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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Holy Christ-on-a-stick, I think I'm arguing with the dumbest right winger alive. Someone responded to something of my cousin's with that stupid line about how Obama had two years to do whatever he wanted, so the economy is his fault. So I went off on him, and got the dumbest response ever:

I mean seriously, lol

I love the complete incoherence. You should just respond by posting pictures of OBL.
Holy Christ-on-a-stick, I think I'm arguing with the dumbest right winger alive. Someone responded to something of my cousin's with that stupid line about how Obama had two years to do whatever he wanted, so the economy is his fault. So I went off on him, and got the dumbest response ever:

I mean seriously, lol

I'll raise you one.

Donald trump has offered 5 million dollars to ANY CHARITY OF BARACK OBAMA'S CHOOSING if he releases college and passport records. OBAMA REFUSED!...... NOTHING TO HIDE MR PRESIDENT?! #liar #benghazicoverup #treason #impeachment

Well, tonight...on the Daily Show...our president...the leader of the free world...compounded his cover up of the benghazi terror attack...by referring to the loss of 4 American lives as....and I quote...."NOT OPTIMAL".....I'm saddened and disgusted.... This is how this man thinks....I hope he tells their families...that their loved one's deaths were...not optimal...how brash ...how callous...how condescending... How insensitive...and it makes sense that he also thinks...our economy is "NOT OPTIMAL"...this administration is NOT OPTIMAL....these past 4 years are NOT OPTIMAL....which makes sense, cuz wat is NOT OPTIMAL to Obama ...is synonymous with TRAGIC! ...to the rest of us..so his disillusioned characterization of these deaths is no surprise...


Holy Christ-on-a-stick, I think I'm arguing with the dumbest right winger alive. Someone responded to something of my cousin's with that stupid line about how Obama had two years to do whatever he wanted, so the economy is his fault. So I went off on him, and got the dumbest response ever:

I mean seriously, lol

How is it worse if you include the people that gave up looking for work unemployment is at 14%.
My friend said this one. I asked him if they excluded people who stopped looking for work for UE rates across multiple Presidencies. He admitted that they did, but ignored that it would've raised UE rates in those years as well.


Now I'm arguing Benghazi with him. He keeps saying the administration admits it had nothing to do with the video and he can totally link stories from NBC, MSNBC, etc, that say this. I linked him to the washington post and LA Times latest stories about how at least a part of it was because of the video. At least it was an inspiration for part of the group, anyway.


Now I'm arguing Benghazi with him. He keeps saying the administration admits it had nothing to do with the video and he can totally link stories from NBC, MSNBC, etc, that say this. I linked him to the washington post and LA Times latest stories about how at least a part of it was because of the video. At least it was an inspiration for part of the group, anyway.

Just pictures of OBL, man. Pointing out that he's wrong will just make him angrier.


Now I'm arguing Benghazi with him. He keeps saying the administration admits it had nothing to do with the video and he can totally link stories from NBC, MSNBC, etc, that say this. I linked him to the washington post and LA Times latest stories about how at least a part of it was because of the video. At least it was an inspiration for part of the group, anyway.

Ask him what the coverup actually is?


If Sandy just so happens to be devastating to the northeast, do you guys think this will dampen voter turnout in that region, further complicating Obama getting the popular vote?


will gain confidence one day
Now I'm arguing Benghazi with him. He keeps saying the administration admits it had nothing to do with the video and he can totally link stories from NBC, MSNBC, etc, that say this. I linked him to the washington post and LA Times latest stories about how at least a part of it was because of the video. At least it was an inspiration for part of the group, anyway.

Start using POP-GAF gifs on him.


Would Obama having a strong victory in the electoral college blunt some of the bitterness of a popular vote/EC split? At best Bush only won the electoral college in 2000 because some old people in Florida accidentally voted for Pat Buchanan, but if Obama wins every decisive state by more that a percentage or two there could be less to be pissed off about.
Now I'm arguing Benghazi with him. He keeps saying the administration admits it had nothing to do with the video and he can totally link stories from NBC, MSNBC, etc, that say this. I linked him to the washington post and LA Times latest stories about how at least a part of it was because of the video. At least it was an inspiration for part of the group, anyway.

Get the transcript on his punk ass.
man, tears are going to be fuckin delicious once they start rollin' in on Nov 6
at approximately 10pm EST

Indeed. He's one of those "HE HAZ NO RECORDZ!!!!" types too. Was definitely a dude bro in grad school, but seemed cool at the time and generally apolitical. My how times have changed.
Indeed. He's one of those "HE HAZ NO RECORDZ!!!!" types too. Was definitely a dude bro in grad school, but seemed cool at the time and generally apolitical. My how times have changed.

yeah, the right has become crazy and they can't be reasoned with, especially when they base their talking points based on headlines, catch phrases, or dirty words....with no actual reaseach, facts, or context either. Frustrating.


Get the transcript on his punk ass.

Already did. I pointed him to the latest news stories basically saying the CIA's intelligence matched up with what the administration was saying.

He then posted a news story with this:

"You're right that this is not a situation that was -- exactly the same as what happened in Egypt and my suspicion is that there are folks involved in this who were looking to target Americans from the start,"

And none of that counters what I said. They found out that it wasn't the same as what happened in Egypt, and I'm not sure they every pushed it being EXACTLY the same as Egypt. Yes things were muddled and now we have a clearer picture, but that's what intelligence gathering does. They never actually said much that was misleading, not that that even matters. The response is what matters.

yeah, the right has become crazy and they can't be reasoned with, especially when they base their talking points based on headlines, catch phrases, or dirty words....with no actual reaseach, facts, or context either. Frustrating.

That's what I found most hilarious. This dude didn't even form actual sentences related to the talking points. He just regurgitated the exact phrases. Benghazi! Fast and furious! 14% unemployment! CONSTITUTION! AAAAAAH


Interesting to me that 538 gives Obama only a 3% lower chance of winning Ohio than Nevada, even though Nevada has officially been written off for him.


Would Obama having a strong victory in the electoral college blunt some of the bitterness of a popular vote/EC split? At best Bush only one the electoral college in 2000 because some old people in Florida accidentally voted for Pat Buchanan, but if Obama wins every decisive state by more that a percentage or two there could be less to be pissed off about.

If he wins a "clean" electoral split victory, I tend to think that most non-extremist citizens/voters will see that he won the game, fair and square - especially if he wins in the Electoral College by a healthy margin. Both candidates were subject to the same rules and the same victory conditions, and Obama's team will have simply outwitted Romney's team on the playing field.

If his victory is "dirty" - similar to 2000 or 1876 (such a great doozy!) - I could see moderate Americans feeling a bit unsure about his legitimacy. Then again, if Bush can overcome this, so can he.

And no matter what, the Republicans won't give him due respect.


Also he's saying Obama has more executive orders than any other president or something. Anyone have a link to the number of orders by each president? Not that I believe him, but now I'm curious.

Edit: found 'em. Yeah, he hasn't really issued that many at all. Actually it's kind of low, lol.
Interestingly sununu basically said its cool to vote for Romney cuz he's white. He's not just accusing Powell of voting based on race, he's justifying it.

Sununu is such scum.
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