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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Lol, I am getting bitched out as being biased on another forum for posting the poll results you guys post here! Apparently, the swings states do not matter and it is all about the popular vote. :jnc

What conservative/republican forums do you frequent? I would love to see some of the things they are discussing and I especially want to read their reaction on nov 6th.


Lol, I am getting bitched out as being biased on another forum for posting the poll results you guys post here! Apparently, the swings states do not matter and it is all about the popular vote. :jnc

Just do the whole smugly confident "I suppose we'll see how much the popular vote matters in 12 nights, won't we?" thing. The tears are going to be extra-extra-primo that evening, especially given that Fox and friends are still frantically promoting the idea that Romney has this thing in the bag.

East Lake

Also, Mitt's crowds are just amazing to see pictures of:


Seriously, the racial divide in this election is astounding. I really hope I'll be telling my kids about how crazy this election was compared to theirs, and that they just won't believe it.
Do you think the GOP will integrate?

Hunter S.

What conservative/republican forums do you frequent? I would love to see some of the things they are discussing and I especially want to read their reaction on nov 6th.

It is a gaming forum and it is one that is all about sales and will get you banned if you name it here.


I'll get the lowdown on meltdowns from christianforums.com when Nov. 7th rolls around. My wife frequents there quite a bit. I'm not entirely sure why she does, considering she's not even Christian anymore. Guess she likes arguing with nutters as much as I do, lol, even though she always chastises me for it :p

Do you think the GOP will integrate?

There's no way it can continue like this. They'll have to at some point, especially by the point where I'm having a conversation like that with my children lol.
Oh shit!

This piece on Maddow about the OHIO union rights and Obama for America's involvement is fucking awesome.

Now I see why they are so scared shitless and trying so hard to suppress the vote.

OFA is no fucking joke.


If Romney doesn't win Ohio, is there any way he can win? Let's give him FL and VA. He'd need, like... PA or something right? WI?

So yeah, Ohio's his only shot, right?


Oh shit!

This piece on Maddow about the OHIO union rights and Obama for America's involvement is fucking awesome.

Now I see why they are so scared shitless and trying so hard to suppress the vote.

OFA is no fucking joke.

What episode? The one from today or yesterday? (I missed both)

If Romney doesn't win Ohio, is there any way he can win? Let's give him FL and VA. He'd need, like... PA or something right? WI?

So yeah, Ohio's his only shot, right?

It's not his only shot, but he really doesn't have much chance without it. I think according to Nate there was a really really tiny percentage of outcomes in his model that had Mitt winning without it, but overall whoever won Ohio won the presidency.
If Romney doesn't win Ohio, is there any way he can win? Let's give him FL and VA. He'd need, like... PA or something right? WI?

So yeah, Ohio's his only shot, right?

more or less, yeah (iirc only like 3% of all 538 simulations had either candidate win w/o Ohio)

all his other routes to 270 involve picking off 'likely Obama' states at this point


If Romney doesn't win Ohio, is there any way he can win? Let's give him FL and VA. He'd need, like... PA or something right? WI?

So yeah, Ohio's his only shot, right?

If Romney loses Ohio but wins Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia, then he'd need 22EVs more from NH/CO/WI/IA/NV. NH and CO seem doable, but WI/IA/NV seem to be trending away from him.


I've been unable to post this past two months but I have followed the debates and debacles along with this thread and it has been a great ride. Thank you guys for providing me with much entertainment at work these past months.

Should be casting my absentee ballot for Obama tomorrow night. I have had my ballot for almost a month but the AF IT guys came in to re-image all the computers and told us we couldn't have a USB scanner anymore. I finally found someone yesterday morning that had a scanner, so tomorrow night I vote for the first time.


The Autumn Wind
If Romney doesn't win Ohio, is there any way he can win? Let's give him FL and VA. He'd need, like... PA or something right? WI?

So yeah, Ohio's his only shot, right?
I think he'd need to sweep all the other swing states if he doesn't win Ohio.
If I were Romney, I would pay Activision 100 million to release Black Ops II a week early. Election won. :p

Wouldn't that distract people more likely to support gun rights so that they don't actually leave their homes to vote?

Hmm, if Obama gets all states currently marked at (…*quickly double checks*) 74% O or higher at 538, then he'll get 271 of those electoral thingamajigs.

(edit: chose that weird number because Ohio is 74.8% right now)
Joe Biden to Father of Former Navy SEAL Killed in Benghazi: ‘Did Your Son Always Have Balls the Size of Cue Balls?

The father of one of the former Navy SEALs killed in the terrorist attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya says President Barack Obama wouldn’t even look him in the eye and Vice President Joe Biden was disrespectful during the ceremony when his son’s body returned to America. He also says the White House’s story on the attack doesn’t pass the smell test.

Charles Woods, father of Tyrone Woods, called into “The Glenn Beck Program” on TheBlazeTV Thursday and recounted his interactions with the president, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Biden at the ceremony for the Libya victims at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. He told host Glenn Beck that what they told him, coupled with new reports that indicate the Obama administration knew very good and well, almost immediately, that a terrorist attack was occurring in Benghazi, make him certain that the American people are not getting the whole truth.

Vice President Biden, as he has become known to do, reportedly made a wildly inappropriate comment to the father who had just lost his hero son.

Woods said Biden came over to his family and asked in a “loud and boisterous” voice, “Did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?”

“Are these the words of someone who is sorry?” said Woods.

The grieving father also described his brief encounter with President Obama during the ceremony for the Libya victims.

“When he finally came over to where we were, I could tell that he was rather conflicted, a person who was not at peace with himself,” Woods said. “Shaking hands with him, quite frankly, was like shaking hands with a dead fish. His face was pointed towards me but he would not look me in the eye, his eyes were over my shoulder.”

“I could tell that he was not sorry,” he added. “He had no remorse.”

Beck said he wanted to give the president “the benefit of the doubt,” and asked Woods how he could be sure that Obama wasn’t just uncomfortable or nervous during their conversation. Woods said it was Obama’s “demeanor.”

Hillary Clinton’s comments to Woods raise even more questions about the White House’s official story on the Benghazi attack, which has already been extremely inconsistent.

After apologizing for his loss, Woods said Clinton told him that the U.S. would “make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted.”

Obviously, Clinton was referring to the anti-Muslim YouTube video that the Obama administration spent nearly two weeks blaming for the attack. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice, Clinton and the president himself all blamed the video at various points. Beck pointed out that the White House is now trying to claim that it has always considered terrorism as the cause of the attack.

“When she said that, I could tell that she was not telling me the truth,” Woods said about Clinton.

I'm not going to criticize a grieving father, although it's clear he wasn't an Obama fan before or after this; his comments on how he felt Obama and Clinton's interactions weren't genuine strikes me as a matter of internal bias. But the Biden comment, if true...jesus christ

What's worse is that people like him are being exploited to turn this story into something it's not. It's disgusting.


If I were Romney, I would pay Activision 100 million to release Black Ops II a week early. Election won. :p

I thought this was already covered by the Halo 4 release on November 6th, slightly odd given that Microsoft is an Obama donor, and Bill Gates just donated $500k to support gay marriage.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Lol, there is the Joe Biden we all know and love. Obama must have kept him clean before the debate as he was really on point. Republicans were waiting for him to do something like this.


No Scrubs

I'm not going to criticize a grieving father, although it's clear he wasn't an Obama fan before or after this; his comments on how he felt Obama and Clinton's interactions weren't genuine strikes me as a matter of internal bias. But the Biden comment, if true...jesus christ

What's worse is that people like him are being exploited to turn this story into something it's not. It's disgusting.

Biden has a son that's served in the military, the idea that he would say something like that in this sort of situation is just odd. Yea he makes gaffes, but the guy isn't tone deaf. The fact no other news outlet seemed to want to touch this is rather telling.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I thought this was already covered by the Halo 4 release on November 6th, slightly odd given that Microsoft is an Obama donor, and Bill Gates just donated half a mil for gay marriage.
We have a fairly significant get out the vote effort including avatar gear for people who watch all the debates.




I'm not going to criticize a grieving father, although it's clear he wasn't an Obama fan before or after this; his comments on how he felt Obama and Clinton's interactions weren't genuine strikes me as a matter of internal bias. But the Biden comment, if true...jesus christ

What's worse is that people like him are being exploited to turn this story into something it's not. It's disgusting.

Reminds me of the king of the hill episode where hank shakes bush's hand.


Damn...Rachel thinks that WI is redder than people think and OH is bluer than people think.

I could see this being true. I imagine the republicans are a lot more organized in WI then people may give credit for after the recall etc.

Ohio I have a hard time seeing it being so close in the end due to how different Ohio is compared to the rest of the nation


It would be crazy if Obama wins Ohio but Romney ends up winning anyways by tipping Wisconsin to his side.

It would be. I kind of doubt it, though. Thing is that Wisconsin's pretty split. There are a lot of conservatives here, and the ground game for the recall was really good. But, there are also a ton of progressive younger people here, especially around Madison. The recall election lost because I don't think they could really capture enough of them. Barrett was a shit uninspiring candidate. And even with that huge win for the GOP, exit polls had Obama up by 10.

I think Baldwin might actually help Obama, too. She's going to get a lot of those younger, progressive people excited where they might not be as much for Obama anymore. They'll be out to the polls voting for her, so she'll get them, too. Also, Baldwin being ahead this whole time has me pretty confident in Obama, since she's pretty darned liberal, too.
Yeah nothing from Glenn Beck is going to mean shit really. Fox news might give it some air time, but other stations won't touch it. CNN might air it if Obama pulls ahead in national polling to keep the race a "dead heat"
I don't see a rational scenario where Ohio goes blue but Wisconsin turns red. It's both or neither.

And with Nevada in his corner, winning Ohio brings Wisconsin and that's that.

Turning Va early in the night would be a foreshadow, of course (If Fla is called for Obama the game is over then and there).


I don't see a rational scenario where Ohio goes blue but Wisconsin turns red. It's both or neither.

And with Nevada in his corner, winning Ohio brings Wisconsin and that's that.

Turning Va early in the night would be a foreshadow, of course (If Fla is called for Obama the game is over then and there).
I'm loving that we now have all of these swing states on the East coast.

Back in 2000, it was Florida (which doesn't close until its Central Time Zone precincts close - and then takes a while to tally) and New Hampshire.

Thanks to Dean & Obama, the map's expansion has been a gift.
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