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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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The Autumn Wind
Just anecdotal, but I've seen a couple other news outlets be a bit harsher on him for this these past few days. Now that his momentum has levelled off and he's so blatantly trying to dupe the press into artificially stimulating it, I wonder if the media is going to turn on him going into election day. Would be a beautiful sight to behold.
This was specifically about his "big plan" he laid out today.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Frag, I really thought we were going to start getting that in late September. The stupid first debate ruined all the leaky drama.

I hope the post-election tell all on Time or Newsweek is great and then I knooooow the 2012 Game Change equivalent will be filled with tales of Paul Ryan asking to be let off the leash.

Is Ryan even alive at this point? What a wasted pick. He doesn't even talk. At this point in 2008, Sarah had basically implied Obama was part of the SS.


Frag, I really thought we were going to start getting that in late September. The stupid first debate ruined all the leaky drama.

I hope the post-election tell all on Time or Newsweek is great and then I knooooow the 2012 Game Change equivalent will be filled with tales of Paul Ryan asking to be let off the leash.

Is Ryan even alive at this point? What a wasted pick. He doesn't even talk. At this point in 2008, Sarah had basically implied Obama was part of the SS.

That's what I noticed too! After the Veep debate the dude fucking disappeared from sight and is now being shuffled off to the deep-red South. It's fucking weird considering Biden is all over the place.


Frag, I really thought we were going to start getting that in late September. The stupid first debate ruined all the leaky drama.

I hope the post-election tell all on Time or Newsweek is great and then I knooooow the 2012 Game Change equivalent will be filled with tales of Paul Ryan asking to be let off the leash.

Is Ryan even alive at this point? What a wasted pick. He doesn't even talk. At this point in 2008, Sarah had basically implied Obama was part of the SS.

It's funny seeing Paul Ryan these days. I can't put my finger on it, but I get the feeling he feels trapped as fuck at the moment and knows that the end of moving up the ladder politically is coming near at hand after Romney loses on Nov 6. Every time I see him in an appearance he just seems to be paint-by-numbers.

Edit: Very "why did I do this"-ish
The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." ... "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."[2]

Frag, I really thought we were going to start getting that in late September. The stupid first debate ruined all the leaky drama.

The stuff to defend Schmidt last cycle was what, a week or two weeks out? That election had blowout written on it a month and a half before that. The bubble starts to burst, and it's pretty clear that Romney's people see if even if they aren't saying it-they have one way to 270 with Ohio off the table, and that's through an equally unlikely takeaway in the upper Midwest. Which is why you see the renewed focus on WI.

Is Ryan even alive at this point? What a wasted pick. He doesn't even talk. At this point in 2008, Sarah had basically implied Obama was part of the SS.

I don't think it's a bad choice, the problem is that he didn't turn out to be a skilled campaigner as he was a policy wonk. So they wound up having a strong policy wonk on the ticket in a campaign that has gone well out of its way to stay clear of defining any specific plans and items. Yeah, that didn't turn out well. If they were actually running on a substantive platform they could use Ryan to townhall his way to explaining their agenda, which he'd be good at.

That's not a defense, that's just a reason.

Fair point.


I remember a Canadian caller on C-SPAN the night after Kerry lost very cruelly stating that "we don't want Kerry voters here. You might think that you're better than Bush voters, but you're all the same loud, arrogant and rude Americans." Or something to that effect.

Way to kick people when they're down, lady caller from Canada. :,^(

That's funny.

I just read an article in this thread pointing out that it's tougher to move to Canada than one thinks.


If Obama does win, reading the comments on Yahoo news the next day will be incredible. People are already talking about how they plan to boycott buying anything made in Ohio.


In defense of crap like 269/269, what else are they going to put on the cable teevee? I mean, they can only say "we have an incredibly boring race that is once again reverting slowly to the mean, where we can only conclude that Mitt Romney is not gaining ground on the Obamination" so much. Of course they are not saying that either but that's just our terrible TV media.
Well, they could report news. There's stuff going on in the country and world beyond horse-race politics.

I don't have a problem with 269/269 talk, as long as they're careful to be clear that it's not at all likely to happen. What happens in that situation is weird and surprising and interesting.

Even if they're committed to horse-race coverage, they could at least report it accurately. They could talk about the importance of swing states and different plausible maps and, if they were feeling ambitious, could even try to explain how models like Silver's work and why they're more reliable than jumping on outliers. They could talk about what might happen to the parties if Obama wins, or if Obama wins the EC but not the popular vote. There's a lot of meat there.


Well, they could report news. There's stuff going on in the country and world beyond horse-race politics.

I don't have a problem with 269/269 talk, as long as they're careful to be clear that it's not at all likely to happen. What happens in that situation is weird and surprising and interesting.

Even if they're committed to horse-race coverage, they could at least report it accurately. They could talk about the importance of swing states and different plausible maps and, if they were feeling ambitious, could even try to explain how models like Silver's work and why they're more reliable than jumping on outliers. They could talk about what might happen to the parties if Obama wins, or if Obama wins the EC but not the popular vote. There's a lot of meat there.

But. Nielsen.


Well, they could report news. There's stuff going on in the country and world beyond horse-race politics.

I don't have a problem with 269/269 talk, as long as they're careful to be clear that it's not at all likely to happen. What happens in that situation is weird and surprising and interesting.

Even if they're committed to horse-race coverage, they could at least report it accurately. They could talk about the importance of swing states and different plausible maps and, if they were feeling ambitious, could even try to explain how models like Silver's work and why they're more reliable than jumping on outliers. They could talk about what might happen to the parties if Obama wins, or if Obama wins the EC but not the popular vote. There's a lot of meat there.

Yeah Maddow had a segment on the 269/269 idea last night and she basically prefaced by saying it was entirely theoretical and given models has a 'chance' of happening but it was none the less extremely unlikely. She used the hypothetical to basically have a civics class on just what happens under such an unlikely and nearly unheard of scenario. The topic was prompted by the article that suggest a Romney/Biden presidential winner that came out earlier this week. Basically her geeky self wanted to outline how historic it would be and how the circumstances, by the constitution would lead to a very interesting fallout especially given our current politics. Even outlined how it was even possible under this scenario to have a presidential elect John Boehner if somehow the house state votes lead to a 25/25 tie.
National polls today:

Galllup LV: R+5, +2 R
Ras: R+3 unchanged
ABC: R+1, +2 Obama change
PPP: Tie, Obama +1 change
IDB: O + 2, unchanged
Reuters: O+1, Obama +2 change
RAND: O+ 6 Obama +2 change

Not updated today:

UPI: O+1
Google: +4

Total update: Tie.
Total: Obama +1 (+.5 really)

Media loves to talk about the "Romney up 2-3" narrative when in fact he's down.

FWIW, Obama is almost +1.5 without Ras and Gallup. Not that I'm saying to throw them out, just putting the number out there.



Dick Morris: Mourdock 'alive and kicking'


Politico said:
In perhaps the most ominous sign yet for Richard Mourdock, Dick Morris declares in his column that the Indiana Senate candidate remains a strong contender:

"The polling reflects that Mourdock is alive and kicking and may be able yet to keep the Indiana seat Republican. John McLaughlin, Mourdock’s pollster, found the race tied at 44 to 44 percent on Tuesday night — the night of his infamous comment. As of Wednesday night, he had the race still tied at 44-44.

Mourdock’s comment has not received the focus that Akin’s remarks did, partly because now there is far more clutter in the political environment. Unlike Akin, he was not declared anathema (another foray into theology) by the Republican elders or even by Mitt Romney. The presidential hopeful said that he did not agree with Mourdock’s comments, but let an ad endorsing him continue to run in Indiana, a state he is carrying by 15 points.

So all is not lost. Despite himself, Mourdock still has a solid chance of winning. He is a reliable conservative and, as we have seen, honest to a fault, and deserves all the support he can get. Simply put, we need that seat."

For readers not familiar with Morris's record as a forecaster, he has previously predicted that Herman Cain would survive his sexual harassment scandal and that Michele Bachmann would be one of the two finalists for the GOP nomination. And that was just in 2011!

He also suggests in his column today that Republican candidates are moving up in the New Jersey and Rhode Island Senate races. Big points to any readers who know can name the Republican nominees in both those states. Actually, points to any readers who knew there were Senate races going on in both those states.
National polls today:

Galllup LV: R+5, +2 R
Ras: R+3 unchanged
ABC: R+1, +2 Obama change
PPP: Tie, Obama +1 change
IDB: O + 2, unchanged
Reuters: O+1, Obama +2 change
RAND: O+ 6 Obama +2 change

Not updated today:

UPI: O+1
Google: +4

Total update: Tie.
Total: Obama +1 (+.5 really)

Media loves to talk about the "Romney up 2-3" narrative when in fact he's down.

FWIW, Obama is almost +1.5 without Ras and Gallup. Not that I'm saying to throw them out, just putting the number out there.

GALLUP and RASMUSSEN are the only truth on the polling circuit.
I hope you are right. The thing about 2008 was that Obama seemed to be above politics, and it was a unique event in American politics. Now he is seen as a common politician. The rose colored glasses are off. I just hope people being polled are not hiding their anger at him.

This doesn't make sense and you're just looking for things to panic over. People aren't hiding their anger at him, that's why this election is much closer. Why would closet racists say they're voting for him when there are more legitimate reasons to hide behind now?

There's no such thing as a Bradley Effect. You really can't debunk that more completely than the first black Presidential nominee significantly outperforming his polls in the first election.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I love the Nate Silver and Sam Wang are both showing that it's actually Obama that has the momentum in the electoral vote and popular vote over the last week or so.

Does the media even believe in their Mittmentum stories?
This satiric takedown of Team Rape is god damn incredible. I posted a thread about it in OT, but 3 posts in and it turned into a thread full of puns. I should've known better. Maybe we can have a legitimate discussion of it here. Sigh.

Paul Ryan doesn't have the swag of Sarahcuda.

Holy shit that was fucking brutal. I love it. I'd post it on my FB, but I'd rather not be harassed by my ultra-conservative extended family all that much


Lol Facebook= troll's nest.
Facebook will be a fountain of tears..

If Obama does win, reading the comments on Yahoo news the next day will be incredible. People are already talking about how they plan to boycott buying anything made in Ohio.
Because deep down inside? They know. Haha!


Romney delivers 'real change' speech in Iowa

Same stuff not one new thing.

Just for context, barely any of the news organizations ran anything about this on our local news. They did the requisite coverage but did not frame it as anything important. Not even sure why he is trying here tbh at this point

Our Republican Governor had to go out of his way to reassure Iowans they were important in this election, if that does not scream desperation.


brazen editing lynx
I'm lucky with the majority my Facebook friends. Most of them are liberals who would likely vote for Jill Stein. I do know a mega Libertarian though. He's normally cool as hell and actually one of my closest friends, so I make it point not to get into politics with him. I usually avoid political discussions on Facebook anyway, but I'll probably drink of few of his tears silently.


Not that I trust anything Romney says, but would Chrysler admit something like that?

Well, as the article says:

In fact, Chrysler is investing $500 million at its Toledo North Assembly Plant and plans to add 1,105 new workers by the third quarter of 2013 to build an all-new SUV that will replace the Jeep Liberty.

They have concrete plans of adding jobs here, so I really don't think they're lying there.
made the mistake of engaging a Libertarian in a political debate 2 days ago...worst mistake of my life and a waste of 3 hours.

Just best to smile and nod when you get roped into one of these conversations.

"You're a STATIST"


I honestly thought you guys were joking with the Wolf Blitzer "DEAD HEAT" thing.

Nope. Not even trying to hide it these days. This should be a template for future photoshops, and not just the unskewed one above.

I did some editing for CNN:

Tied in Ohio!
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