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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Holy Christ-on-a-stick, I think I'm arguing with the dumbest right winger alive. Someone responded to something of my cousin's with that stupid line about how Obama had two years to do whatever he wanted, so the economy is his fault. So I went off on him, and got the dumbest response ever:

How is it worse if you include the people that gave up looking for work unemployment is at 14%. How many executive orders has he passed? Bengazi, Fast and Furious, Middle East Melt down, How many countries have chanted Burn America Burn? Fast and Furious is 100% Obama admin. How many Hybrids are on the roads? GM if isn't right now going through another bankruptcy will be soon. Solyndra. How many times has Obama tried to get rid of the Constitution?

I mean seriously, lol
Let me go through the list of crazy.
How is it worse if you include the people that gave up looking for work unemployment is at 14%. - Well it is ALWAYS TRUE that unemployment does not count discouraged workers. No-Op.
How many executive orders has he passed? - I dunno. How many? Who cares? Are they illegal when done by Obama or something?
Bengazi, - Yeah, 4 people tragically died in service of their nation as part of HUGELY successful LOW COST effort to get rid of Reagan's nemesis, dictator Ghadaffi. So? What's the point?
Fast and Furious - The president that 'is gonna take ma gunz!' is accused of allowing too many gun sales. Liberals are the ones that should be mad.
Middle East Melt down - Wat? Several dictators deposed for very little money and this is a bad thing? You just spent 8 years telling me how bringing democracy to the Muslim world is a good thing and now it is a bad thing? Is it Syria? Oh . . . a dictator we didn't like is being attacked by his own people! Oh noes! OMG!
How many countries have chanted Burn America Burn? - LOL. When were you born? This situation is better than it once was.
Fast and Furious is 100% Obama admin. - We are already into repeats?
How many Hybrids are on the roads? - What the fuck? What does this even mean? Anyone know?
GM if isn't right now going through another bankruptcy will be soon. - LOL, No. Just no.
Solyndra. - This is kind of like Benghazi . . . it is nit-picking a tactical tragedy when there has been a HUGE strategic victory. Yeah, Solyndra went bankrupt. BUT PV PANEL PRICES ARE DOWN 70+% IN THE LAST 4 YEARS! Thin-film PV brought us to $1/watt. Silicon PV had to slash costs to compete . . . consumers win!
How many times has Obama tried to get rid of the Constitution? - Uh never? Back to crazy land. (OK, there are real constitutional issues such as killing US citizens, indefinite detetion, etc. . . . all things where Mitt would be worse.)

Wow that was fun.


I try to keep the bad news relevant.

Let me be clear (haha! I'm channeling Obama!): I wasn't laughing out of derision at you. I'm actually glad you pointed this out.

I was laughing at one more bit of circumstances lining-up to increase the chance of a split. We already have what's looking like increased margins for Romney in the South. Now we get to see something that may depress turnout in the NorthEast? Delicious. If it remains close, this might possible be the difference. :p

For the *ahem* record, it's an edit of an old "PS3 has no games" comic.

Well done! Thanks.


WTF, just saw Sununu saying Powell probably endorsed Obama because of his skin color. What the fuck!? How is this guy a surrogate for Romney still?

How many Hybrids are on the roads? - What the fuck? What does this even mean? Anyone know?

I basically answered the same as you, but this one does still bug me, too. What in hell is it supposed to mean? Are there too many hybrids for his liking? Not enough? WHAT DOES IT MEAN!?


2008 | 2012

rcp: obama +4.4 | romney +1.5
538 projection: obama +5.6 | obama +0.4
polltracker: obama +6 (closest) | obama +0.6
average: obama +5.3 | romney +0.17
result: obama +6

rcp: obama +15.3 | obama +2
538 projection: obama +11.7 (closest) | obama +2
polltracker: obama +17 | obama +1.2
average: obama +14.67 | obama +2.4
result: obama +9

rcp: obama +6.5 | obama +2.8
538 projection: obama +4.9 | obama +2.8
polltracker: obama +9 (closest) | obama +3.6
average: obama +6.8 | obama +3.07
result: obama +12

rcp: mccain +1 | romney +5
538 projection: obama +1 (closest) | romney +3.1
polltracker: mccain +1 | romney +2
average: mccain +0.3 | romney +3.37
result: obama +0.3

rcp: obama +2.4 | obama +2.1
538 projection: obama +3.4 (closest) | obama +2.3
polltracker: obama +2 | obama +2.6
average: obama +2.6 | obama +2.3
result: obama +4.6

polltracker: obama +1 | obama +1
rcp: obama +1.8 (closest) | romney +1.7
538 aggregate: obama +1.7 | romney +1.3
average: obama +1.5 | romney +0.67
result: obama +3

rcp: obama +5.5 | romney +0.4
538 projection: 6.6 (closest) | obama +0.7
polltracker: obama +4 | obama +1.9
average: obama +5.37 | obama +0.7
result: obama +9

538 was closest in 5 of these 7 states. tpm's polltracker was closest in 2. rcp was closest in none.

everyone overestimated iowa, but they also underestimated nevada, almost to the same degree.


Interesting to me that 538 gives Obama only a 3% lower chance of winning Ohio than Nevada, even though Nevada has officially been written off for him.

at this point, i had given nevada to obama to keep forever and ever. i wanna wait until polls come out next week, but i'm about ready to do the same for ohio.

i think the only remaining actual battleground states are florida, virginia, new hampshire, and colorado.
I basically answered the same as you, but this one does still bug me, too. What in hell is it supposed to mean? Are there too many hybrids for his liking? Not enough? WHAT DOES IT MEAN!?

Yeah, that one totally stumped me. If he's raw-meat conservative, I would have to guess that it is supposed to be a bad thing somehow. Those hybrids are something those Latte-drinking Californians drive. (And we sure do . . . I swear there are like 6 on my block alone!)

But how is this a bad thing at all? Isn't he happy that those other people are driving hybrids so that it leaves more gasoline for him? And what does Obama have to do with hybrid sales?



I can never get enough of Letterman's nightly Mitt mockery. The new thing where he brings out his five sons is great. I wonder if this has any impact at all, every night without fail Letterman is digging Mitt for dodging his show.
I can never get enough of Letterman's nightly Mitt mockery. The new thing where he brings out his five sons is great. I wonder if this has any impact at all, every night without fail Letterman is digging Mitt for dodging his show.
Might make a dent with his audience, the over 85 crowd.


I can never get enough of Letterman's nightly Mitt mockery. The new thing where he brings out his five sons is great. I wonder if this has any impact at all, every night without fail Letterman is digging Mitt for dodging his show.

I've been loving it. The names that his sons are great as well ("Nubb" has to be my favorite). If you watch Letterman, you're going to see a heavy dose of Mitt bashing. It's been blatant, and I'm eating it up.

Bonus from tonight's Top Ten:
Top Ten Thoughts Going Through This Baby's Mind
shown on-screen is a photo of Mitt Romney holding a crying baby

#6: "I can't count, and I know his tax plan doesn't add up!"


I'm sick of the news cycle, so I just bought Chris Hayes book. I'm about 10% of the way through it and loving it.


Interesting premise for the book. Let me know how it goes. What's interesting is that many people say that the Roman republic came to power because of its meritocratic nature and also failed due to the very same reason, and of course finally succumbing to dictatorship. I don't know if he's arguing the same thing or not in his book obviously but this has be tempted to purchase it.


at this point, i had given nevada to obama to keep forever and ever. i wanna wait until polls come out next week, but i'm about ready to do the same for ohio.

i think the only remaining actual battleground states are florida, virginia, new hampshire, and colorado.

If that's true, then battleground states is a lousy term for them, because Obama can lose all of those and still win. Maybe "hilarious anticlimax states."

I basically agree, I'm still just a little nervous.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
WTF, just saw Sununu saying Powell probably endorsed Obama because of his skin color. What the fuck!? How is this guy a surrogate for Romney still?

Actually, isn't that the excuse pretty much all right wingers were using the last time Powell endorsed Obama? I remember Rush saying that extensively at the time.


This is pretty interesting:


Do it now. So good. It actually makes a very dispassionate, apolitical argument that I think any freethinker could get behind

Well, that's exactly what I like about Chris.

Actually, isn't that the excuse pretty much all right wingers were using the last time Powell endorsed Obama? I remember Rush saying that extensively at the time.

Likely, but still it's pretty shameful to me when a surrogate says that...


Nevada is a solidly blue state that likes to pretend it can be purple. Nevada has had such an influx of people from California etc that its demographics have shifted greatly.

Someone mentioned the same about PA. It likes to tease the republicans in elections and suck money from them that hey maybe we can turn it but in the end its always safe


will gain confidence one day
Seems like there's always been a negative movement in CE in a President's second term, unless my eyes missed a counterexample.
Seems like there's always been a negative movement in CE in a President's second term, unless my eyes missed a counterexample.

Clinton's second was less, but positive.

edit: It might generally be because first terms often happen when the economy has been sluggish.

edit edit: And by that I mean that if a President gets a second term, it means that the economy has improved during his term, so there's a higher chance of it going down after that.


Also, Mitt's crowds are just amazing to see pictures of:


Seriously, the racial divide in this election is astounding. I really hope I'll be telling my kids about how crazy this election was compared to theirs, and that they just won't believe it.
Also, Mitt's crowds are just amazing to see pictures of:


Seriously, the racial divide in this election is astounding. I really hope I'll be telling my kids about how crazy this election was compared to theirs, and that they just won't believe it.

Not a single person there looks under 65...


Also, Mitt's crowds are just amazing to see pictures of:


Seriously, the racial divide in this election is astounding. I really hope I'll be telling my kids about how crazy this election was compared to theirs, and that they just won't believe it.

I don't know I see at least 2 colored people in there so they have at least already surpassed their affirmative action quota.


Is Sununu an idiot. Let's keep it real the Powell endorsement is not big like it was in 08 but his comments basically makes the story continue for another day. The Romney camp probably has to answer questions about this.

Hunter S.

Lol, I am getting bitched out as being biased on another forum for posting the poll results you guys post here! Apparently, the swings states do not matter and it is all about the popular vote. :jnc


Lol, I am getting bitched out as being biased on another forum for posting the poll results you guys post here! Apparently, the swings states do not matter and it is all about the popular vote. :jnc

Point them over to Intrade to make some "easy money." I need to see more more Conservative bettors over there.


I don't know I see at least 2 colored people in there so they have at least already surpassed their affirmative action quota.

Hah, took me a while but I found 'em now too.

That crowd is so insanely different than the one I saw for Obama. Granted I don't suppose there were that many really really old people, but other than that it was insanely diverse.
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