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POPGAF |OT3| Geo Da Silva > nails on chalkboard > Taylor Swift

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sputum-flecked apoplexy
Does anyone know more than 5 tracks from Lotus?


Does anybody even know five tracks from Lotus?

I've listened to it a few times and I can only name Blank Page, Let There Be Love, Red Hot Kind of something actually I can't remember the name of that one (best track on the album tho) and Your Body.

[edit]Edit no I was right it was Red Hot Kind of Love. Jam. Shame most of the rest of the album is so outstandingly mediocre.


I'm trying to see where they are coming from. Is it because Frank Ocean, as a man, used his sexuality and got critical acclaim in return while Britney and Christina, as women, got lambasted for doing the same? You may have a point I would recognize if you said that instead of harping on about Frank using his coming out as a marketing ploy.

It's not the same though.

Britney and Christina, quite explicitly, USED sexuality for attention. That was part of their look and artistry.

Frank Ocean just came out on tumblr. Overt displays of sexuality are not part of his music or videos.


hey popGAF, what's your favourite of your faves' most recent performances that you genuinely enjoyed and are proud of?

Xtina - 2010
It's probably my all-time favoirite of hers. singers rarely match the studio version's quality, and I think she did here

Beyonce 2011
the production in BB awards one is obviously better, but I'm partical to this one. I love how fun she really seems to be having


If you knew the name of all these songs without looking at iTunes, then color me impressed.

I also know the lyrics tbh

You can say all you want. Channel Orange is good. Not because of its critical praise or multiple Grammy Nominations (SEETHE), but because I really like it.

The production is great, the songwriting is excellent. Frank has a good voice. All the ingredients for a good album.

Oh, because it read like one. I never know it with you. Especially when it comes to Frank :p
It's not the same though.

Britney and Christina, quite explicitly, USED sexuality for attention. That was part of their look and artistry.

Frank Ocean just came out on tumblr. Overt displays of sexuality are not part of his music or videos.
I know, I'm just trying to the root of the issue first.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
It's not the same though.

Britney and Christina, quite explicitly, USED sexuality for attention. That was part of their look and artistry.

Frank Ocean just came out on tumblr. Overt displays of sexuality are not part of his music or videos.

I like that literally opening up and pouring his heart out on tumblr is now considered cynical by some people. Did none of you even find coming out difficult or what? Jeez.

Dr. Malik

In better relevant news:

Paramore has announced their 4th album

Will be self-titled, 'Paramore'. It has been self-titled through nearly the entire process. In fact, what usually takes us weeks on end to sum up and put a label on only took us a five minute conversation this time around. The whole making of this album was a rediscovering of ourselves as a band and as friends. It was a process that allowed us the freedom to explore new territory artistically and to liberate ourselves as musicians, singers, as people! Sincerely, we feel that the best way to give it a name is just to call it what it is. This album is us.

The first single off the album is called "Now". Not really sure what else to say except for we love this song. It just feels like the perfect way to start this new journey we are embarking on not only as a band but as a movement. To show people that you can lose battles but come back and win full on wars. You can rise from ashes. You can make something out of even less than nothing. The only thing you have to do is keep moving forward!

'Paramore' will be released April 9th.


I have never heard any of their albums just their singles so I hope Now is good enough to make me listen to 'Paramore'


I'm not pretending, the problem here is you pretending otherwise.

Xtincta did not become known on the basis of her music any more than the publicity surrounding her subtle sluttiness and rivalry with Britney. Coming for Frank's bisexuality as his claim to fame as an Xtincta stan is the height of irony, and then pretending Xtincta didn't also break out due to the publicity surrounding her sexuality is the height of delusion.

And no, Reflection did not break her onto the scene. It was an important song for her, but the public sure as hell was asking WHO? until the aforementioned BOTTLE RUBBING dropped.

You're not remembering history correctly.

Christina was criticized for Genie subtle slutiness no more than Britney was criticized for Baby One More Time. In fact less so, since her song wasn't accompanied by a slutty catholic school girl music video.

Fact is Christina was largely seen as a good girl during her debut era, despite the sexual undertones of some of her songs. This is FACT. It is what made her role in Lady Marmalade and good-girl-gone-bad coming out with Stripped so controversial. It was also what made Eminem's diss so attention-grabbing, because until that point she had been seen as one of America's good girls.

When Christina broke out onto the scene it was due to the strength of her talent. Which is why some of her earlier gigs were her going around singing "At Last" and not dancing in skimpy outfits. There was NO controversy surrounding her.
hey popGAF, what's your favourite of your faves' most recent performances that you genuinely enjoyed and are proud of?

Xtina - 2010
It's probably my all-time favoirite of hers. singers rarely match the studio version's quality, and I think she did here

Beyonce 2011
the production in BB awards one is obviously better, but I'm partical to this one. I love how fun she really seems to be having
Kelly Clarkson (feat. some flop)- Me & Mrs. Jones

....I'll get back to you on Britney.


sputum-flecked apoplexy

I'm so jealous.

Of the Queen. She got to come face to face with actual living Goddesses. Kiii that Sarah doesn't even care.


LOL @ Beliebers getting mad over a grammy nomination Psy wasn't even nominated for.

PSY gets nominated for a Grammy and Justin doesn't?? OMFG. What happened to this world??

Psy has 1 song and he gets nominated for a Grammy, Justin has many songs, works hard, has been waiting forever and still doesn't get nom ...

Psy got nominated for a grammy but Justin didn't... and Psy only has one song, people really don't understand the words. THIS IS STUPID.


What the **** is this ****? Justin didn't get nominated for a Grammy but psy did? I hope you people doing this dies

@psy_oppa I hate you, you don't deserve a nomination for the grammy #nobiebernogrammys

RT@ItsBiebering: HOW is PSY nominated for a Grammy? Comparing his talent to Justin's it's like a planet to the whole universe. This is POOP!

a grammy nomination, he deserves EVERYTHING. Psy has just 1 song, THAT'S ALL. and Carly is not as good a justin. HE'S 10000 TIMES BETTER

PSY nominated for Grammy. i am gonna kill myself.

Even if Psy was nominated, Justin Bieber doesn't need to be

I'm trying to see where they are coming from. Is it because Frank Ocean, as a man, used his sexuality and got critical acclaim in return while Britney and Christina, as women, got lambasted for doing the same? You may have a point I would recognize if you said that instead of harping on about Frank using his coming out as a marketing ploy.

They didn't get lambasted tho, they got paid. These lil heffa's got money hand over fist for being sexualized little girls.
Granted Christina's look was a little street urchin-esque. But that appealed to a segment of the population that's into that.

The interest in Frank's sexuality more than likely stems from the fact the he was getting shine before he came out, and he came out being a part of a group that gets maligned (undeservedly) for hating gays. I do believe there was a Frank Ocean OT in OT and there was nothing but praise for him after he came out. So being one of the first black men to come out gets you some noteriety. Deal.


Well I don't want to say Britney and Xtincta used sex to sell. I can't really show it as fact, because I can't prove intention. It's more like you can make a much more convincing case of Britney and Christina using sex to sell than you can for Frank Ocean.

The former's discography and videography oozes sex appeal, while Frank just quietly came out on tumblr.


Does anyone know more than 5 tracks from Lotus?


... I don't know if I know more than three.

Sex =/= Sexuality.

Britney and Christina were not known JUST for their image, but also their music. Frank Ocean is literally being headlined for his sexuality, and how he came out, and not for his music. There is a difference. I think certain people in here are just victimizing the situation, instead of addressing the facts being presented.

In fairness, Britney and Christina were huge in their debut eras and their music and images were inescapable during this period. This is not really a one-to-one comparison in the first place. But it certainly seems as though people are here for his music; people in this thread keep talking about what songs they like and he seems to have gotten a positive critical response to his music.

I'm not seeing why any of this matters, really.


Well I don't want to say Britney and Xtincta used sex to sell. I can't really show it as fact, because I can't prove intention. It's more like you can make a much more convincing case of Britney and Christina using sex to sell than you can for Frank Ocean.

The former's discography and videography oozes sex appeal, while Frank just quietly came out on tumblr.

Frank did it right before his album released. Xtina and Britney did it post debut. Hmm...


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Speaking of the Queen, the dollar bills in Canada were recently redesigned and she appears PISSED OFF in the $20 print.

I find this endlessly amusing.


She looks like the Wizard of Oz.

[edit]You've seen this before right?



I'm sure all of the teenage girls who purchased her album did it because of how sexy she looked in that video.


We're talking about media attention, Botty, not sales.

Britney and Christina got early media attention not for their music, but their overt displays of sexuality, which you can make a case for being done on purpose.

Frank Ocean just came out on tumblr, and it's near impossible to make a case for him capitalizing on his sexuality.

100% truth.



Genie in a Bottle, too.

The fucking delusion.

Who's being delusional about the sexual undertones of that song? The assertion is that it wasn't Genie being a "sexy" song that made Christina so popular. It was her talent.

Seriously, you guys like to drag Christina for having the title "Voice of the Generation" but now you're trying to pretend that it doesn't exist? Her debut era is when she was GIVEN that title. She certainly wasn't awarded that for how sexy "Genie in a Bottle" was.


I'm just pointing out how you guys aren't able to comprehend the difference in the situations. That's all.

I'm just pointing out how everything that you say about Frank is wrong, mis-informed, hypocritical, and every other possible synonym you may think off. But I know that won't stop you, carry on.


Who's being delusional about the sexual undertones of that song? The assertion is that it wasn't Genie being a "sexy" song that made Christina so popular. It was her talent.

Britney got popular at the same time and hardly had any raw talent.

Because Christina relied on the same methods of selling sex, there's no way to tell that she got attention only because of her voice, like Whitney and Mariah did (not sure about Mariah selling sex, but I think she was pretty modest in her early career?)


We're talking about media attention, Botty, not sales.

Britney and Christina got early media attention not for their music, but their overt displays of sexuality, which you can make a case for being done on purpose.

Frank Ocean just came out on tumblr, and it's near impossible to make a case for him capitalizing on his sexuality.

100% truth.


The media was equally as interested in Britney and Christina's #1 hits as they were their images. Might I add that Christina was gaining grammy noms before her album even released. So to say that her image was more important than her talent is ridiculous.

Both girls also had a bit of fame from Star Search, and the Mickey Mouse club. So it's not like their first major images were sexualized.

But do tell me when the media starts acknowledging Frank Ocean for something besides his tumblr coming out party, so that I can stop observing it.


Britney got popular at the same time and hardly had any raw talent.

Because Christina relied on the same methods of selling sex, there's no way to tell that she got attention only because of her voice, like Whitney and Mariah did (not sure about Mariah selling sex, but I think she was pretty modest in her early career?)

Yeah, Mariah became a sex beast after she divorced Motolla. She was pretty modest pre-Butterfly.

It was all about her voice.
The media was equally as interested in Britney and Christina's #1 hits as they were their images. Might I add that Christina was gaining grammy noms before her album even released. So to say that her image was more important than her talent is ridiculous.

Both girls also had a bit of fame from Star Search, and the Mickey Mouse club. So it's not like their first major images were sexualized.

But do tell me when the media starts acknowledging Frank Ocean for something besides his tumblr coming out party, so that I can stop observing it.


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