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PopGAF |OT4| asdfjkl;asdfjkl;

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Dr. Malik

Have yall seen those Rihanna nudes?



Rih with that promo

edit: been thinking about what her first collection will be like, no way it isn't 2 volumes. She has 17 main singles + 4 featured singles that reached the top 5 in the US or UK; there wouldn't be any room for new tracks, or even future singles from Unapologetic if it's only 1 disc. I'm expecting the split to be between the Rated R and Loud eras. Then again, Immaculate Collection omitted 7 top 5 US/UK hits.

That legacy.


(3:30:41 AM) charlequin: are the popgaf awards not like summarized afterwards so someone can like
(3:30:44 AM) charlequin: actually see what won what

Poor lurking mods :(


Let's talk about the superior Soviet beauty.

Listen to her new song "Ota"

For those who want to sing along, here are the lyrics

Давлат бериб миннат қилмас беъминнатим,
Қадрингизни гоҳо билиб, гоҳ билмадим.
Волидамнинг суянгани эй кимматим,
Яна бир бор сочим майда ўринг ота,
Бахтимизга доимо соғ бўлинг ота.
Яна бир бор сочим майда ўринг ота,
Бахтимизга доимо соғ бўлинг ота.

Гоҳо онам, гоҳо синглим, ҳам отамсиз,
Олам ичра меҳрибоним бир оламсиз.
Бу дунёда мен суянган бир одамсиз,
Яна бир бор сочим майда ўринг ота,
Бахтимизга доимо соғ бўлинг ота.
Яна бир бор сочим майда ўринг ота,
Бахтимизга доимо соғ бўлинг ота.

Айтмасам ҳам сезиб турар қалбим дарди,
Сиз бор учун уриб турар ярим қалбим.
Юксаламан хар деганда жигарбандим,
Яна бир бор сочим майда ўринг ота,
Меҳрибоним бахтимга соғ бўлинг ота.

Истасангиз минг ўғилни ўрнин босай,
Бир лаҳзалик шодлигизга жоним осай.
Кечирдингиз ҳатто ота гуноҳ қилсак,
Яна бир бор сочим майда ўринг ота,
Бахтимизга доимо соғ бўлинг ота.
Яна бир бор сочим майда ўринг ота,
Бахтимизга доимо соғ бўлинг ота.
Бахтимизга доимо соғ бўлинг ота.

What a beautiful song



WorldWide Year-End Charts are in. Check how your fave did


Rih sold 3.2 million albums this year (1.6 million for Unapologetic so far (5 weeks), 1.6 million for TTT (After it's first six weeks last year did 1.7 million). Also means that Rih sold ~350k copies of Unapologetic this week since she was at 1.245m last week.

And people continually say she doesn't sell albums, lol.


Also, while you're at it, check out the Year-End Charts for singles



So TTT sold 3.3 million. Wonder if Unapologetic can top it.

Unapologetic is tracking a bit behind it, but TTT started to falter after the new year once WFL stalled and the YDO, Talk That Talk (single), BC Remix stuff happened and she didn't have a single out to push sales. "Stay" looks to be doing better than most singles from TTT (already #4 in the UK), so Unapologetic should top TTT.

For TTT to be such a boring album, it did uncharacteristically well.


Exactly, Loud did so well due to having 3 huge singles back to back, then another top 10 hit after that. TTT only had 2 smashes spread apart by months. If Unapologetic delivers on the single front I could easily see it topping TTT, though I doubt it can reach Loud.


WorldWide Year-End Charts are in. Check how your fave did


Rih sold 3.2 million albums this year (1.6 million for Unapologetic so far (5 weeks), 1.6 million for TTT (After it's first six weeks last year did 1.7 million). Also means that Rih sold ~350k copies of Unapologetic this week since she was at 1.245m last week.

And people continually say she doesn't sell albums, lol.


Also, while you're at it, check out the Year-End Charts for singles


She doesn't sell albums at a rate commensurate with what I expect given her singles sales and radio airplay. She sells albums, just not as well as I'd expect.


YT deletes Rih, Just and Onigga's fake views

Major recording companies have lost more than two billion video views on YouTube after the video sharing website cracked down on alleged fake views.
The biggest hit was taken by Universal, home of Rihanna, Nicki Minaj and Justin Bieber, which lost more than one billion views from its total of seven billion.
Sony was second hardest hit, with the label behind such stars as Alicia Keys, Rita Ora and Labrinth losing more than 850million views in a single day.

Universal, which previously had dozens of clips on its YouTube channel, has had its offering slashed to just five - none of which are music videos or last more than about a minute and a half.
Sony's page was also left practically bare following the cull, with just three videos left.
The number of views attracted on YouTube are these days regarded as an unofficial worldwide popular music chart, and any suggestion that major labels are engaging in underhand tactics to increase their numbers could threaten the credibility of their artists.

http://www.daily mail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2254181/YouTube-wipes-billions-video-views-finding-faked-music-industry.html

I guess those record views for the first 24 hours were fake.



You would think YouTube would've implemented something to make sure this wasn't false or something.

Like, making people watch at least 70% of the video or something for it to count as a view.


Yep, they are unique views.

What Really Happened to Sony and Universal's 2 Billion Missing YouTube Views

On Thursday, when YouTube sent out its regular reports on view counts, one data company, SocialBlade, noticed that the channel views for Sony Music Entertainment and Universal Music Group saw its channel count sliced by about 2 billion views.

That led some folks to conclude that the views were "fake" and that nefarious "black hat" techniques were being cooked up by the labels to falsely inflate their views. The truth, however, isn't nearly as sexy.

Interviews Billboard.biz conducted with YouTube, label executives and analysts from Next Big Sound told a very different tale. Here's what really happened.

Next Big Sound analyst Eric Czech confirmed that Universal and Sony's channel views were ratcheted down by about 2 billion in the latest count that came out of YouTube on Dec. 18. Many other channels also experienced adjustments, though perhaps not as dramatic, Czech said.

A YouTube spokesman confirmed that the company routinely adjusts their view counts in two ways. The first is by " de-spamming" the data, which takes out things like videos that automatically play without intervention from the viewer or pop-under videos that viewers may not actually see.

In the latest "de-spam," YouTube subtracted 1.5 million views from Sony and Universal's channels. That may sound like a lot, but it's just a fraction of the 1.3 billion it subtracted throughout its entire video library.

That leaves us with 1.9985 billion views still unaccounted for.

The answer comes in the second way that YouTube changed its view count. The company recently decided to remove view counts for videos that are no longer live on the channel, or so-called "dead videos." For Universal and Sony, that meant thousands of music videos that over the past three years slowly have migrated to the VEVO channel, which is jointly owned by the two companies. A senior label executive confirmed the migration.

In a strategic move, Universal, Sony and EMI in 2009 jointly put their music videos in the VEVO basket with the belief that by aggregating the videos, they could command better advertising rates as well as grow viewership.

That meant high-profile videos that once lived separately on the Universal and Sony YouTube channels have been relocated to Vevo. As a result, the views that those videos received during their time on the dedicated label channels were taken away in YouTube's latest "clean up" effort.

In other words, those views happened; they weren't "faked" or even double counted when they went on to Vevo. But because the videos are no longer on the channel, YouTube considers them "dead videos." They still live on in YouTube, just under a different channel.
Read more at http://www.billboard.biz/bbbiz/indu...niversal-1008059892.story#JeEv8Ss0FGoL1wF8.99


I think it's unfair on Halle though, she's not a particularly BAD actress.

One movie shouldn't ruin ha.

I have a plethora of Basic Instinct 2 GIFs coming next.

Sharon is returning.

Her children must be so embarrassed from that film ;_;


WorldWide Year-End Charts are in. Check how your fave did


Rih sold 3.2 million albums this year (1.6 million for Unapologetic so far (5 weeks), 1.6 million for TTT (After it's first six weeks last year did 1.7 million). Also means that Rih sold ~350k copies of Unapologetic this week since she was at 1.245m last week.

And people continually say she doesn't sell albums, lol.


Also, while you're at it, check out the Year-End Charts for singles


31 - Florence & The Machine - Ceremonials
1.3 million



This thread died again.

But Just A Fool experienced a slight raise in AI. I think one of its highest updates.

Get ready to bow to the future smash, tbh. *.*


Lastest purchases on iTunes

Don't You Worry Child - Sweedish House Mafia

I Found You <3. - The Wanted

Remember When - Chris Something.

Feel Again - One Republic

Ready or Not - Bridget something.

Jamming out!
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