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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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So you respect a completely ridiculous fucking statement more than another ridiculous fucking statement?

That makes no sense. What they said in both instances was fucking stupid. Even if people have personal beliefs that may be controversial, there has to be a switch in the brain that says "Don't say this shit, it's fucking stupid" and neither of them posses that switch. And neither statement has anything that should be "respected".

The "gift from God" logic with regards to rape pregnancy is abhorrent. Hey, you got raped. Too bad, but here, here's a gift from God for your troubles. Whaa? So you not only suffer the degradation and the physical/mental assault of a rape, but must live the rest of your life with the baby of your rapist whom you must deliver, because it is a gift.

Only a person drowned in insanity can live with such a conundrum. Or someone that has a strait jacket on. There's a reason why this diarrhea is coming out of mouths of middle aged balding guys trying to hold on to power and bible, and not a young educated woman. These morons have no fucking clue about what it's like to be raped. The last thing you want to hear after being raped is the word "gift".


Outside of the right, I think most respect Powell's decision to eschew partisan loyalty to endorse Obama. And, no. History will not judge him harshly for supporting a more prudent, reasonable foreign policy.
LOL--just having some fun.

If anybody wants a clear message as to how fair and balanced Fox News is, take a look at their current picture/headline on their website.
Yeah. You're cool. I can usually tell when someone's being a good sport. And my original post, against my intentions, seemed unnecessarily dickish.
I'd love to see an updated poll for Mourdock's race in Indiana. I still don't think it will be enough for him to lose, but I'VE BEEN WRONG BEFORE.

It's possible. He's running neck and neck with Donnely in many polls, so this could tip things. But Indiana is so red I think Mourdock will win off Romney's coat tails


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
"Most feckless foreign policy in my lifetime"?

It's almost as if he wasn't a POW during the Vietnam War or anything.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Like the time you suggested bigger nets in hockey? ;)

LOL--I posed that as a possible solution to the scoring issue, but also said I'd much rather change goalie equipment size first :p
The Onion with some Obama fan-fiction:

I Mean, If I Lose To Mitt Romney, I'll Probably Kill Myself

Well, here we are. Less than two weeks left in my reelection bid, and the race is locked in a dead heat. Though I assumed it would be a somewhat close election, I guess I’d be lying if I said I thought that with 14 days to go I’d be in such a vulnerable position. Because, when it comes down to it, my opponent is Mitt Romney. I’m not exactly running against Dwight D. Eisenhower or Abraham Lincoln or even George H.W. Bush here, you know? I’m running against Mitt Romney—a guy who has made so many conflicting statements on so many different issues that the thought of losing to someone like that leaves me severely depressed, and makes me question if I’ve maybe wasted my entire life. Truth be told, if I do lose on Nov. 6, I think the odds are pretty good that I’ll kill myself.

Yeah, I’ll definitely commit suicide if I lose the presidency to Mitt Romney.

I think that would be the best, and even the healthiest, thing for me both personally and professionally. The prospect of welcoming President-elect Romney to the White House, or watching Mitt Romney take the oath of office, or continuing my life as a president, husband, and father who lost the most important position in the entire world to the guy who ran the Salt Lake City Olympics just doesn’t seem very appealing to me. In fact, it makes me wish I were dead.

The question is: Do I even deserve to live if I can’t beat Mitt Romney? And I don’t think I do, really. That’s why I’ll more than likely be packing a little gun with me on election night. Because the sooner I can end it all, the less pain I’ll feel.

I mean, wouldn’t you kill yourself if the U.S. population felt that Mitt Romney—a man who basically wrote off half the American population as entitled victims incapable of taking care of themselves—was a more viable leader than you? Wouldn’t you take your own life if a massive segment of the citizenry basically said, “You know what, you ended the war in Iraq, you passed health care reform, you saved the auto industry, you repealed Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, you had 32 straight months of job creation, and you killed Osama bin Laden, but sorry, I’m going with Romney”?

Of course you would. Just reading that sentence makes me want to reach for my pen right now and jab myself in the throat over and over and over again. Hell, I considered killing myself last week when Colorado and Virginia suddenly became a toss up. The first African-American president in the history of the United States loses his reelection bid to none other than…Mitt Romney. Mitt fucking Romney. The only way I could look at myself in the mirror if that happened would be if there were a cocked shotgun lodged in my mouth.

I hope you don’t think I’m overreacting. In fact, I think my attitude is just about right. Mitt Romney spent the past year blaming me for setting a withdrawal date for our troops to leave Afghanistan, but then in our last debate he not only set a withdrawal date himself, but picked one that was identical to mine—2014. Nobody seems to give a fuck about that. And that must mean nobody really gives a fuck about me. It’s like I’m living in the goddamn Twilight Zone and nothing I’ve done matters at all. Look, a world in which people believe Mitt Romney is a better communicator than me is a world I don’t want to live in. So that’s why I’ll either hang myself in the Lincoln Bedroom or slit my wrists right there in the middle of the Oval Office. I haven’t decided which yet.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering, Michelle is totally fine with me killing myself. She’s all for it. In fact, she said she’ll probably kill herself too, because she doesn’t want to be the wife of someone who lost to Mitt Romney. I certainly can’t blame her for that. Actually, if once all the ballots are counted, it turns out that that spineless, weak-willed fuck wins the highest office in this land, I think my entire family might just gather in the Rose Garden, hold hands, take five cyanide pills—one for Bo—and go away forever.

Mitt Romney makes me want to drive a scalding hot nail into my eyeball. He’s a piece of fucking dog shit who has done nothing in this world except figure out how to say things people want to hear in order to get what he wants. He’s a gutless cocksucker pig fuck.

I want to be on the record saying that before I commit suicide.

Thank you, and God bless America.
I have a question for empty vessel: Where do you think I can find and read information on MMT? I've been driven nuts by people being scared to death about our debt, but I need to know how to effectively answer that.





It's a stupid unforced error. Obama is already being portrayed as desperate and behind, compared to the confident and optimistic Romney. This just plays into that meme. Does it matter? Probably not. But it's still an ugly story that could have been avoided

Btw Obama will not lose Nevada, I don't know what Romney is doing there

Is this a joke post? Romney was perhaps confident in a single debate, otherwise he's seemed less confident and infinitely more negative and less optimistic than Obama. In fact, his whole campaign relies on the negatives. Focus in on all the wrong, all the bad and keep running with it, be it economy, foreign policy et all.

Also, I think only in America (and Pakistan) do people actually think Romney is more presidential than Obama. Everywhere else in the world Obama is far more respected and liked. Romney on the other hand globally is often regarded as a flip flopping, robotic, money centric and shady candidate. Heck on his short trip to the UK he even managed to insult the country/people and had the media lambast him for it.


Is this a joke post? Romney was perhaps confident in a single debate, otherwise he's seemed less confident and infinitely more negative and less optimistic than Obama. In fact, his whole campaign relies on the negatives. Focus in on all the wrong, all the bad and keep running with it, be it economy, foreign policy et all.

Also, I think only in America (and Pakistan) do people actually think Romney is more presidential than Obama. Everywhere else in the world Obama is far more respected and liked. Romney on the other hand globally is often regarded as a flip flopping, robotic, money centric and shady candidate. Heck on his short trip to the UK he even managed to insult the country/people and had the media lambast him for it.

That's all just thanks to the global liberal media biasing the world against Romney. If only every country had Fox News so everyone could experience the fair an balanced reporting of Hannity.


Alabama? hahahahhaa

Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan, a congressman from Wisconsin, will attend a Huntsville fundraiser on Oct. 26.

The visit to the state will be the first for Ryan since GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney selected him as his running mate.

Lt. Gov. Kay Ivey, state chair of Romney’s campaign, announced the event on Friday.

Ryan will attend the event at the Von Braun Center, where people can pay $1,000 to attend the reception or $5,000 for a photo opportunity with the candidate.

To attend a roundtable with Ryan, people can pay $25,000 or raise $50,000.

People can call (205) 777-3734 or email kate@kateandersonllc.com for more information or to reserve a space at the event.
Wasting time to fundraise at this point is so hilariously dumb. http://blogs.ajc.com/jamie-dupree-w.../why-is-paul-ryan-in-states-that-dont-matter/

On Thursday morning, a top spokeswoman for the Mitt Romney campaign tweeted out news that they had raised almost $112 million in the first half of October, again showcasing the GOP ability to bring in big money to this year's race for the White House.

But if Romney has a lot of money coming in, why is GOP running mate Paul Ryan spending so much time this week still raising money?

It might sound trite, but it is true, every minute you don't spend shaking hands or talking to key voters is a minute you can never get back, especially in the final days of an election campaign like this one.

With that in mind, let's take a look at part of Ryan's schedule.

On Wednesday evening, Ryan raised money in an event in Atlanta, Georgia that closed down major roads during rush hour and produced some aggravated tones from commuters on social media.

On Thursday morning, Ryan raised money ($25,000/couple) in an event in Midland, Texas.

On Friday morning, Ryan is scheduled for two fund raising events in Greenville, South Carolina, one for $5,000 per couple, the second at $25,000 per couple.

On Friday afternoon, Ryan will hold a fund raising lunch in Huntsville, Alabama.

Last time I checked, Georgia, Texas, South Carolina and Alabama aren't exactly swing states.

In between these fund raising events, Ryan has been doing regular campaign stops, but you sure can't do as many of those when you are going to places that aren't key states, and don't really border swing states.

What do we glean from this type of schedule?

Is the Romney campaign short on cash? Not according to a press release from them this morning, which says they have $169 million cash on hand.

So if they have that much money, why isn't Paul Ryan spending every hour of every day in swing states? Why not Wisconsin? Or Pennsylvania? Or Michigan?

Let me know what you think it all means below.
RustyNails - I'm not EV, but the best advice I can give you is to just sit down one day, and start writing things out on a piece of paper. Once you start analyzing things the only logical conclusion you can find is that debt is not an issue.

You already know the answer. It's just a matter of putting the disparate pieces together in your head.

Just start with, "What is debt?" and "What is inflation?" and go from there. (I know you know the answers to the question, but I've found that a good analysis starts with the most obvious points, and working down from there.)


Is he going to hold a rally there?

I wonder if the crowd at an Alabama political rally would shout things..

edit: nevermind. They need money.
Wait, what?
Is this a joke post? Romney was perhaps confident in a single debate, otherwise he's seemed less confident and infinitely more negative and less optimistic than Obama. In fact, his whole campaign relies on the negatives. Focus in on all the wrong, all the bad and keep running with it, be it economy, foreign policy et all.

Also, I think only in America (and Pakistan) do people actually think Romney is more presidential than Obama. Everywhere else in the world Obama is far more respected and liked. Romney on the other hand globally is often regarded as a flip flopping, robotic, money centric and shady candidate. Heck on his short trip to the UK he even managed to insult the country/people and had the media lambast him for it.



Sandy-Winter Storm Hybrid Threatens East Coast

Hurricane Sandy in the Caribbean, an early winter storm in the West, and a blast of arctic air from the North are predicted to collide, sloshing and parking over the country's most populous coastal corridor starting Sunday. The worst of it should peak early Tuesday, but it will stretch into midweek, forecasters say.

"It'll be a rough couple days from Hatteras up to Cape Cod," said forecaster Jim Cisco of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration prediction center in College Park, Md. "We don't have many modern precedents for what the models are suggesting."

This NOAA satellite image taken Wednesday shows Hurricane Sandy across the central Caribbean moving northward toward Jamaica and Cuba. Tropical Storm Tony is seen along the tail end of a cold front across the central Atlantic.

It is likely to hit during a full moon when tides are near their highest, increasing coastal flooding potential, NOAA forecasts warn. And with some trees still leafy and the potential for snow, power outages could last to Election Day, some meteorologists fear. They say it has all the earmarks of a billion-dollar storm.

Some have compared it to the so-called Perfect Storm that struck off the coast of New England in 1991, but Cisco said that one didn't hit as populated an area and is not comparable to what the East Coast may be facing. Nor is it like last year's Halloween storm, which was merely an early snowstorm in the Northeast.

Again this is tangentially related to the Election Day, but I hope this doesn't wind up impacting US all that much, since the storm last year threw a good chunk of New England out of the loop for well over a week.


Is this a joke post? Romney was perhaps confident in a single debate, otherwise he's seemed less confident and infinitely more negative and less optimistic than Obama. In fact, his whole campaign relies on the negatives. Focus in on all the wrong, all the bad and keep running with it, be it economy, foreign policy et all.

Also, I think only in America (and Pakistan) do people actually think Romney is more presidential than Obama. Everywhere else in the world Obama is far more respected and liked. Romney on the other hand globally is often regarded as a flip flopping, robotic, money centric and shady candidate. Heck on his short trip to the UK he even managed to insult the country/people and had the media lambast him for it.
It is. When perusing the thread, Dax's guide to PoliGAF is helpful.

Sometimes I feel like PoliGAF needs a guide.

Listen to: Cyan, GhaleonEB, Jackson50
Troll with or otherwise ignore: PD
Panic with: Diablos and CS
Be calm with: Black Mamba, pigeon, loudninja, Tim-E, Forever
Harass PD, make sarcastic/joking responses, fake panic with: Dax
Appreciate trolling of: Incognito

Something like that.


I have a question for empty vessel: Where do you think I can find and read information on MMT? I've been driven nuts by people being scared to death about our debt, but I need to know how to effectively answer that.
New Economic Perspectives is a great MMT blog

Maybe Ryan's already thinking about 2016? He gets to play loyal soldier while simultaneously making Romney's strategy look stupid, plus he gets to meet big money people and bundlers for three years from now.

That, or the south is turning purple far, far faster than anyone ever anticipated (or, in Alabama's case, even thought possible).
Alabama? hahahahhaa

Wasting time to fundraise at this point is so hilariously dumb. http://blogs.ajc.com/jamie-dupree-w.../why-is-paul-ryan-in-states-that-dont-matter/

It's ironic that Ryan is being sent to do all these fundraisers given they just may benefit him the most. If Romney loses the election, Ryan clearly gains the most. His Medicare plan has turned out to be not nearly as toxic as advertised, and he'll get to argue Romney moved too much to the center. He has the money connects, the support of the base, and still has the media's hearts despite multiple stories about him lying. Not bad
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