which she said was literally taken from a news article about the Boston bombing.One man can build a bomb
Another run a race
To save somebodys life and have it blow up in his face
Slayed! I am perched for the full version. I wish Madonna's song didn't have the same title, though.Adam Lambert's Ghost Town vocals snippet
I need another snippet but it sounds nice and less over the top than his usual stuff.
Oh my.
Q-TIP: What are you doing in L.A.?
Mark RONSON: I'm going to do some recording with Lana Del Rey today and tomorrow. I found this cool old studio out here.
Q-TIP: Are you producing?
RONSON: I don't know. She has some songs and I said I had some demo ideas, and if they are any good, then maybe she'll like them and we'll go from there.
Get ready for Lana's 17 week #1 hit!
qdjlasdjalsdal I was getting worried after he said he wasn't working on the alber but I'm glad he's back with ha.
She's coming again ;___; queen
That was the best album of 2014!
Mau ®;159185170 said:I want you to know
That it's our time
You and me
Bleed the same light
I want you to know
That I'm all yours
Zeddlena is everything, aren't they? *.*
Is this photoshopped
Is this photoshopped
The Billboard Music Awards noms are here.
Taylor is leading with 14, Samantha Smith with 13, Iggy with 12 and Meghan with 9.
I don't hate ha in particular and I boppped a little to "Problem", I'm just scared of her audience =PI don't really like ha but I think that joke was pretty funny
not here for this unwarranted hatred tbh
Mau ®;159226399 said:Ari is beautiful, talented and her last album is better than their faves output. I can see why there's hatred in everything she does.
In the end everybody here is perched for #Ari3
though I do use only one
Listen "I Want you To Know" on Spotify, then ask yourself WHY? T_T
Listen "I Want you To Know" on Spotify, then ask yourself WHY? T_T
Mau ®;159227803 said:WHY is it SO FLAWLESS? Right?