurate? Are these state polls really assuming 2008 levels of voter enthusiasm for President Obama in their turnout models? Because they're not going to get that, if it is really true. I know there was an article debunking his line of reasoning, but I can't seem to find it at the moment.
Also, what about the argument that if an incumbent is polling below 50% he is destined to lose? I've always thought that made a lot of sense. Undecideds tend to break against an incumbent.
That's a pretty damn pimp picture. I'd love to hear the conversation.
"See you don't understand, while the toplines of polling is severely skewed, but you have to dig into poll internals,where we say unskews voter opinions where we see Romney has double digit leads with independants and on his handling of the economy. For that reason, I predict Romney wins with 320+ EV."
Or some such crap that comes up on my facebook.
In Columbus.
Undecideds tend to break against an incumbent.
The guy on the right I'm guessing is Jay-Z, but who's the dude in the middle?
No.Is there any chance that the Dick Morris assertion is accurate?
No.Are these state polls really assuming 2008 levels of voter enthusiasm for President Obama in their turnout models?
No.Also, what about the argument that if an incumbent is polling below 50% he is destined to lose?
No.Undecideds tend to break against an incumbent.
Is there any chance that the Dick Morris assertion is accurate? Are these state polls really assuming 2008 levels of voter enthusiasm for President Obama in their turnout models? Because they're not going to get that, if it is really true. I know there was an article debunking his line of reasoning, but I can't seem to find it at the moment.
Also, what about the argument that if an incumbent is polling below 50% he is destined to lose? I've always thought that made a lot of sense. Undecideds tend to break against an incumbent.
The guy on the right I'm guessing is Jay-Z, but who's the dude in the middle?
WtfThe guy on the right I'm guessing is Jay-Z, but who's the dude in the middle?
The guy on the right I'm guessing is Jay-Z, but who's the dude in the middle?
The guy on the right I'm guessing is Jay-Z, but who's the dude in the middle?
Don't worry. Andrew Sullivan (blogger on the Daily Beast) didn't name his award for staggeringly wrong predictions the Dick Morris award for nothing.Is there any chance that the Dick Morris assertion is accurate? Are these state polls really assuming 2008 levels of voter enthusiasm for President Obama in their turnout models? Because they're not going to get that, if it is really true. I know there was an article debunking his line of reasoning, but I can't seem to find it at the moment.
Also, what about the argument that if an incumbent is polling below 50% he is destined to lose? I've always thought that made a lot of sense. Undecideds tend to break against an incumbent.
The guy on the right I'm guessing is Jay-Z, but who's the dude in the middle?