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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Obama destroyed Romney in the last debate, and honestly that's the most important debate for the job.


Here's a better source

Every time I think about it I find it so amazingly hilarious that Republicans have to act all butthurt now every time Osama bin Laden comes up. Killing the number 1 terrorist should make them all get the biggest boner possible, but now it just rustles their jimmies. And I know they'd totally want to go see a movie with seals taking him out, but with Obama in it, lol.


Didn't Obama technically play a pretty big role in executing that mission? Why wouldn't he be a part of it?

He should be in it more. He also did play a big role. It was said others were against the actual raid (wanted to hit compound from the air) but he felt they needed actual proof, the body. It's also him staying true to what he promised in 2008 by taking the shot to take Bin Laden out if given the chance.

The thing is Republicans hate that Obama was the sitting president to get Bin Laden. It completely took the national security issue away from them. It's a primary example showing how good and strong of a president Obama has been. That he's kept America safe in the biggest way. It flies in the face of the narrative they've tried to pushed that he's weak. A narrative that has never worked on anyone but those that hate Obama anyway. This film further hurts that and it's right before election day so it will be fresh in everyone's mind.



What's with the Wolf pics in response to close polls?


Unconfirmed Member
Obama destroyed Romney in the last debate, and honestly that's the most important debate for the job.
Bu bu bu My conservative coworker was telling people today that Obama was condescending and in presidential while Romney was cool and collected.

Oh and "Marines still use bayonetes!"


The Autumn Wind
CNN is still pushing ahead with "Romney momentum." Besides Anderson Cooper, I think I'm done with this channel.


No Scrubs
CNN is still pushing ahead with "Romney momentum." Besides Anderson Cooper, I think I'm done with this channel.

Him and Soledad are all that keeps that channel from being absolute crap. Put them in charge of the place and we'd probably have the best news channel in a matter of months.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
What's with the Wolf pics in response to close polls?

CNN keeps doing these ridiculous polls that are not only right leaning, but also are 4% margin of error. And technically you cannot say winning unless the difference is greater than 2x the margin of error, rendering all of their polls meaningless ties and Wolf Blizter calls it constantly.
Every time I think about it I find it so amazingly hilarious that Republicans have to act all butthurt now every time Osama bin Laden comes up. Killing the number 1 terrorist should make them all get the biggest boner possible, but now it just rustles their jimmies. And I know they'd totally want to go see a movie with seals taking him out, but with Obama in it, lol.

I mean, they're patriotic (sort of nationalist, but yeah) and all and they love that Bin Laden is dead. But they have deluded themselves into removing Obama from the accomplishment by thinking that Seal team 6 did the wetwork, so team 6 is responsible. They fail to realize that the Seal Team 6 was just another tool in Obama's toolbox, besides a drone strike, a covert CIA operation, etc.


CNN is trending conservative since the right bitches about every little nit pick that's aimed their way.

Also, Faux's ratings.


The Autumn Wind
Him and Soledad are all that keeps that channel from being absolute crap. Put them in charge of the place and we'd probably have the best news channel in a matter of months.
Damn, how'd I forget about Soledad? She's definitely one of the good ones.


I had a troll account on RaptureReady in 2008 where I pretended to be a kid in seminary school. Had a big ahuahuahuahuhauhuahuahuhauhuahuahuahuahuha where is your god now post lined up on election night but since they were approving each post before making them public they just permed me instead.
free republic.
Thanks guys. Gonna check those out lol.
ppppolls1 min Barack Obama now leads 49-48 in our national tracking. 3 point gain since he was down by 2 on Monday's release: http://t.co/RJt6w4J7
Anyone have the exact numbers? I stand by my prediction of 48.5 to 48.4 Obama.

What's with the Wolf pics in response to close polls?
Blitzer: "What is a tie?"
Trebeck: "Wrong."


Him and Soledad are all that keeps that channel from being absolute crap. Put them in charge of the place and we'd probably have the best news channel in a matter of months.

We need a news channel with all of the best ones from all the channels.

Soledad, Cooper, Maddow, Hayes, and Harris-Perry... and probably Shep Smith
But this isn't at all true if you're not talking about actual tallying. The compact states only do anything resembling this if there are 270 EVs' worth of states in the compact. But in that case the winner of the election is entirely determined by the winner of the national popular vote and the electoral college is entirely controlled by the compact states. The electors from the non-compact states are irrelevant to the procedure. So there's no problematic weighting going on, except for the procedurally irrelevant margins in the EC.
That would be the counter-argument, that since the Compact results in a true one person, one vote election, the SCOTUS could rule the issue moot. I don't see the precedent that would favor such a decision, but I could be wrong.

Another thing to consider is that the SCOTUS doesn't review laws without context of a lawsuit. So think for a second how such a case would work it's way up to the Court. It's likely to come from a voter who voted for A in a member state that would've gone for A, but due to the Compact, it went for B. The voter would be saying, "It's not fair that my state counts the votes in all these other non-member states that don't count my vote the same as my vote which is only counted in the member states." It's not uncommon for court decisions to turn not on whether the ends are OK, but whether the means are.

Forgive me for being nosy, but can you share what inside info you had in 2004? I'm intrigued.
No problem. In 2004, I was at a non-partisan company that did in excess of 2 million autocall dials a day. We did work for both parties, but for the last few days before the election, most of our stuff was subcontract work for a major RNC contractor. I handled all the incoming data and prepared the reports going back to them (which were a bitch and a half because they used a very specific format and they didn't give me the schema until the last minute.)
Perhaps I shouldn't admit this, but I did have access to the audio even though it wasn't my direct responsibility. To keep my conscience clean, I listened to them all before I sent the data to the techs, and none were blatantly fraudulent. I don't know what I actually would've done if I came across a "Make sure you vote on Wednesday!" type call, but I like to think I would've used the wrong field and blamed their funky format.
Based on what I saw, the RNC was worried about FL and somehow thought they could swing HI for about 30 minutes.

The cycle before that I was at a partisan firm that did a little of everything, we had a Presidential primary candidate that didn't get the nomination. The cycle before that, I was a staffer on a Presidential primary candidate and a Senate primary candidate, neither of which got the nomination, and a state senate candidate who closely lost the most expensive state senate race in the state to date.


Unconfirmed Member
Your coworker actually said this?

Christ, conservatives are dumber and more easily swayed than I thought... And I wasn't giving them any benefit of the doubt at all on that one...
Too be fair he didn't say it was his argument. He said he "heard on Facebook that Obama pissed off a bunch of Marines" with his comment and "made people think he didn't understand the military".

Wait that isn't any better...


Meanwhile, a big news source points out that Romney's math is daunting.

Romney Upbeat, But Math is the Same

The Romney team is mindful that the new enthusiasm has not opened any new paths to winning 270 electoral votes. The campaign continues to keep an eye on trying to make a late run at Pennsylvania, advisers said, but it remains more of a last-ditch option. ...

A Time Magazine poll released Wednesday showed Mr. Obama with a five-point edge over Mr. Romney in Ohio, 49 percent to 44 percent, which is within the margin of sampling error. Party strategists on both sides say the race appears to be remarkably close, but two senior Republican officials here said that they believed Mr. Obama had a slight advantage and that they worried that Mr. Romney’s gains had leveled off.

Advisers to Mr. Romney argue that they can win the election without winning Ohio, but it means that the campaign must perform nearly flawlessly in every other battleground. One aide referred to Ohio as “still the big nut to crack,” but a victory would probably mean that Mr. Obama’s Midwestern firewall of Iowa and Wisconsin also was highly vulnerable. ...

While both campaigns are still advertising in nine battleground states, advisers to both sides say that the most competitive fight is now taking place in seven: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, New Hampshire, Ohio, Virginia and Wisconsin. A huge get-out-the-vote effort is under way in all states, with only a sliver of undecided voters remaining.

At some point, television folks are going to have to admit this.. right?
I mean, this is the New York Times calling this out.


And on a completely different note: anyone know of any good election apps that'll make my iPad chime when a major news org calls a state? I'd guess that such a thing could be fun for Election Night.


The Autumn Wind
CNN is trending conservative since the right bitches about every little nit pick that's aimed their way.

Also, Faux's ratings.
Oh, I know why they're doing it. I feel it's more for ratings than anything else. I'm sure more Republicans watch the news channels since the party skews older, while younger people who tend to lean left more likely get their news online.

That said, I can stand the obvious spin they've been putting on things. It reeks of desperation to appeal to the right while maintaining the illusion of being neutral. Say what you will about Fox News, but at least it's very clear how they lean.


You're forgetting the indian dreamboat Fareed Zakaria.
But seriously, watch GPS, and his specials.
Yes, Fareed is good too.
I love the dissonant way conservatives view Obama's personality. On foreign affairs: "He's a wimp! Apology tour! He portrays weakness!" During debates: "He's a meanie! Unpresidential!"

I guess in their world wagging your dick in front of other countries helps build relationships, allowing for stronger alliances and trade partnerships, while being nice to your most prominent political opponent helps win elections.

Or something.
Comic book villians confirmed.

It's time for the Republican party to retire.
The link said:
Cate said a "significant majority have gone to Republican voters, but not exclusively. We've got Democrats who received the letters, we've got independents. We're telling everybody to be on the lookout."
Another article I read made it sound more like a phishing attempt, the response piece asked for SSN and driver's license info.


I gotta wonder what it feels like to be Romney about now. When does it finally dawn on him that he's likely not going to win, and that he's been campaigning and ramping up to this for over a decade only to lose?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Meanwhile, a big news source points out that Romney's math is daunting.


At some point, television folks are going to have to admit this.. right?
I mean, this is the New York Times calling this out.


And on a completely different note: anyone know of any good election apps that'll make my iPad chime when a major news org calls a state? I'd guess that such a thing could be fun for Election Night.

Don't worry, Romney has a math guy. He's gonna fix everthing.

I gotta wonder what it feels like to be Romney about now. When does it finally dawn on him that he's likely not going to win, and that he's been campaigning and ramping up to this for over a decade only to lose?

I cannot empathize with him. He's such a husk. Immoral, bent on power, insulting the intelligence of the American public with his "I never believed that thing I believed 5 minutes ago" nonsense.
You're forgetting the indian dreamboat Fareed Zakaria.
But seriously, watch GPS, and his specials.

Not just a great journalist, but he's also very intelligent. I watched one special of his and he outlining the superior handing of infrastructure in other countries like China. Mentioned a lot of important things that never get talked about in politics today. (but should be)


The Autumn Wind
I gotta wonder what it feels like to be Romney about now. When does it finally dawn on him that he's likely not going to win, and that he's been campaigning and ramping up to this for over a decade only to lose?
Yeah, the poor guy will probably lock himself in one of his many mansions to have a good cry for a while.
dreamboat plagiarist


Mr. Zakaria said he never had an assistant write a column in 25 years and that he began using a research assistant for his column only in the last year.

The mistake, he said, occurred when he confused the notes he had taken about Ms. Lepore’s article — he said he often writes his research in longhand — with notes taken from “Gunfight: The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms in America,” by Adam Winkler (W.W. Norton, 2011), a copy of which was on his desk at his CNN office.
and wiki:
He was briefly suspended in August 2012 while Time and CNN investigated an allegation of plagiarism[7] involving an August 20 Zakaria column on gun control with similarities to a New Yorker article by Jill Lepore. In a statement issued on the CNN Global Public Square website, Zakaria apologized "unreservedly," saying that he had made "a terrible mistake," though not plagiarism.[8][9][10] Six days later, after a review of his research notes and years of prior commentary, Time and CNN reinstated Zakaria. Time described the incident as "isolated" and "unintentional"; and CNN said, “We found nothing that merited continuing the suspension."[11]
There's a right leaning polling website where the comments are 100% conservative. They are convinced every poll is skewed for dems by the d-r-I breakdown. They are convinced Romney is up three in Ohio (the website merely posts polls and isn't fueling the crazy). They also think they're up in Pennsylvania and cite Dick Morris.

I would love too see the reactions there should obama win.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
There's a right leaning polling website where the comments are 100% conservative. They are convinced every poll is skewed for dems by the d-r-I breakdown. They are convinced Romney is up three in Ohio (the website merely posts polls and isn't fueling the crazy). They also think they're up in Pennsylvania and cite Dick Morris.

I would love too see the reactions there should obama win.

If we have any gaffers that work at google, please web crawl archive every page of right-wing forums so we have content to last til Thanksgiving.
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