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POPGAF |OT-11| A Dramatic Reading

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The out of nowhere clock.



One of the biggest travesties in the history of music is KP prevailing over GaGa.
I'm curious about why do you think that? I mean, PRISM was simply superior to artPOP and Gaga didn't help her cause acting all hot and bothered at Katheryn success.

also Roar >>>>>>>> Distance from Earth to the Moon >>>>>>>> Applause.

Ummm, need to put it on repeat a little more... I kind of like it but i don't know.



Applause was one of the greatest songs of 2013 so I do not agree with that statement, especially since Roar is KPs worst single (aside from Part of Me).

But PRISM also doesn't have a song as bad as Donatella... Hm.


They're both mediocre albums.

PRISM is slightly less mediocre tho...
I know that she didn't deliver on the "really fucking dark album" or those promises of being a little more TrueMusic® but I actually like PRISM a lot, even more than Teenage Dream and It has some of my favorite KP songs (Legendary Lovers, Walking on Air and Dark Horse) and I also think is one of the best pop albums released during that year =/


sorry to interrupt this faux racial outrage but the final nail on rhat's coffin is coming

CFTS is about to enter the top 20 again on the eve of its music video
the smash of the summer is coming once again


stay tuned

Meanwhile I'm trying to listen to it on Google All Access and it is still not there.
I'm forced to give Selenium air play instead. I can't stand that rap bit, though, so I stop half way through.

Mau ®

I'm glad people are accepting PRISM was a better alberm than ArtPop.

Not that it matters since Stars Dance took a massive shit on both in that same year.


Of course Nicki and Taylor and Katy would be fighting over a VMA. What do you expect them to fight over? A Grammy? .......God Bless America.



James Franco wrote a book about Lana.
Actor, writer, director, and conceptual artist James Franco loves Lana Del Rey. (This makes total sense.) He already wrote a short essay about her for V Magazine, but he apparently loves her so much that he’s now written an entire book about her. Co-authored by writer David Shields, the upcoming 100-page text is entitled Flip-Side: Real And Imaginary Conversations With Lana Del Rey, and its cover — which you can see below — features photos of Franco, Lana, her sister Chuck Grant, and MoMA director Klaus Biesenbach at New York’s Fort Tilden beach in July 2014.

Her impact tbh.


I miss this look sfm :(

Mau ®

You know...

That Demi song isnt as horrible as I once though. It's instrumental is serving M83 at some parts even.

Edit: She's still trash, try-hard and preachy AF though.

Mau ®

The Lord has apologized to Garbaj.

I thought I was being called out. I missed the point, I misunderstood, then misspoke. I'm sorry, Nicki.

What a mature woman. Unlike the other troll who just HAD to pull the race card.


I immediately need a scissor sisters/jake shears + kylie album
Also Nile Rodgers seems to be in everything I listen to recently. Considering I though he was ill (not sure if still is but definitely was) he is putting in work.


This is great!

About Nile Rodgers, I saw CHIC beginning of this month playing in Hyde Park (pure coincidence or not, he was playing before Kylie lol) and he is great! One of the best concerts I've seen. So much fun! Most of people's faves here could learn a thing or two.


I keep telling you all, Taylord PR team is almost Beyonce-level of flawless, this [ r e d a c t e d ] is playing the long game and unless she has a Britney-level meltdown in the future she is going to keep making bank and headlines while Nicky fades away.


Hopefully Nicky go and produce a good disstrack from all this mess, not here for another bland Bad Blood 2.0 trash from Fuhrer Swift.

Touchdown is back?


Welcum back!

I really like the song, and the video is good, but I can't help but feel that Demi is one of the biggest hypocrites in pop.

Case in point:

(from the 2013 Billboard interview)

and especially
OMG the T in this post tbqh

Watching the video now tho

edit: OMG i was not expecting this sort of video... I was pretty sure this song was aimed at like 12-16 year olds. I was expecting like a very mildly raunchy spring break party sort of video, not this expensive hooker spends her latest pay check kjnhbgjk
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