I done did it again.
Oh god. Bruce, Max, and Courtney all look so young. That was what . . . 1984 or so?
I done did it again.
Anderson Cooper just bit this poor girl's head off.
Stolen from SA:
Deservedly so. Bitch, answer the damn question!Anderson Cooper just bit this poor girl's head off.
Anderson Cooper just bit this poor girl's head off.
It's a well-known fact that if you're super-enthusiastic, your vote equals 1.1 regular votes.Romney's camp really clinging to the "We've got the enthusiasm!" rhetoric. When in doubt, ignore all numbers.
Who would be president if 100% of the country voted for Bill Clinton?
Michael Walsh said:Its not enough for the GOP to win tomorrow. It needs to win big, a win so convincing that even the Left wont be able to explain it away. The definition of victory in war is not a 50.1 percent majority that allows the other side to keep fighting its the battleship Missouri, on whose deck the losing side signs articles of capitulation. The modern Left the unholy spawn of 30s gangland and 60s academic Marxism must be forced to its knees in surrender.
Theres a honored place in our political system for a leftist party, one that pushes for improvement in areas that need improving, but not one devoted to revolutionary fundamental change. A vote for Romney tomorrow is a vote against the socialist elements that seized control of the JFK/Scoop Jackson Democratic party in 1972, and has worked against Americas best interests ever since. A vote for Romney tomorrow is a vote for a restoration of the old Jacksonian Andrew, that is Democratic party, a true populist party shorn of its Communist accretions that is every bit as all-American as the other guys. Unless and until this happens, though, the modern donkeys will continue their war on the Constitution, convinced they are on the side of the angels, and taking solace in the late Ted Kennedys words, the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die.
I guess it would go to the House. So...Romney? And the Senate would pick Biden to be VP.
John King was at the electoral college map with all the swing states, they asked the Romney surrogate which states they might feel good about, starting with Iowa, and she starts talking about 23 million people looking for work, 7.9 percent unemployment, Romney has a vision and Obama does not... talking points. Anderson cuts her off and blows her up. "Are you going to answer the question, we don't have time for you to be reading talking points with one day left."
What were people's thoughts on this article regarding the fact that Romney may actually be ahead tomorrow night before he's behind?
Why doesn't the senate pick the President?
John King was at the electoral college map with all the swing states, they asked the Romney surrogate which states they might feel good about, starting with Iowa, and she starts talking about 23 million people looking for work, 7.9 percent unemployment, Romney has a vision and Obama does not... talking points. Anderson cuts her off and blows her up. "Are you going to answer the question, we don't have time for you to be reading talking points with one day left."
Why doesn't the senate pick the President?
link?Anderson Cooper just bit this poor girl's head off.
irrelevancy creeps in from the fringes of demographics and history.Even by National Review's standards, this is pretty fucking deranged. Stops just short of outright eliminationism.
I must see this!John King was at the electoral college map with all the swing states, they asked the Romney surrogate which states they might feel good about, starting with Iowa, and she starts talking about 23 million people looking for work, 7.9 percent unemployment, Romney has a vision and Obama does not... talking points. Anderson cuts her off and blows her up. "Are you going to answer the question, we don't have time for you to be reading talking points with one day left." It was thunderous. I wish they cut off talking heads more often.
What were people's thoughts on this article regarding the fact that Romney may actually be ahead tomorrow night before he's behind?
Because the the Senate doesn't represent states like the House does.
So I've seen some pretty racist and nasty stuff from the conservative right about Obama on mainstream websites.
Is there an equivalent on the left against Romney making it mainstream on the Internet?
What racism have you been seeing?So I've seen some pretty racist and nasty stuff from the conservative right about Obama on mainstream websites.
Is there an equivalent on the left against Romney making it mainstream on the Internet?
Even by National Review's standards, this is pretty fucking deranged. Stops just short of outright eliminationism.
What racism have you been seeing?
" The modern Left the unholy spawn of 30s gangland and 60s academic Marxism "
What the fuck is he even talking about? He must think that Japan, South Korean, and all of western Europe are already living under the iron curtain of communism or something.
YouTube videos and comments left on articles posted by mainstream websites
Obama responds to girl with two dads.
Saw her initial letter a week ago or so and I'm so proud of her that she's open about her gay fathers. I'm the son of a lesbian and didn't really start telling anyone about my mom's sexual orientation until high school. Kids nowadays have much more courage than I did at their age which probably correlates with the more open atmosphere of today(look at all the homosexual celebs that are out) compared to twenty years ago.
Great letter by the girl and great response by President Obama.
I didn't vote for Obama last election(Nader) but his support of equality with the GLBT community was definitely a big factor in turning my sentiments around to vote for him tomorrow.
Dave Wiegel of Slate is predicting Romney will win even though he believes the polls that show Obama up. He is predicting voter suppression will cause Romney to win Ohio.
Am I totally thinking of someone else or did you have an Obama avatar around 08 election?
Dave Wiegel of Slate is predicting Romney will win even though he believes the polls that show Obama up. He is predicting voter suppression will cause Romney to win Ohio.
Dave Wiegel of Slate is predicting Romney will win even though he believes the polls that show Obama up. He is predicting voter suppression will cause Romney to win Ohio.
We go through this every election..
Dave Wiegel of Slate is predicting Romney will win even though he believes the polls that show Obama up. He is predicting voter suppression will cause Romney to win Ohio.
I was actually surprised. He seems pretty level headed.He is insufferable.
Why can't both political parties be suppressed from voting?
Is there something preventing republican voters from being suppressed?
Well, to be fair, voter suppression is on steroids this cycle.