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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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What the fuck is wrong with them? When your opponent is out there with Bruce Springsteen, you don't counter with Meatloaf. Jeez. Just ignore that aspect and do something else.


The Cryptarch's Bane

In the survey released Friday, President Barack Obama holds a four-point advantage over Republican nominee Mitt Romney, with 50% of likely Ohio voters questioned in the poll backing the president and 46% supporting the former Massachusetts governor.

Ohio carries 18 electoral votes. Obama's margin is within the survey's sampling error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points

...? What?

...? What?

If they rounded it could be juuust within the MOE. As pointed out before though, the actual numbers would still suggest a 90% certainty of a real lead.

Ever heard of sample size and margin of error?

His point is that four points is outside the MOE. It could still be technically within the MOE with rounding, but being within it doesn't mean there's a 50/50 chance of a Romney/Obama lead either. In fact with this poll it's very unlikely there's a real Romney lead.

Mike M

Nick N
With Meatloaf's and Dave Mustaine's endorsements, I think it's safe to say that Romney has the aging metal has-been demographic locked up.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"

...? What?
50-46 with 3.5% MOE means Obama could be at 47.5 AND Romney could be at 49.5 at the same time. If there's a 3.5% MOE, then the leader could have 3.5% more OR less than his showing in the poll, and the trailing candidate can have 3.5% more OR less than his showing in the poll... so Obama could be at 53.5% and Romney could be at 43.5%.

In other words up to 7 points spread is technically in the margin of error.


Andrew Kaczynski ‏@BuzzFeedAndrew

RT @blasky: BREAKING: Harry Reid transported to UMC. No word on injury. His caravan involved in accident on I-15 nbound. 6-car accident.

Hope everyone's okay


What the fuck is wrong with them? When your opponent is out there with Bruce Springsteen, you don't counter with Meatloaf. Jeez. Just ignore that aspect and do something else.

That's what this campaign does though. Obama has large crowds? Let's photoshop more geriatrics in. Obama sings Al Green? Quick, let Mitt sing something! Trickle down economics doesn't work? Well, let me tell you bout that trickle down government.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Wait, a 3.5% margin of error means the numbers could be off by 7% stastically speaking?

This is true because the sampling goes both ways - in other words, Romney could theoretically be up by 3.5% more than what they're showing and Obama could be down by 3.5% from what they're showing. The only way its out of the margin of error with a 3.5% MOE is if there's a 7% spread.


This is true because the sampling goes both ways - in other words, Romney could theoretically be up by 3.5% more than what they're showing and Obama could be down by 3.5% from what they're showing. The only way its out of the margin of error with a 3.5% MOE is if there's a 7% spread.

So they're tied.


The Cryptarch's Bane
This is true because the sampling goes both ways - in other words, Romney could theoretically be up by 3.5% more than what they're showing and Obama could be down by 3.5% from what they're showing. The only way its out of the margin of error with a 3.5% MOE is if there's a 7% spread.
Right, I get it now- a margin of error per result. I always thought it referred to the margin of error of the spread itself; I.e.: could add or subtract 3.5% to/from either Obama or Romney's result.

I am disturbed because I've been following polls for many years and have taken statistics classes yet missed this crucial detail. Maybe I was distracted by a redhead that day.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
So they're tied.

That assumes that there's a very large error ratio on the large number of samples. There's never been a poll showing that kind of deviation. That only describes the margin of error on that particular sampling.


This is true because the sampling goes both ways - in other words, Romney could theoretically be up by 3.5% more than what they're showing and Obama could be down by 3.5% from what they're showing. The only way its out of the margin of error with a 3.5% MOE is if there's a 7% spread.

There's also a chance that they're understating Obama's lead, and under stating Romney's.

It could be 54-43 O+11. But neither are likely.



Goes to http://www.barackobama.com/video/id/Tb60nFeJsNc?source=forward-doodle

I have to say, though the road to equal rights for homosexuals will be excruciating in this country, this adminsitration has taken a far more ballsy stance as an advocate than I ever expected.
Amen. The GLBT citizens of this country will look back on Barack and Uncle Joe very fondly.

If most of the marriage equality amentment votes have favorable results, and if Baldwin wins in Wisconsin, and if one or two more good Supreme Court justices are nominated, I'd say these years will have been a really good era for this ongoing civil rights story. And I think it'd be near-undeniable that this administration has set a better tone, a better environment for progress.


This is true because the sampling goes both ways - in other words, Romney could theoretically be up by 3.5% more than what they're showing and Obama could be down by 3.5% from what they're showing. The only way its out of the margin of error with a 3.5% MOE is if there's a 7% spread.

Obama could also be up 3.5% and Romney could be down


Let's look on the bright side with CNN, guys. Them being fucking dumb doesn't change the truth. And having a tied race narrative will encourage democrats to go out and vote.



2 sigma = 95% confidence interval = MoE. It's much more likely, barring systemic errors, that the actual value is within 1 sigma of the reported value

I hope this is correct


edit: Thanks Grimace.

I guess I always misunderstood the term. This is disheartening.

Don't worry. We have lots of other Ohio polls to compare to, most of which say about the same thing. If this poll were an outlier, it'd be significantly different from the average, and it really isn't. So it adds another chunk to the pile of evidence suggesting than Obama has a small lead in Ohio.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Obama could also be up 3.5% and Romney could be down

In all likelihood, the poll is relatively close to accurate - there's been too many samples to say that the poll's methodology is consistently flawed. If anything, I thought polls from 2008 underestimated Obama's support, although the political climate is far different now, which probably explains why they've messed around with the likely voter model so much over various polls.

Right, I get it now- a margin of error per result. I always thought it referred to the margin of error of the spread itself; I.e.: could add or subtract 3.5% to/from either Obama or Romney's result.

I am disturbed because I've been following polls for many years and have taken statistics classes yet missed this crucial detail. Maybe I was distracted by a redhead that day.
It depends. This is how it was explained to me by a pollster.

You do not double the MoE unless the sample is 100% with no undecideds. Without that, the MoE between differences is lower.

And again, MoE simply refers to the 95% confidence interval. When you say something is 55 with a MoE of 3% it does not mean 52 is still likely. 52 or less happens one out of 40 times is what that means.

If you have a 4 point lead with a 3% MoE you are likely to win roughly 90% of the time. THIS is what happens. Yes, 10% of the time you could lose.

If you are up 7 with 3% MoE, you still could lose 1% of the time. Does anyone say "oh well, that 1% means is possible therefore TIED." no,

95% is used because it's 2 times the standard deviation (or 2 times the average distance from the mean). But it's simply a plot point in the end. It is still highly unlikely to be at the margins.

A 4 point lead with 3% MoE is a HUGE lead, statistically.

edit: in my haste I forgot the opposite is true, Obama could be up another 6 or so. That is also part of it.

It's only a one out of 40 chance Mitt and Obama can move 3% or so towards each other.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I didn't mean the poll itself was disheartening, I meant learning that my own manner of interpreting them has been flawed was disheartening. :lol

I remain confident in my understanding of SD and syllogism's graph makes perfect sense to me so I'm just gonna try and shake it off and move on with my newfound knowledge.

Black Mamba: 3.5% moe on a 4-point lead, but otherwise very helpful, thanks.
Josh Marshall (TPM editor) keeps harping on a very important point: Ohio pollsters who include cell phone users constantly show larger Obama leads. Very important point, especially in relation to Ras polls which do not contact cell users


Josh Marshall (TPM editor) keeps harping on a very important point: Ohio pollsters who include cell phone users constantly show larger Obama leads. Very important point, especially in relation to Ras polls which do not contact cell users

PPP polls don't either


Not calling cell users seems nuts to me. The only people I know with a landline phone are my parents, and they have to have one because they own a business connected to the house. Other than that I don't know anyone under like 50 that lives by themselves with a landline.
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