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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Also, this:

I told you guys NC was still winnable.
Just went to the local Obama office, damn do these people work. Calls over the place, never knew so much work occurs outside of the stump speeches. Classes were cancelled for the day for me and they said I could make a few calls if I wanted to, so I decided to stay and make a few. Unfortunately, I'm busy with school stuff atm, but I'm glad to have at least experienced it.

I would easily spend 18-20 hrs a day working when i was with the campaign. Its no joke.


Obama's firewall is locked in, 277 almost guaranteed with wit IA, WI, NV, and OH. Only one of those I'm a bit worried about is Ohio.

Why do Democrats do so well in early voting? What's the reasoning?

We have jobs so we can't just stand around for hours on a tuesday.


Here's that troubling Iowa registration data I mentioned. Good to see it doesn't seem to be having any effect on early voting.


That's mainly because there was a GOP Presidential caucus this year in Iowa and no competitive one on the DEM side.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Obama's firewall is locked in, 277 almost guaranteed with wit IA, WI, NV, and OH. Only one of those I'm a bit worried about is Ohio.

We have jobs so we can't just stand around for hours on a tuesday.

Ohio? Obama has visited a Shlage plant in Ohio, you know what that means.

I would worry more about Iowa or even the outlier (not happening, calm down cartoon soldier and Diablos) NV before Ohio.

btw, every job I have ever worked has made it seem like they kind of have to let you out to vote. Is that a law or just a practice?


Fork 'em, Sparky!
The ground game.

That and because the DNC and various campaigns know that Dems skew younger and more working class. They know that some distractions like weather, work, school, etc will get in the way of them caring to vote, so they drive GOTV, absentee, and early voting as a way to get the Dem votes in. If it were left up to day-of-election voting, the GOP would probably win a few more elections each season...


Mandel Breaks With GOP Senate Field, Backs Mourdock To The Hilt
But the Republican nominee for Senate in Ohio, Josh Mandel, has taken a very different approach. He’s given Mourdock a big ol’ bear hug. Ahead of Thursday’s debate between Mandel and incumbent Democrat Sherrod Brown, Democrats say they plan to make Mourdock a big topic on stage.

“I would bet it will,” Brown spokesperson Sadie Weiner told TPM when asked whether Mandel’s handling of Mourdock will come up in the debate.

Mandel is unafraid to embrace Mourdock, despite the controversy surrounding him.

“Listen, I’ve gotten to know Richard [Mourdock] because we’re both state treasurers and — we’re treasures in states next door to each other,” Mandel told radio host Laura Ingraham Thursday. “He’s a gentleman. He’s a class act. He’s a thoughtful guy. He’ll make a great United States Senator.”


Condi Rice pissing off conservatives by dismissing Benghazi-Gate nonsense

i saw some of that, luckily as soon as Rice's segment was over Sustren went brought on someone else and went right back to Libya Fox talking points dismissing everything Rice said.

So there’s a big picture to be examined here. But we don’t have all of the pieces, and I think it’s easy to try and jump to conclusions about what might have happened here. It’s probably better to let the relevant bodies do their work.
- Rice

Sorry Condi, but there are documentaries to be made that don't have time for facts.


Why do Democrats do so well in early voting? What's the reasoning?

Simply put, more Americans are Democratic -- it's balanced out by Republicans being more likely voters. If every single legally allowed American registered and voted one year, Democrats would sweep all kinds of states. (There was a poll recently that showed that "unlikely voters" went for Obama by like 40 points.) So anything that increases turnout or reduces barrier to entry for voting is good for the Democrats.

edit: Also, this particular year, Obama has just invested way more time and energy in GOTV compared to Romney, but that's primarily because of the above.
No exception for cases of rape is a such a stalker's wet dream legislation.

Let's say you are a total fucking loser with no life but you have an obsession about some popstar, actress, or whoever. Your life is shit and will always be shit. But if you can rape your popstar/actress, not only will you get to have sex with them but you've got a good chance of having your son/daughter be born by them. And the government will protect that child for you. The stalker's dream law.

Yeah, I don't want to live in that world.


The Romney campaign's epitaph is going to read: "He should've invested more in the ground game."

And picked Rob Portman for VP


Fixed. :)

The Ryan pick appealed to people that were voting for Romney as a "not Obama" vote, rather than "I like Romney" vote. At least Portman could have helped with Ohio.
No exception for cases of rape is a such a stalker's wet dream legislation.

Let's say you are a total fucking loser with no life but you have an obsession about some popstar, actress, or whoever. Your life is shit and will always be shit. But if you can rape your popstar/actress, not only will you get to have sex with them but you've got a good chance of having your son/daughter be born by them. And the government will protect that child for you. The stalker's dream law.

Yeah, I don't want to live in that world.

All the better if the mother died during delivery because the government won't allow abortion to save her life. No victim, no crime!


Ehh, I still wouldn't get my hopes up over NC. If Obama can make it close and the ground game does its thing there could be an upset, but I still think it's safe Romney territory. He's been up there most of the year.
You are just the worst. You cause the perception that anyone not hooked on Hopium is a doom thinking chicken little.

Diablos built up such a tolerance to hopium in 2008 that he needs far more of it than your average person to get the same high. If Obama was made God Emperor of the world for eternity then maybe he would feel as confident as the rest of us do for an Obama win.
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