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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Forget? You think the news will want to talk about ANYTHING else? Sure we'll hear about the aftermath for a few days but that'll get old, they won't be able to resist.

Hypothetically if the storm causes enough damage and the decision is made to postpone it , and especially combined with a Romney loss, the right would have a fit for sure. But same way if they decide to go ahead and Romney loses they would cry foul as well.. so lets just hope that this storm goes away without to many issues asap so we can avoid this scenario.


Hypothetically if the storm causes enough damage and the decision is made to postpone it , and especially combined with a Romney loss, the right would have a fit for sure. But same way if they decide to go ahead and Romney loses they would cry foul as well.. so lets just hope that this storm goes away without to many issues asap so we can avoid this scenario.

Just tell them it's an 'Act of God.' The irony would be glorious.


No Scrubs
Hypothetically if the storm causes enough damage and the decision is made to postpone it , and especially combined with a Romney loss, the right would have a fit for sure. But same way if they decide to go ahead and Romney loses they would cry foul as well.. so lets just hope that this storm goes away without to many issues asap so we can avoid this scenario.

Agreed, hopefully it's not as bad as the storm last year.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
They'll probably need to wait until after the storm to determine if they can get everything up and running before the election. My only concern with moving the date would be that a number of people could get confused or forget.

The right will have a fit if the storm causes any damage at all and Romney loses since it seems more likely that Romney's rural support base would suffer significantly more than Obama's urban support base.

But I can't see them moving the election unless the storm turns out to be Katrina - I don't think its expected to make landfall as a hurricane right now.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009


I pondered that notion way back in February. </political hipster> I think, to an extent, it's a fairly muted effect due to funds going towards large media companies via ad buys, already-wealthy advisers, and generally people who already have a spot of cash. Many of the middle-class type people involved are probably volunteers. There's still an economic effect, certainly, but had that money been taxed out and spent on social services or government jobs it would likely have been greater. And it would've pissed off rich Republicans even more.

Actually it would be downright fucking hilarious if .1% of the latest unemployment drop was due, directly or indirectly, to political spending.
Great points. I guess it really has been all a waste!
I'm curious what they do in the next election if Obama wins. Do they rejigger their model to account for the new data, then proclaim again that it's successfully predicted every election since 1980?
Needs more Eznark taking up for their definitive stance.



Updated 6:03 p.m. | Hurricane Sandy looks to pose a serious threat to life and property in the eastern United States, but the storm’s timing means it is also likely to have an effect on the last week of the 2012 campaigns.

Prolonged power outages could cause some changes in the way that people cast their ballots come Election Day.

“No matter what happens, we will proceed with the election. If polling places need to be moved or consolidated there are legal ways to do that and we will be in constant touch with local election officials to coordinate that,” Av Harris, a spokesman for the Connecticut Secretary of the State, said in an email.

Harris said that in Connecticut, the office has good coordination with the local power company.

“Worst case scenario if there is no power and power cannot be restored, the optical scan machines can run on battery power or else under a truly worst case scenario where the battery power for the optical scanners was depleted, we could have voters fill out paper ballots, drop them in the secure boxes, and election officials can count them all by hand,” Harris said. “Not an ideal situation by far, but we can do it if we need to.”

Sandy is still days away from landfall, but the storm is already having direct effects on the presidential race.

The Obama campaign has canceled a planned appearance by Vice President Joseph Biden in Virginia Beach on Saturday. GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney is scratching a Sunday appearance at the Farm Bureau Live amphitheater in Virginia Beach, Va. But the Associated Press is reporting that a Romney event scheduled for Sunday in Prince William County is still on. President Barack Obama is scheduled to appear at a campaign event Monday with President Bill Clinton in Prince William County, Va.

Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) and Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) are among those who have already declared states of emergency as Sandy approaches.

“Due to the track of this storm, and the fact that it will be a hurricane transitioning into a more nor’easter like system, we could see severe weather lasting for 48 hours or more in the state. In that scenario, saturated soil coupled with high winds could lead to major tree damage and extensive power outages,” McDonnell said. “Now is the time for all Virginians to prepare for those possible power outages and disruptions to public services.”

Virginia is the closest presidential battleground state likely to be affected by Hurricane Sandy’s landfall, but the storm appears poised to wreak havoc along the eastern seaboard north into New England. New Hampshire is another presidential battleground state, and there are several Northeastern states with close House and Senate races that will face storm impact.

Utility companies up and down the East Coast have announced they are bringing in extra crews from out of the area to prepare for what they expect may be a lengthy effort to restore power to customers after the storm rips through with tropical-storm-force winds. Some of the power companies, including Connecticut Light & Power, have faced ridicule from lawmakers for their past efforts to get power back.

“We’re closely monitoring weather forecasts and preparing for high winds and heavy rain that can devastate the electric system and cause power outages,” said Bill Quinlan, a senior vice president with CL & P. “The past year has been all about improving storm response, and we stand ready to respond as quickly and safely as possible. While we hope for the best, we all need to prepare for the worst.”

The National Weather Service guidance is warning of a storm with the potential for a historic impact.

“The deterministic guidance … show pressure solutions well beyond what has ever been observed near the New Jersey/New York coast (even exceeding the 1938 Long Island Express hurricane) early in the medium range period,” the Hydrometeorological Prediction Center said today. That hurricane is a reminder of the history that the northeastern United States has with hurricanes.


First post here.

I must say, these threads have been my go-to political discussion reads for months now. Thank you, you crazy fucks.

I may not say much, but damn it you guys keep me sane throughout this election.

I live in MS, so nothing that I do really matters, but my mom lives in OH and is very weirdly religious, and so was going to vote for Romney because she believed Obama enjoyed murdering babies and being a Muslim. I at the very least convinced her to not vote, which is better than nothing, I suppose.

More than anything, though, I have a bet with a guy at work who only listens to Fox who genuinely believes this will be a landslide worse than 1980. In fact, being from MS, every co-worker of mine feels this way but he was the only one dumb enough to put money on Romney.

Anyway, hello.
Did my part!


It's the first time I've participated in a presidential election, and I can't say I'm not proud that my first major vote cast was for Obama. Though I could've voted in 2008 had I not been so lazy about registering, but I would've voted for McCain. =/

My vote will single-handedly make Louisiana go blue.

Speaking of John McCain, his name only differs by one letter from mine. The jokes got really annoying after he got the nom.


Well the storm is a positive and negative.

Negative in that it is a storm that will cause damage to an area not prepared for hurricanes, and that the storm is likely to hinder older voters more so than younger. I would presume, which would be a positive for Obama, but also negative, since it will likely lower his chances of a popular vote win.

Other than that, I hope Sandy dies down as it approaches the continental shelf more than they are predicting.


Hurricane is just god telling the NE what he thinks about their Obama leans.

Surely someone crazy has already mentioned this.


Lawrence Wilkerson, Former Colin Powell Aide, Blasts Sununu, GOP, As 'Full Of Racists'
Oh boy, what an interview, Sununu really fucked up more than I imagined.

My party, unfortunately, is the bastion of those people -- not all of them, but most of them -- who are still basing their positions on race. Let me just be candid: My party is full of racists, and the real reason a considerable portion of my party wants President Obama out of the White House has nothing to do with the content of his character, nothing to do with his competence as commander-in-chief and president, and everything to do with the color of his skin, and that's despicable.
Lawrence Wilkerson, Former Colin Powell Aide, Blasts Sununu, GOP, As 'Full Of Racists'
Oh boy, what an interview, Sununu really fucked up more than I imagined.
The thing is minorities see this clearly. It's why they're running away from the gop in droves. Even when the gop eventually dumps the racist as it will have to do for electoral relevance over the next 10 or so years its gonna be hard for them to convince many that they've turned a leaf and aren't really a racist party.


The thing is minorities see this clearly. It's why they're running away from the gop in droves. Even when the gop eventually dumps the racist as it will have to do for electoral relevance over the next 10 or so years its gonna be hard for them to convince many that they've turned a leaf and aren't really a racist party.

The party is going to have to evolve at some point. The GOP has become a caricature of itself.


Did my part!


It's the first time I've participated in a presidential election, and I can't say I'm not proud that my first major vote cast was for Obama. Though I could've voted in 2008 had I not been so lazy about registering, but I would've voted for McCain. =/

My vote will single-handedly make Louisiana go blue.

Speaking of John McCain, his name only differs by one letter from mine. The jokes got really annoying after he got the nom.

Please tell me your name is McVain? :)


brazen editing lynx
I wonder how long it will take for the moderate Republicans to finally stop putting up with the far right extremists' bullshit. I'm inclined to think it will be a slow burn instead of a sudden single event, but things will get heated in the near future.

Hunter S.

Did my part!


It's the first time I've participated in a presidential election, and I can't say I'm not proud that my first major vote cast was for Obama. Though I could've voted in 2008 had I not been so lazy about registering, but I would've voted for McCain. =/

My vote will single-handedly make Louisiana go blue.

Speaking of John McCain, his name only differs by one letter from mine. The jokes got really annoying after he got the nom.

Is it Jon McCain? Great job son though you would have voted McCain youare forgiven and congradulated for not being to lazy to vote crazy in 2008!


Hurricane is just god telling the NE what he thinks about their Obama leans.

Surely someone crazy has already mentioned this.

I've seen this pop up on facebook several times already


Last year towns around here had to cancel Halloween due to downed power lines and schools were out for a week or two pushing the school year to the end of June/beginning of July. But the election goes on.


What a load of horseshit.

It's his job-killing anti-American policies that Republicans hate. The fact that he's a filthy, disgusting, no-good negro is totally irrelevant.

*Kenyan Muslim Communist illuminati anti-christ.

I've seen this pop up on facebook several times already

God damn it, really?

I have a few troglodytes on my friends list that will surely post thread worthy comments on the 6th.


Junior Member
The thing is minorities see this clearly. It's why they're running away from the gop in droves. Even when the gop eventually dumps the racist as it will have to do for electoral relevance over the next 10 or so years its gonna be hard for them to convince many that they've turned a leaf and aren't really a racist party.

It doesn't help when conservatives show up on television and scoff at the race issue. It makes minorities feel like the GOP doesn't care about them.... which they don't.

And yeah, the fact that the vast majority of minority Americans are voting democrat now should sound alarm bells to the GOP.


Did my part!


It's the first time I've participated in a presidential election, and I can't say I'm not proud that my first major vote cast was for Obama. Though I could've voted in 2008 had I not been so lazy about registering, but I would've voted for McCain. =/

My vote will single-handedly make Louisiana go blue.

Speaking of John McCain, his name only differs by one letter from mine. The jokes got really annoying after he got the nom.


? :)


I wonder how long it will take for the moderate Republicans to finally stop putting up with the far right extremists' bullshit. I'm inclined to think it will be a slow burn instead of a sudden single event, but things will get heated in the near future.

demographics will force the republican party to change if they want to avoid becoming a regional party that will never sniff the presidency.
If anything this election has proved the GOP doesn't need to evolve just yet. Romney is within what, one state of winning? It's unlikely that future democrat candidates will be as popular with minorities as Obama is, assuming Hillary doesn't run; I don't see a "boring white guy" having nearly as much respect or admiration among black or Hispanic voters - well, at least not the ones currently on the dem bench (O'Malley, Warner, etc).

The blueprint seems to be to just go far left in the primary, then move to the center for the general. Not long ago we were discussion Romney as the worst presidential candidate in decades. That doesn't seem to be the case anymore

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
If anything this election has proved the GOP doesn't need to evolve just yet. Romney is within what, one state of winning? It's unlikely that future democrat candidates will be as popular with minorities as Obama is, assuming Hillary doesn't run; I don't see a "boring white guy" having nearly as much respect or admiration among black or Hispanic voters - well, at least not the ones currently on the dem bench (O'Malley, Warner, etc).

The blueprint seems to be to just go far left in the primary, then move to the center for the general. Not long ago we were discussion Romney as the worst presidential candidate in decades. That doesn't seem to be the case anymore

he is a terrible candidate.

If it wasnt for that 1st non-debate, Obama would be on vacation in Hawaii while winning now.

Hunter S.

If anything this election has proved the GOP doesn't need to evolve just yet. Romney is within what, one state of winning? It's unlikely that future democrat candidates will be as popular with minorities as Obama is, assuming Hillary doesn't run; I don't see a "boring white guy" having nearly as much respect or admiration among black or Hispanic voterS

Really??? I actually see white men as more likely by far to vote for a woman than a Latino, or black minority male. Especially the many more White men that have gone to college.


If anything this election has proved the GOP doesn't need to evolve just yet. Romney is within what, one state of winning? It's unlikely that future democrat candidates will be as popular with minorities as Obama is, assuming Hillary doesn't run; I don't see a "boring white guy" having nearly as much respect or admiration among black or Hispanic voters - well, at least not the ones currently on the dem bench (O'Malley, Warner, etc).

Depends. If he actually accomplishes immigration reform, then that'll likely fuck with the GOP as it is.
If anything this election has proved the GOP doesn't need to evolve just yet. Romney is within what, one state of winning? It's unlikely that future democrat candidates will be as popular with minorities as Obama is, assuming Hillary doesn't run; I don't see a "boring white guy" having nearly as much respect or admiration among black or Hispanic voters - well, at least not the ones currently on the dem bench (O'Malley, Warner, etc).

The blueprint seems to be to just go far left in the primary, then move to the center for the general. Not long ago we were discussion Romney as the worst presidential candidate in decades. That doesn't seem to be the case anymore

It kinda goes both ways though. If a "boring white guy" democrat was running, there is a very good chance the Republican candidate wouldn't be cleaning-up among white voters like they are

Romney was thought to be the worst candidate because of his flip flops and the hypocrisy of him being the father of Obamacare. Outside of the first debate, Obama has done a great job of trying to expose those weaknesses, but who isn't? The vast majority of the media. People expected that in the current 24 hour news cycle aided by twitter and the internet, Romney would get destroyed for taking multiple stances on an issue (sometimes in the same day). But he got away with it over and over again (even during the first debate when he said his plan covered pre-existing conditions, only to be corrected by his campaign immediately after). The reality though, is that the narrative of a close election is vastly more important than actual journalism.
I had fantasies three weeks ago about a Halloween storm hitting northern Florida, giving Obama the state as the south would still vote

Now the eye is heading directly at me.

What have I done
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