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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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I keep reading these points of view, but just like Obama can't fix the economy in four years, a massive storm isn't just going to go away overnight. It might start a week before the election, but how long will it last? Also, won't the massive storm affect people who want to early vote during those days?

As far as where the storm will touch down, I haven't really looked into this particular storm, but big ones do have an effect on states further inland.

From what I'm seeing on the maps it would have to be one hell of a storm to turn most of those states red somehow. Only Virginia and maybe NH look to be vulnerable.
I love how in these scenarios, only the Obama supporters will be adversely affected by the storm.

The Romney supporters will somehow be unaffected and soldier on through the harsh conditions to be victorious.
Ever think the model could be slightly off?

But the grey one does the same thing


I love how in these scenarios, only the Obama supporters will be adversely affected by the storm.

The Romney supporters will somehow be unaffected and soldier on through the harsh conditions to be victorious.

Obama supporters dominate in northern virginia, not southern. Look where the storm is.

Obama supporters live in the cities along the coast....like Philly, which may get a direct hit.

Remove philly, and romney wins penn.

New York? Take NYC out of the equation and suddenly its a tossup.

Even if Obama holds all the states, it makes romney winning the popular vote more likely.


From what I'm seeing on the maps it would have to be one hell of a storm to turn most of those states red somehow. Only Virginia and maybe NH look to be vulnerable.

I don't think it'll have a huge impact on the election, but I think this adds uncertainty to the equation. Who knows who the storm will affect or if it will have any effect at all. If there was no storm, I'd be 100% confident. Now I'm 99% confident. A little less confident, but Obama's still going to win.


Unconfirmed Member
I keep reading these points of view, but just like Obama can't fix the economy in four years, a massive storm isn't just going to go away overnight. It might start a week before the election, but how long will it last? Also, won't the massive storm affect people who want to early vote during those days?

As far as where the storm will touch down, I haven't really looked into this particular storm, but big ones do have an effect on states further inland.

It's a hurricane. It's going to come and go fast relatively fast, and once the center passes through it pretty much IS gone "overnight." The back end of the storm never has much activity relative to the leading edge of the storm. It'll be gone from most of the affected areas by some time Wednesday or so.

The power outages will last a while in some of the more remote (and in most cases Republican leaning) areas, though, possibly even beyond election day.

The one thing it might affect is Virginia, where serious outages may give the election effectively to whoever banked the most votes in early voting (which, last I checked, I believe was Romney).


The one thing it might affect is Virginia, where serious outages may give the election effectively to whoever banked the most votes in early voting (which, last I checked, I believe was Romney).
We can't afford to lose VA. Obama would benefit greatly from having it if something crazy were to happen (i.e. upset in WI, SoS drama if it came down to just OH).

This is exactly what I'm talking about. It's a close election by default. Of all things, a fucking hurricane is making it even closer.

I'd rather it hit a week before election day than right on it, or right before. Could be a lot worse.
I'd rather it not hit at all. Given the aftermath of getting hit by a nasty storm alone, the impact could last well into the week after.

Oh yeah, states with GOP Govs will be crying foul if Republican-leaning counties were distracted by having no power/having to leave/etc. Could cause some problems after election day with recounts and such depending on how bad it is?

This is seriously the most stressful election cycle ever.
Where are those wolf blitzer pics from? Gaf-->internet-->gaf?

Also, duder who said npr's political analysis is bad as cnn ic completely right. If you slam liberals with accusations, they like to bend over and accept their fates. I'm trying to think what an honest, respectable non-biased news media would look like, which calls out lies and does actual reporting. Gaf kickstarter?
What if the hurricane hit Ohio?

But it is.

The hurricane may lead to a snow event in Ohio as it collides with a cold front.

Also folks, if youre voting by mail, do it TOMORROW. Mail might be delayed Monday-Wednesday which means backups could lead to ballots missing the Tuesday deadline.

Gets those ballots on planes ASAP!


This blows.

But the grey one does the same thing


Obama supporters dominate in northern virginia, not southern. Look where the storm is.

Obama supporters live in the cities along the coast....like Philly, which may get a direct hit.

Remove philly, and romney wins penn.

New York? Take NYC out of the equation and suddenly its a tossup.

Even if Obama holds all the states, it makes romney winning the popular vote more likely.

omfg this is a nightmare. This entire election has been a complete mindfuck since the first debate and it just keeps getting crazier haha

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The only impact the storm will have on the election=republicans politicizing any devastation for gain. I can here the "why is Obama campaigning instead of visiting the towns impacted by this horrible storm?!?!" memes while republicans refuse to authorize extra funds

There isn't enough time to politicize the storm - criticising Obama's handling of the storm when its not even going to make landfall until Tuesday at the earliest means that they'd have to start giving him shit on Thursday or Friday for it to make the news cycles. That would play very poorly.

Edit: Oh, I didn't realize we were starting to panic again envisioning fantasy disaster scenarios where NYC wasn't allowed to vote in the presidential election (apparently because God wants Romney to win and is too lazy to just make people just vote for Romney) Seriously dudes, get a grip.
Ugh this is so damn stupid.

Is it though?

People like Diablos look for reasons to freak the fuck out.

This is reason enough for them to do so.

Not saying this won't be potentially detrimental to VA being in play for Obama but to say that New York will become a tossup or that Pennsylvania is in doubt is well...ok.

I think that Diablos is addicted to the rush of being a worry wart.

The high of "things turning out ok" is a fantastic payoff so he drives to panic meter as high as he can so he can chase a larger high.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
It's Illuminati-level shit to suggest there's some scenario where every Obama voter is unable to vote due to the storm. Even if you go with fantasy nightmare scenario, say Obama loses Virginia because for some magic reason the storm prevents only urban voters from voting but not Romney's rural support base. That doesn't mean anything since most people's electoral maps don't assume VA as a win for Romney anyways.

Haven't seen this posted, but the rage is already building, especially after hearing that Tagg Romney's front company is buying voting machines to be used in this election.

Retired NSA Analyst Proves GOP Is Stealing Elections

As much as its fun to make Diablos faint, this sounds like the Democratic equivalent of Obama is a secret gay Kenyan Muslim.
1) I expect Intrade to reflect hurricane status tomorrow

2) Its almost fucking 4am, why is this thread moving so quickly?


Where is the hurricane hitting?
New Jersey.
What is New jersey famous for producing, which is very important for the entire eastern seaboard?
Refined gasoline.
What happens when you shut down the entire new jersey refinery system, on say, a Tuesday, and it cant get up and running again until say, a week later?

Heres a hint:


If you just said "mother of God" then youre not alone
Is it though?

People like Diablos look for reasons to freak the fuck out.

This is reason enough for them to do so.

Not saying this won't be potentially detrimental to VA being in play for Obama but to say that New York will become a tossup or that Pennsylvania is in doubt is well...ok.

I think that Diablos is addicted to the rush of being a worry wart.

The high of "things turning out ok" is a fantastic payoff so he drives to panic meter as high as he can so he can chase a larger high.
I don't think Diablos is serious with his panic mode anymore. No one freaks out that much, after repeatedly being shown evidence that his anxiety isn't warranted.


It's Illuminati-level shit to suggest there's some scenario where every Obama voter is unable to vote due to the storm. Even if you go with fantasy nightmare scenario, say Obama loses Virginia because for some magic reason the storm prevents only urban voters from voting but not Romney's rural support base. That doesn't mean anything since most people's electoral maps don't assume VA as a win for Romney anyways.
Its really crazy,I have no idea what is wrong with people.
1) I expect Intrade to reflect hurricane status tomorrow

2) Its almost fucking 4am, why is this thread moving so quickly?


Where is the hurricane hitting?
New Jersey.
What is New jersey famous for producing, which is very important for the entire eastern seaboard?
Refined gasoline.
What happens when you shut down the entire new jersey refinery system, on say, a Tuesday, and it cant get up and running again until say, a week later?

Heres a hint:


If you just said "mother of God" then youre not alone

A few refinery's in the West also shut down for repairs and there was that fire. Biggest factor of the gas spike in Cali.
This storm is just another thing that adds to the uncertainty next week.

In good news, Dems expanded their EV advantage in NV.

Monday we should have EV numbers out of CO.
A few refinery's in the West also shut down for repairs and there was that fire. Biggest factor of the gas spike in Cali.

Thats what Im saying, shut down a refinery, and gas prices explode.

When gas prices explode, Obama is blamed for not pulling his magical low price lever.

$10 Obama makes a desperate move and "authorizes release of the national strategic reserve" or "gas tax holiday" if the scenario plays outs


1) I expect Intrade to reflect hurricane status tomorrow

2) Its almost fucking 4am, why is this thread moving so quickly?


Where is the hurricane hitting?
New Jersey.
What is New jersey famous for producing, which is very important for the entire eastern seaboard?
Refined gasoline.
What happens when you shut down the entire new jersey refinery system, on say, a Tuesday, and it cant get up and running again until say, a week later?

Heres a hint:


If you just said "mother of God" then youre not alone

Sigh... I suspect polls are going to be amazing for Obama in the coming days, but then you throw this out there. I don't know if I want to keep money in my account or just buy before the Sunday polls come out. I suspect I'll do 50-50.


This storm is just another thing that adds to the uncertainty next week.

In good news, Dems expanded their EV advantage in NV.

Monday we should have EV numbers out of CO.

Yup yup. Nevada seems gone at this point, as does Ohio. Now, whenever I play with the 270 map, I automatically throw 'em into the blue pile.

There's a very humorous article at Huffington Post asking if Romney's going to shift to Wisconsin (and away from Ohio) as part of a last-ditch effort to win..
With President Barack Obama stubbornly maintaining a small but clear lead in Ohio polls, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's campaign is contemplating a shift in its electoral map. The pathway to denying the president a second term that once seemed premised on taking back the Buckeye State is increasingly shifting focus to another Midwest state: Wisconsin.

Romney campaign officials would never publicly announce a change in approach. And it's not that they are giving up entirely on Ohio; they certainly have the money to compete anywhere. But Republican sources say Romney headquarters in Boston is increasingly seeing Wisconsin as a state more apt for flipping. Less campaigning has taken place there, meaning fewer voters have been overwhelmed by, and tuned out, political ads. Moreover, the Badger State has, in recent months, been more conducive to Republican success and possesses a stronger ground operation.


Setec Astronomer
$10 Obama makes a desperate move and "authorizes release of the national strategic reserve" or "gas tax holiday" if the scenario plays outs
A gas tax holiday was something put forward four years ago by candidates not named Obama. It was dumb then and it'd be dumb now.
i honestly thought it could not go up any further.

should start coming back down tomorrow though.

yeah, i think so too. today knocked out the last bad day for Obama in the 7 day tracker.

Though, it might hold steady. We'll have to see, but I expect it to tighten. Think there was a debate bounce built into this one, but hopefully some with lasting power.

also of note, enthusiasm is peaking for Obama voters in RAND while Mitt guys have regressed to the mean


also of note, enthusiasm is peaking for Obama voters in RAND while Mitt guys have regressed to the mean

perhaps this is what may happen across all voters as the election nears. it's been suggested that more democratic voters will come out as likely to vote as time nears the election.
Yup yup. Nevada seems gone at this point, as does Ohio. Now, whenever I play with the 270 map, I automatically throw 'em into the blue pile.

There's a very humorous article at Huffington Post asking if Romney's going to shift to Wisconsin (and away from Ohio) as part of a last-ditch effort to win..

I don't buy any story that says Mitt is contemplating shifting away from Ohio for this reason alone:

If Mitt shifts away from Ohio he is admitting he lost Ohio and thus lost the election. Enthusiasm would get killed. There is no fucking way Mitt will shift resources from Ohio. If he shifts it from anywhere, it's NM, NH, Nevada, or wherever else. Even NC if need be.

perhaps this is what may happen across all voters as the election nears. it's been suggested that more democratic voters will come out as likely to vote as time nears the election.

This is my belief. I would love to see a consensus emerge showing Obama up. Gallup is known for these late game swings. Ras too, perhaps.

This time next week we'll see.

edit: 5 trackers have Obama up. 1 tied. 1 down 1 and then Gallup and Ras at 5 and 3 down.


I don't buy any story that says Mitt is contemplating shifting away from Ohio for this reason alone:

If Mitt shifts away from Ohio he is admitting he lost Ohio and thus lost the election. Enthusiasm would get killed. There is no fucking way Mitt will shift resources from Ohio. If he shifts it from anywhere, it's NM, NH, Nevada, or wherever else. Even NC if need be.

This is my belief.

Oh, he'd never, ever admit that. Not only would his supporters slit their wrists, but the media would eat him alive for such a big blunder when he's supposedly "tied" in the national race. But I think when it's time to decide where to spend his time during the next 262 hours and the choice comes down to Wisconsin or Ohio, I do wonder.. :p

He's not getting Wisconsin either.

I did play with the map, though, for that scenario. New Hampshire suddenly becomes much more important. Given that Ohio and Nevada are now in Obama's column, and that Iowa is most likely leaning Obama's way, New Hampshire would put him at 271. Tight, but still a win.

But he isn't getting Wisconsin. Each door, each path that he turns to, is closing.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I don't buy any story that says Mitt is contemplating shifting away from Ohio for this reason alone:

If Mitt shifts away from Ohio he is admitting he lost Ohio and thus lost the election. Enthusiasm would get killed. There is no fucking way Mitt will shift resources from Ohio. If he shifts it from anywhere, it's NM, NH, Nevada, or wherever else. Even NC if need be.

This is my belief. I would love to see a consensus emerge showing Obama up. Gallup is known for these late game swings. Ras too, perhaps.

This time next week we'll see.

edit: 5 trackers have Obama up. 1 tied. 1 down 1 and then Gallup and Ras at 5 and 3 down.
Absolutely. There's literally no incentive to switch away from Ohio even if its a lost cause from a statistical perspective because Romney has practically lost the election if he has lost Ohio. I'm perfectly aware of the fact that there's a "patch to victory" if he hasn't, but it mostly involves turning states hat aren't even considered in competition and/or winning 100% of the other toss-up states, both of which are extremely unlikely.
Absolutely. There's literally no incentive to switch away from Ohio even if its a lost cause from a statistical perspective because Romney has practically lost the election if he has lost Ohio. I'm perfectly aware of the fact that there's a "patch to victory" if he hasn't, but it mostly involves turning states hat aren't even considered in competition and/or winning 100% of the other toss-up states, both of which are extremely unlikely.

Well, to be fair, the storm will turn New York into a toss up.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
102 fever and hit by truck feeling after flu shot. This is going to be a long, terrible night. Hold me, Diablos.
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