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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Hello Everyone,

There seems to be a fresh breeze of optimism at work these days. After the last debate (which the POTUS clearly won) our confidence seems to be returning. Yeah those national trackers are confusing, but today's state polls reflect the internals and all signs are pointing towards an Obama victory. OFA is practically shipping every democrat that lives in DC into VA these next few weeks to get the final push out.

For those of you who live in "swing" states, please get involved with GOTV efforts and bring this election home.

Is this the final October surprise? A father of one of the Benghazi victims is suddenly willing to explain how he was mistreated by Obama, Biden, Clinton.


Personally I think his story is tainted and based on too many rumours, Live streams from Libya army compounds, administration watching seals getting slaughtered, really?

This story sounds a bit bogus. Like they immediately needed an opposite story to counter-act the mother that complained when Mitt Romney talked about her son that died in Benghazi in his campaign stump speech.

And this seems odd:
Joe Biden to Father of Former Navy SEAL Killed in Benghazi: ‘Did Your Son Always Have Balls the Size of Cue Balls?’

I kinda doubt even crazy Joe Biden would say something like that considering that the guy died. But if we assume he did . . . isn't that a crude compliment? Such a statement is an off-color complement of the guy's bravery to go to where the trouble was.


It's only going to get worse.
I can't wait for people losing their shit based on line length in different counties on election day.

I don't even know if I can tolerate being on here on election day.

Ah, who am I kidding? I'll be here all day


No Scrubs
I think if the guy wanted to bring attention to what Biden potentially said seriously, he should've/would've gone to a reputable media source, not Crazy TV.

Maybe he did but had no actual proof and came off as salty? (I'm not giving Fox a hit)

This story sounds a bit bogus. Like they immediately needed an opposite story to counter-act the mother that complained when Mitt Romney talked about her son that died in Benghazi in his campaign stump speech.

And this seems odd:
Joe Biden to Father of Former Navy SEAL Killed in Benghazi: ‘Did Your Son Always Have Balls the Size of Cue Balls?’

I kinda doubt even crazy Joe Biden would say something like that. But if we assume he did . . . isn't that a crude compliment? Such a statement is an off-color complement of the guy's bravery to go to where the trouble was.

Yea this was my reaction. Odds are no one else is running with this is because it is pure bullshit.


Hello Everyone,

There seems to be a fresh breeze of optimism at work these days. After the last debate (which the POTUS clearly won) our confidence seems to be returning. Yeah those national trackers are confusing, but today's state polls reflect the internals and all signs are pointing towards an Obama victory. OFA is practically shipping every democrat that lives in DC into VA these next few weeks to get the final push out.

For those of you who live in "swing" states, please get involved with GOTV efforts and bring this election home.

Ohio almost 75% on 538. Colorado at 56%. Va at 50.7% for Romney. Hunk Florida dropped a bit too. Nevada at 77%.

If all the national polls would move towards Obama Nate's model would move quite a bit I think.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
guys Guys GUYS I think we need to panic:

The swings of this thread are hilarious.

X - "We got this!" "See, chill the fuck out!" "Wrap it up!" "Bitter tears are near!"

Xo - "Noise." "Outlier." "Shut the fuck up, Diablos!" "Ah hell, it's Cheebs."

X1 - "He's lost." "If this nation elects Romney, we deserve what we get." "See guys I told you." "Shut the fuck up, Diablos!" "You guys only like polls when they're positive for Obama." "EAD, Cheebs." "FUCK, NOOOOO!!!! NOT CARTOON SOLDIER!"



re: panic

I have to talk my liberal co-workers down from the ledge almost every day. While we have our own unique memes here at PolliGAF, it seems that liberals everywhere are on-edge.

Funny thing: as soon as they're reminded of the map and see the latest state numbers, they feel better. Every day. I ended-up pointing them to 270toWin so that they can play with it at home.

And we've made a resolution: we've gotta come-up with our own version of "Sore Loserman" buttons if the split really does happen.


The sportsbooks are a much more reasonable source then intrade.
And even they feed almost exclusively from the polls.

You talk like someone who have never seen a Dallas Cowboys or a Pittsburg Steelers line.

Yeah all of them are just reacting to polls and current events, of which we can all see.


Getting more e-mails asking to come to Ohio and GOTV. If I had the time and it wasn't a two hour drive away I would. :(


The sportsbooks are a much more reasonable source then intrade.
And even they feed almost exclusively from the polls.

You talk like someone who have never seen a Dallas Cowboys or a Pittsburg Steelers line.

It's not 100% obviously but I'd rather my team be -250 (Obama's current odds) than +187 (Romney's) in a big game.


Obama interview coming-up on Rock Center.
(my partner, who was stationed at Andrews in the early 90s, was geeking-out at that location. dork.)

and beaten!

it's very....

I can't read that word (especially when accompanied with dramatic ellipses) without hearing it in Zapp Brannigan's voice.
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