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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Also, this:



Also, this:

It's tough to even analyze North Carolina right now because there have been a surfeit of awful pollsters recently, but this is two points better than PPP's last visit last week. Could be nothing -- if it weren't for that 6-point Grove poll, it would pretty much be Romney's Ohio. If we see one or two other polls soon that show Obama leading, we should assume that NC is reaching a tie or better.


Okay this makes no sense, Obama has to be up more than the national polls suggest for these State polls to be accurate, right?

But then again in 1960 Kennedy won the popular vote over Nixon by 0.2% and won with +82 electoral votes, so I guess it's perfectly possible.


Not Florida

Florida has been ridiculously close in polling the entire election, only very slightly leaning Romney, and the absentee numbers for Obama look extremely positive.

It will be close, within 1% - no matter who wins, but I think Obama will pull it off.


The Autumn Wind
Okay this makes no sense, Obama has to be up more than the national polls suggest for these State polls to be accurate, right?

But then again in 1960 Kennedy won the popular vote over Nixon by 0.2% and won with +82 electoral votes, so I guess it's perfectly possible.
Nah, it just means that Romney is much more dominant in red states than Obama is in blue states. Which makes sense if you think about it.
In context, he absolutely meant that pregnancy emerging from a rape was part of god's plan. So yes, he meant the life was the gift, but directly inserted by god. That in itself is just a fucked up thing to say, and if I were religious I would be grossly offended.

One way to avoid these gaffes is to not take such an absurd extremist position in the first place. These clowns want to take rape and turn it into an unprecedented and disastrous nightmare for the victim, adding misery upon misery. They want rape victims to suffer the consequences of the rape. And all because they played a game of "I am more pro-life than you" with political rivals to advance their political careers.

Fucking scum.

Yeah, agreed. If there was even a sliver of a chance these people could go "Look, I feel this way, but it isn't the law. I disagree with it" that would be different than "Well, you got raped. Sucks to be you. HERE'S A BABY!" The most disgusting part of this is, as my man Stinkles here said, it comes down to having the victim suffer the consequences for something they had no control over. It's rooted in the bullshit logic of people like Aiken who say shit like "legit rape" or go with the crowd that thinks women who dress a certain way are "asking to get raped". At best it's an INSANE amount of concentrated ignorance. At worst it's demeaning the victim even more by carrying the idea that what happened was their fault/part of god's plan. It's disgusting.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Okay this makes no sense, Obama has to be up more than the national polls suggest for these State polls to be accurate, right?

But then again in 1960 Kennedy won the popular vote over Nixon by 0.2% and won with +82 electoral votes, so I guess it's perfectly possible.

The margins in the south are like 90% Romney and they check the boxes that indicate to Gallup that they will definitely show up at the polls


PPP's last poll has Romney up two points. So the move to tied fits with the shift we've seen other polls today and the past few days.

Which is great news for John McCain.


Here's that troubling Iowa registration data I mentioned. Good to see it doesn't seem to be having any effect on early voting.



The Autumn Wind
Speaking of EV adjustments, is there a reason they don't just add/subtract a vote somewhere to avoid the possibility of a tie altogether?


Nah, it just means that Romney is much more dominant in red states than Obama is in blue states. Which makes sense if you think about it.
Maybe, but I'm not sure. There's probably comparable millions of 'wasted' Obama votes between California, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Washington, and Maryland. All big to medium states.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Speaking of EV adjustments, is there a reason they don't just add/subtract a vote somewhere to avoid the possibility of a tie altogether?

It wouldn't be possible without Nebraska and Maine fucking with the system.

Is CNN trying to steal Fox News's market or something? They've been running stories about Obama losing non-stop as far as I can tell.


The Autumn Wind
Maybe, but I'm not sure. There's probably comparable millions of 'wasted' Obama votes between California, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Washington, and Maryland. All big to medium states.
Sure, but let's not kid ourselves, even strong blue states like NY and CA have a sizable Republican population. Those states have high costs of living and attract a lot of upper class people. And you can bet that many working on Wall Street, for example, tend to lean right.



The official results from Ohio could come weeks after election day due to new rules about absentee and provisional ballots, potentially holding up the official outcome of the presidential election, according to a report on a potential "nightmare voting scenario" by the Cincinnati Inquirer.

Under Secretary of State Jon Husted’s initiative to send absentee ballot applications to nearly 7 million registered voters across Ohio, more than 800,000 people so far have asked for but not yet completed an absentee ballot for the Nov. 6 election.

Anyone who does not return an absentee ballot, deciding instead to vote at the polls, will be required to cast a provisional ballot.

That’s so officials may verify that they did not vote absentee and also show up at the polls.

By state law, provisional ballots may not be counted until at least Nov. 17.


Florida has been ridiculously close in polling the entire election, only very slightly leaning Romney, and the absentee numbers for Obama look extremely positive.

It will be close, within 1% - no matter who wins, but I think Obama will pull it off.

I do too.


Sure, but let's not kid ourselves, even strong blue states like NY and CA have a sizable Republican population. Those states have high costs of living and attract a lot of upper class people. And you can bet that many working on Wall Street, for example, tend to lean right.
Sure but all that is equally offset by the sizable Democratic populations in the Republican South. Big cities like Atlanta, New Orleans, and Charlotte are reliably Democratic, as is the black belt in general.


Just went to the local Obama office, damn do these people work. Calls over the place, never knew so much work occurs outside of the stump speeches. Classes were cancelled for the day for me and they said I could make a few calls if I wanted to, so I decided to stay and make a few. Unfortunately, I'm busy with school stuff atm, but I'm glad to have at least experienced it.

With the work that I saw getting done here, I'm confident PA still going to stay blue, no toss up here ppl.
I think if we are a little charitable, it's clear that what he's trying to say is that pregnancy is always a gift from God, even if it happens from a horrific situation. That all life happens as a part of God's plan, and so we should never simply end it, even in these difficult edge cases. We might disagree with that, certainly, but it's not pernicious like Akin's statement. There's no specious science, no implied accusation that women are lying about being raped.

Sounds like a good defense to a rape charge. Members of the jury, my client was doing God's work. I get what you're saying, but given that the sentiment serves equally well as a defense to rape, I think it's just as opprobrious as Akin's statement, if not more so.
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