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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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I'd prefer CNN headlines delivered by Andy please.


So basically Andy is tied there, right?

Well Played.


I think right wing people prefer reading their garbage on something that looks like garbage. Drudge is the same to me.
Unskewedpolls is similarly ugly.
There's a right leaning polling website where the comments are 100% conservative. They are convinced every poll is skewed for dems by the d-r-I breakdown. They are convinced Romney is up three in Ohio (the website merely posts polls and isn't fueling the crazy). They also think they're up in Pennsylvania and cite Dick Morris.

I would love too see the reactions there should obama win.
This isn't unskewedpolls?


YES! My FreeRepublic account is active and updated! Best of all, it's several years OLD. This is positively fantastic, as the first thing they look at when suspecting a troll is the sign-on date. If you've lasted there a long time, you have all sorts of leeway, ha!

This is a gift. Oh yes. Must use it wisely. But how? How?


YES! My FreeRepublic account is active and updated! Best of all, it's several years OLD. This is positively fantastic, as the first thing they look at when suspecting a troll is the sign-on date. If you've lasted there a long time, you have all sorts of leeway, ha!

This is a gift. Oh yes. Must use it wisely. But how? How?

Take a picture of yourself nude with Obama 2012 painted on you and then post it.


YES! My FreeRepublic account is active and updated! Best of all, it's several years OLD. This is positively fantastic, as the first thing they look at when suspecting a troll is the sign-on date. If you've lasted there a long time, you have all sorts of leeway, ha!

This is a gift. Oh yes. Must use it wisely. But how? How?

You could get them to vote for 3rd party candidates because Romney doesn't really support their positions. I saw a lot of complaining on that rapture forum about how Romney isn't pro-life.


YES! My FreeRepublic account is active and updated! Best of all, it's several years OLD. This is positively fantastic, as the first thing they look at when suspecting a troll is the sign-on date. If you've lasted there a long time, you have all sorts of leeway, ha!

This is a gift. Oh yes. Must use it wisely. But how? How?

Explain that Romney is losing because God has turned His face from us for idolatry and left us to be governed by the Devil. After a dozen posts, explain that you found this written on some golden tablets you found on eBay.
YES! My FreeRepublic account is active and updated! Best of all, it's several years OLD. This is positively fantastic, as the first thing they look at when suspecting a troll is the sign-on date. If you've lasted there a long time, you have all sorts of leeway, ha!

This is a gift. Oh yes. Must use it wisely. But how? How?

The Long Troll. Do it.
Explain that Romney is losing because God has turned His face from us for idolatry and left us to be governed by the Devil. After a dozen posts, explain that you found this written on some golden tablets you found on eBay.



Take a picture of yourself nude with Obama 2012 painted on you and then post it.
I could have someone paint my taint, like in those "ultra-zoomed-what-is-this-mystery-object" puzzles. It would be hysterical when they realise what they're looking at. :p

I have another particularly nasty idea. But I might not want to post it here.

No matter what, I want to start acting-up right on Election Night - when emotions are high and I can get them at their most entertaining.


I could have someone paint my taint, like in those "ultra-zoomed-what-is-this-mystery-object" puzzles. It would be hysterical when they realise what they're looking at. :p

I have another particularly nasty idea. But I might not want to post it here.

No matter what, I want to start acting-up right on Election Night - when emotions are high and I can get them at their most entertaining.

If I were more malicious, I'd suggest you gain their trust first and get a group of followers before you turn on them. If I were more malicious...


If I were more malicious, I'd suggest you gain their trust first and get a group of followers before you turn on them. If I were more malicious...
Yep. I am.

This is going to be something that's done over the aftermath of the election, when they're in the pits of despair. Lots of posts about how I need to step-up my prepping, buying more bullets, whining about how the country is gone for good because of the Mexicans/gays/blacks/commies/etc, arguments with my idiot liberal brother who lives in the city, etc etc.

Already added a sweet gun pic to my profile page. Aww yeah.
(ironically, I do like guns. My partner and I have a good number of 'em and hit the range at least every other month.)(Hi Manos! Miss you!)


And Obama's on Leno. Doing well, hitting the GOP on the rape issue. Huge applause.


Meanwhile, a big news source points out that Romney's math is daunting.


At some point, television folks are going to have to admit this.. right?
I mean, this is the New York Times calling this out.

So NC is Romney and NV is Obama.

My prediction: Romney is going to get Florida and Virginia
Obama is going to get Colorado, Wisconsin and Iowa

Ohio (Obama is up), New Hampshire (Romney is up) are close races.


Wow. This is a long segment on Leno. Audience questions and Facebook questions coming-up soon.

Per the Huffington Post, re:Leno
Later in the Leno appearance, Obama laughed off Donald Trump's pledge to donate $5 million to the charity of the president's choice if he agrees to release his college records and passport application. Obama joked that his contentious relationship with the business mogul goes back to when they grew up in Kenya together.

"We had constant run-ins on the soccer field," Obama said. "He wasn't very good and resented it. When we finally moved to America I thought it would be over."

Sick. I love it!
Heh. I've written off the possibility of Bob Kerrey holding Nebraska but then there's this:

NE-SEN (Pharos Research): Deb Fischer (R) 48, Bob Kerrey (D) 46

Who knows how well Pharos Research will fare in the actual results, they're an offshoot of Gallup I believe. If it really is that close... we could be in for a surprise on election night.

Pretty much all of their results are within the range of consensus and their Obama numbers aren't exactly positive either.


Heh. I've written off the possibility of Bob Kerrey holding Nebraska but then there's this:

Who knows how well Pharos Research will fare in the actual results, they're an offshoot of Gallup I believe. If it really is that close... we could be in for a surprise on election night.

Pretty much all of their results are within the range of consensus and their Obama numbers aren't exactly positive either.
I'll be doing my duty but I still don't think Kerry has a chance.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Bob Kerrey's campaign has been blanketing the whole state with advertising. I feel like I am in a swing state and Kerrey and Fischer are presidential candidates.

Kerrey has been using really, really lame attacks against Fisher and has only been saying, "I am a veteran" for positives.

Fisher should probably win this handily still, but who knows.
Bob Kerrey's campaign has been blanketing the whole state with advertising. I feel like I am in a swing state and Kerrey and Fischer are presidential candidates.

Kerrey has been using really, really lame attacks against Fisher and has only been saying, "I am a veteran" for positives.

Fisher should probably win this handily still, but who knows.
I heard he's been a pretty solid fundraiser. I guess rich establishment type Democrats don't mind throwing money down the toilet - especially if they manage to pull one out.


CNN is still pushing ahead with "Romney momentum." Besides Anderson Cooper, I think I'm done with this channel.

I saw Pierce Morgan give Donald Trump a blowjob on CNN earlier, Trump threw all subtlety overboard and assessed if Obama doesn't accept his $5 mil proposal then it is evidence that the President is hiding terrible secrets.

Trump also had time to say Romney released more than enough of his tax returns, as if the period in which he knew he was going to run for President ever mattered.


Bob Kerrey's campaign has been blanketing the whole state with advertising. I feel like I am in a swing state and Kerrey and Fischer are presidential candidates.

Kerrey has been using really, really lame attacks against Fisher and has only been saying, "I am a veteran" for positives.

Fisher should probably win this handily still, but who knows.
Fisher is exactly the same. New York bob lolololol. Her positive ads are that she is going to repeal the evil obamacare.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I heard he's been a pretty solid fundraiser. I guess rich establishment type Democrats don't mind throwing money down the toilet - especially if they manage to pull one out.

He must be tremendous. I am seeing Kerrey commercials absolutely EVERYWHERE on every channel, every Youtube channel, on forums, Yahoo, etc.

but his ads lack any substance. He is from another generation of politics and it shows.

"Deb Fischer's neighbors got screwed out of land by Fisher."

Who the hell cares?! Talk about her crappy politics, not her family farm.

That is infuriating. Regardless of if it was a third party or not and not the Democrats or Republicans, that is pathetic.

Speaking of stupid bullshit, I just read this article... hopefully it wasn't posted in here already, but if it was, it needs to be read again.


Huffington Post said:
Greg Abbott, the Republican Attorney General of Texas, issued a stern warning this week to members of a United Nations-affiliated delegation expected to be on hand to monitor voting at polling places around the country on Election Day.

In a letter to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, a body created by U.N. charter and responsible for helping to ensure the integrity of elections, among other tasks, Abbott warned the diplomatic poll-watchers that their involvement in U.S. elections could have strong legal repercussions.

"It may be a criminal offense for OSCE's representatives to maintain a presence within 100 feet of a polling place's entrance," he writes. "Failure to comply with these requirements could subject the OSCE's representatives to criminal prosecution for violating state law." Such a restriction makes election monitoring highly difficult.

The OSCE announced earlier this month that it would send 44 observers to polling places around the country on Election Day in order to monitor possible disputes that could arise in the voting process. The move came in response to a petition from liberal-leaning voting rights groups, including the NAACP and ACLU, that suggested the OSCE's presence could help combat what they fear will be a concerted effort to suppress votes from supporters of President Barack Obama.

Concerns among Democrats have mounted in the wake of reports that right-leaning groups, such as the Tea Party-aligned True The Vote, had plans to dispatch armies of poll-watchers seeking to root out invalid votes. Opponents warn that the volunteer "poll challengers" will engage in intimidation of legitimate minority voters who tend to vote Democratic.

There is some more in the link, including the OSCE response...

Huffington Post said:
“The threat of criminal sanctions against OSCE/ODIHR observers is unacceptable,” Lenarčič said. “The United States, like all countries in the OSCE, has an obligation to invite ODIHR observers to observe its elections.” ...

A release relaying Lenarčič's comments pointed out that the OSCE has observed five previous U.S. elections since 2002, all without incident.

Yeah, something doesn't seem right. Unreal.


Romney Pure Presidency Prediction Center (RPPPC)​
Here at the RPPPC, we collect various sources that predict a strong Mitt Romney victory over Barack Obama.

University of Colorado Boulder election model:
~Romney wins with 330 EV.
~Romney will carry Minnesota, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Ohio, New Mexico, North Carolina, Virginia, Iowa, Colorado, and Florida.

Model’s record: Has accurately predicted the election outcome since 1980.*

Wayne Allyn Root (radio guy, tea partier, sports guy, gambler):
~Romney defeats Obama by at least 100 EV and gets a 5 to 7 point win in the popular vote.
~Romney will carry Ohio, Florida, Colorado, Virginia, Iowa, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Indiana.

Root’s record: Predicted in 2004 that Bush would beat Kerry by 30 EV and get a 3 point win in the popular vote. Root says he was only off by 5 EV.

"I think it's Reagan/Carter all over again." via O'Reilly Factor

Dick Morris:
~Romney wins with 300 to 350 EV and beats Obama by 4 to 8 points in the popular vote.
~Romney will carry Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

Dick’s record: lol

"Romney Looks So Good. Always Does. I Think I'm In Love" via twitter


...so yeah I was bored. I just felt like having a list of the more interesting predictions for a Romney victory that I can look at as the election occurs. They are all up to date as far I can tell. Still searching for some more predictions.
University of Colorado Boulder election model:
~Romney wins with 330 EV.
~Romney will carry Minnesota, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Ohio, New Mexico, North Carolina, Virginia, Iowa, Colorado, and Florida.

Model’s record: Has accurately predicted the election outcome since 1980.
I like how they tout this like it actually matters. It sure is great to adjust your model to retroactively predict election results!


I like how they tout this like it actually matters. It sure is great to adjust your model to retroactively predict election results!

Beat me to it. The model actually only post-dicts the results of past elections.

It's still a valuable thing to be doing, scientifically, but comparing the real state of the race to the model tells us a lot more about the model than about the race.


The Autumn Wind
Rachel Maddow brought up an excellent point concerning Romney's abortion platform, where it would be illegal except in cases of risk to life and rape: How would you regulate it? And would women start claiming rape when it wasn't to have access?


He must be tremendous. I am seeing Kerrey commercials absolutely EVERYWHERE on every channel, every Youtube channel, on forums, Yahoo, etc.

but his ads lack any substance. He is from another generation of politics and it shows.

"Deb Fischer's neighbors got screwed out of land by Fisher."

Who the hell cares?! Talk about her crappy politics, not her family farm.
That is her politics. She is shady as hell and is the typical hypocritical rural Nebraskan.
Rachel Maddow brought up an excellent point concerning Romney's abortion platform, where it would be illegal except in cases of risk to life and rape: How would you regulate it? And would women start claiming rape when it wasn't to have access?

I've got such a weird crush on Maddow.


Rachel Maddow brought up an excellent point concerning Romney's abortion platform, where it would be illegal except in cases of risk to life and rape: How would you regulate it? And would women start claiming rape when it wasn't to have access?

Keeping in mind that they don't actually care about these exceptions, I imagine the policy would be to allow doctors to make the life/health judgment and to require a court order for the rape exception. For that the woman would have to report the rape, probably before she could reasonably know she's pregnant, and then go back after finding out she's pregnant to get a judgment. They don't necessarily have to convict someone, but it would be awfully inconvenient and women who don't immediately report a rape would likely be out of luck. Remember that to the extent that they are actually for a rape exception in a non-grudging way, they're for it only for rape rape.

Possibly they could require a court order for the life/health exemption as well, and then make that sufficiently inconvenient for the doctor (who would have to at least write up an affidavit and maybe show up at the courthouse) that it'd be hard to find a doctor willing to go through with all that. But I feel like that'd be hard to defend in the circuit courts. The nice thing about the rape exemption (for the pro-lifers) is that the courts are presumed to be competent to determine whether or not a rape occurred, and abortion in the case of rape isn't quite as protected as abortion to protect oneself (from more than the usual harms of pregnancy).

(multiple edits)

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Romney Pure Presidency Prediction Center (RPPPC)​
Here at the RPPPC, we collect various sources that predict a landslide Mitt Romney victory over Barack Obama.

University of Colorado Boulder election model:
~Romney wins with 330 EV.
~Romney will carry Minnesota, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Ohio, New Mexico, North Carolina, Virginia, Iowa, Colorado, and Florida.

Model’s record: Has accurately predicted the election outcome since 1980.*


Rachel Maddow brought up an excellent point concerning Romney's abortion platform, where it would be illegal except in cases of risk to life and rape: How would you regulate it? And would women start claiming rape when it wasn't to have access?
This is where that forcible rape bullshit comes from.
Those asshole wants to see vaginal scarring.

I feel dirty even talking about that.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I saw Pierce Morgan give Donald Trump a blowjob on CNN earlier, Trump threw all subtlety overboard and assessed if Obama doesn't accept his $5 mil proposal then it is evidence that the President is hiding terrible secrets.

Trump also had time to say Romney released more than enough of his tax returns, as if the period in which he knew he was going to run for President ever mattered.

Piers Morgan and Donald Trump deserve each other. There's two egotistical blowhards in love with celebrity.
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