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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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I sent in my ballot a few days ago. So +1 Obama in Arizona. Not that he will win this state. Also when my parents vote that will be two more votes for Obama. Just wanted to share that not all of us here are crazy! (just a whole fucking lot of us are, sadly)


Chelsea Clinton will be 48 then, and most likely an accomplished force of nature
While we're at it why don't we just get Ron Reagan and make a Clinton-Reagan ticket? Joe Kennedy for Secretary of State.

We'll need the star power when the hispanic George Prescott Bush runs against them. Otherwise we're doomed.
Hopefully the bullshitter thing isn't covered that much

Could be bad...

I think it's funny someone would freak over such a thing. To me it humanizes him a little. Bush had this affect a little bit with me. I never really thought of him as a horrible person, just his policies and people who surrounded him. People constatnly say that Bush is the type of guy they could have a beer with and this recent Obama comment has the same effect on me.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
You guys are insane. Honestly. At least the thread title is living up to its name...

I will be so glad when we get back to pie-in-the-sky politics.


In the context of the post-Tea Party GOP, it's easy to assume the worst of Mourdock. But I don't think we really need to--I think he really just did put his foot in his mouth with a poorly-worded statement, and some of us are seizing on it because we don't agree with his conclusions.

As somebody tweeted (and somebody else commented here), Mourdock is trying to express his opinion on theodicy -- also known as why bad things happen to good people in the presence of an omnipotent, omniscient, benevolent God. "Because God works in mysterious ways" is a pretty traditional answer to this question, even if it's kind of an unpleasant one for most people.

However, frankly, I think this is basically the GOP's fault for constantly TALKING ABOUT RAPE. How does it keep coming up for them? Stop taking those questions!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"



You guys are insane. Honestly. At least the thread title is living up to its name...

I will be so glad when we get back to pie-in-the-sky politics.
I'm more worried about the NE storm than I am polling in general lol.

This is why elections need to take place over a couple days, if not an entire week. If there's an emergency of some sort it can unfairly tilt the election.
I think Mourdock meant that "life is a gift from god," rather than specifically pregnancy or pregnancy from rape. I wouldn't be surprised though, if what he said was what he meant. Akin clearly did.
I think Mourdock meant that "life is a gift from god," rather than specifically pregnancy or pregnancy from rape. I wouldn't be surprised though, if what he said was what he meant. Akin clearly did.

The "gift from God" logic with regards to rape pregnancy is abhorrent. Hey, you got raped. Too bad, but here, here's a gift from God for your troubles. Whaa? So you not only suffer the degradation and the physical/mental assault of a rape, but must live the rest of your life with the baby of your rapist whom you must deliver, because it is a gift.

Only a person drowned in insanity can live with such a conundrum. Or someone that has a strait jacket on. There's a reason why this diarrhea is coming out of mouths of middle aged balding guys trying to hold on to power and bible, and not a young educated woman. These morons have no fucking clue about what it's like to be raped. The last thing you want to hear after being raped is the word "gift".


PPP twitter.

PPP's Iowa polling is kind of weird, but that's decent news for Obama.

That WI poll represents a gain of 3 points since the first debate, solid. Hard to really judge whether that first poll represented a low for WI which seems to have receded or whether it was a slight outlier given PPP's slight Dem lean. In either case the position in Dairyland is quite secure I think.
Hot damn. What a brittle, crumble-cakey firewall. Get me some milk.

Key findings from the surveys include:

-Obama hold small leads with independent voters in both states, 48/43 in Wisconsin and 47/46 in Iowa. The Iowa numbers represent a 9 point improvement for him from last weekend when he trailed 51/43 with independents.

-Obama holds a wide advantage over Romney in both states in terms of who voters trust more to protect Medicare. He leads 52/45 on that front in Wisconsin and 50/45 in Iowa. Voters also trust him more to stand up for the middle class, by a 52/44 spread in Wisconsin and a 51/46 one in Iowa.

-In Iowa Obama is already building up a substantial lead during the early voting period. 34% of voters say they’ve already cast their ballots and 68% of them report having supported Obama to only 32% for Romney. Romney does have a 55/39 lead with those yet to vote.

Papa Joe up in this bitch


PPP's Iowa polling is kind of weird, but that's decent news for Obama.

That WI poll represents a gain of 3 points since the first debate, solid. Hard to really judge whether that first poll represented a low for WI which seems to have receded or whether it was a slight outlier given PPP's slight Dem lean. In either case the position in Dairyland is quite secure I think.
Yeah Romney was up 1 their last Iowa poll.


I'm starting to think an Obama sweep of every swing State except maybe North Carolina is likely again. Everything is snapping back.


I found Maddow's Iowa registration numbers the other night really upsetting, but this early vote lead is insane, so I guess that's kind of misplaced. 68-32? Jesus.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I think Mourdock meant that "life is a gift from god," rather than specifically pregnancy or pregnancy from rape. I wouldn't be surprised though, if what he said was what he meant. Akin clearly did.

In context, he absolutely meant that pregnancy emerging from a rape was part of god's plan. So yes, he meant the life was the gift, but directly inserted by god. That in itself is just a fucked up thing to say, and if I were religious I would be grossly offended.

One way to avoid these gaffes is to not take such an absurd extremist position in the first place. These clowns want to take rape and turn it into an unprecedented and disastrous nightmare for the victim, adding misery upon misery. They want rape victims to suffer the consequences of the rape. And all because they played a game of "I am more pro-life than you" with political rivals to advance their political careers.

Fucking scum.
The "gift from God" logic with regards to rape pregnancy is abhorrent. Hey, you got raped. Too bad, but here, here's a gift from God for your troubles. Whaa? So you not only suffer the degradation and the physical/mental assault of a rape, but must live the rest of your life with the baby of your rapist whom you must deliver, because it is a gift.

Only a person drowned in insanity can live with such a conundrum. Or someone that has a strait jacket on. There's a reason why this diarrhea is coming out of mouths of middle aged balding guys trying to hold on to power and bible, and not a young educated woman. These morons have no fucking clue about what it's like to be raped. The last thing you want to hear after being raped is the word "gift".

Exactly. It's absurd. Truly fucking baffling. And women will still vote for this guy.
You guys are insane. Honestly. At least the thread title is living up to its name...

I will be so glad when we get back to pie-in-the-sky politics.
Yeah, well, what are you? HM?
I'm more worried about the NE storm than I am polling in general lol.

This is why elections need to take place over a couple days, if not an entire week. If there's an emergency of some sort it can unfairly tilt the election.

I told you not to worry about the hurricane.
I don't think Mourdock's statement would've raised too many angry replies in the absence of Akin's idiocy.

If we try to dig down and see what each man really meant, rather than seizing on their wording, it's clear that Akin's statement is far worse.

"If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."

Two things here. First, the "legitimate rape" wording. This is meant to imply that some rape is not really rape, i.e. that women are quick to "cry rape" even when it really wasn't. A pernicious meme that is deeply harmful to victims of rape. Second, the thing about the female body, which betrays an incredible lack of understanding of basic biology, as well as feeding back into the "cry rape" meme: if a woman gets pregnant, then I guess we can conclude it wasn't really rape.

Mourdocks' statement:

"I came to realize that life is that gift from God and I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen."

I think if we are a little charitable, it's clear that what he's trying to say is that pregnancy is always a gift from God, even if it happens from a horrific situation. That all life happens as a part of God's plan, and so we should never simply end it, even in these difficult edge cases. We might disagree with that, certainly, but it's not pernicious like Akin's statement. There's no specious science, no implied accusation that women are lying about being raped.

In the context of the post-Tea Party GOP, it's easy to assume the worst of Mourdock. But I don't think we really need to--I think he really just did put his foot in his mouth with a poorly-worded statement, and some of us are seizing on it because we don't agree with his conclusions.

Oh, Akin's is FAR worse. But try telling a woman that has a rapist's child growing in her belly that it's a gift or part of God's plan is fucking stupid. And a woman should have a choice is she wants to see a reminder every single day that she was raped. A woman should have a choice on what she wants to do if she was violated. To say that she shouldn't takes the violation a step further. ANd let's be honest here, the same republicans that talk about the sanctity of life are the same republicans that only care about kids before they're born. Once they're out of the womb, it's all about bootstraps.

And honestly, this abortion bullshit shows how fucking far behind the right is in general, but especially on women's rights. We constantly here shit like "Small government" "Let the states handle it" blah blah blah but when it comes to pregnancy, that shit goes out the window.

I find their whole stance to be insanely hypocritical.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
2 is a pretty thin margin, but again, what does Iowa mean at this point? WI seems in the bag, but I never had a reason to think it was going to go red.
In context, he absolutely meant that pregnancy emerging from a rape was part of god's plan. So yes, he meant the life was the gift, but directly inserted by god. That in itself is just a fucked up thing to say, and if I were religious I would be grossly offended.

One way to avoid these gaffes is to not take such an absurd extremist position in the first place. These clowns want to take rape and turn it into an unprecedented and disastrous nightmare for the victim, adding misery upon misery. They want rape victims to suffer the consequences of the rape. And all because they played a game of "I am more pro-life than you" with political rivals to advance their political careers.

Fucking scum.
What's infuriating is how easily they can detach the act of rape from the result of rape. It wouldn't have been THAT terribad if Mourdock started his answer with "I believe life is sacred/begins at inception" blah blah or whatever their jesus talking point and ended it there. Instead he brings up how horrible rape is then ends it with "look on the bright side". It shows how distorted bubble they live in. The least you could do to get your shitty mind educated is go to a abused victims shelter and talk to people. Jerk.


Obama up In Iowa 68/32 lead among early voters, per PPP.

early voting

obama: 277,440
romney: 130,560

election day

obama: 308,880 | 586,320 | 48.86%
romney: 435,600 | 566,160 | 47.18%

obama +1.68% on election day.

last time it was romney +1.19% on election day.


At this point Romney has led in Wisconsin only once the whole year*, immediately after the selection of Paul Ryan in August, and that bump collapsed. Obama's at 51. Call that one done. With WI and NV put away, Obama needs to win:

* Ohio or Florida
* Any swing state plus either Virginia or North Carolina
* Iowa, Colorado and New Hampshire

Which means Romney must win:

* Ohio, Florida, Iowa, Colorado, New Hampshire, and either Virginia or North Carolina
* Ohio, Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, and one of Iowa, Colorado or New Hampshire

* In a non-Ras poll.
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