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PopGAF |OT4| asdfjkl;asdfjkl;

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A few things

- Fey has great taste.

- I really hope Zedd doesn't become over used to death.

- that letter is perhaps a little much. On the other hand, Kelly Osbourne has been on a shading spree ever since becoming thin as if she's now entitled to shade. News flash, you're still not much of anybody. Joan Rivers is horrible too but she gets a pass for always being that way (and being crazy).

Dr. Malik

What a sad pathetic being. Is she gonna start calling everyone that throws a criticism her way a "bully"? I guess this is all she has now that she's been exposed as a fraud in so many fronts. Who on earth can find this sort of person empowering aside from people who enjoy being told that they're damaged goods and yet lovable?

Didn't she call Adele fat while trying to deflect criticism towards herself? Her own posse are a vile bunch on twitter towards other artists. I guess she can't control them either. Way to accept responsibility Mother Turd. This bitch needs to learn to deal with life instead of perennially portraying herself as a victim. Disgusting.

the seething

she is defending her fans, unlike your fave who would rather flash them, humiliate them on stage, or yell at them for smoking



Hello, brethren. I have finally had the honour to be accepted into neogaf and request - nay - demand to join your ranks.

Here is my flawless resume.

The Holy Trinity of Pop (who I stan):
1. The High Priestess (she lends her title as QUEEN OF POP to #2 sometimes) of Pop - Her Madgesty.
2. The Queen of P
op - Lady Gaga (just like me, she needs to prove that she can stay in the scene until I can say she definitely is the current Queen of Pop)
3. The Android of Pop - Britney Spears
4. Justin Timberlake *.*

Random other acts I like, but who I wouldn't say I stan for:
Michael Jackson
Kylie Minogue
Janet Jackson
Lana Del Rey
Ellie Goulding
Janelle Monae
Girls Aloud
Spice Girls
Sistren, you like Lana and Grimes and share the name of the mexican princess of pop of the 90's so I accept you with open arms. Welcome :)
she is defending her fans, unlike your fave who would rather flash them, humiliate them on stage, or yell at them for smoking

I would prefer a honest insult from Madge than a phony compliment from Mother Vile. I can handle life just fine unlike her following. I see you didn't disagree with anything I said ;)


Wait, that Holy Ground song shits *o*, State of Grace is berefet of flaws too.


Continuing with my #neauxcurr news ;_; Dido's first single "No Freedom" premieres tomorrow on BBC Radio 2!



He said he likes Rihanna tho

I think Unapologetic is her worst album, and I think Diamonds was one of the worst songs of 2012.

Unapologetic is her worst album? Has he not heard Music of the Sun or A Girl Like Me?

Fey has a grant total of 4 posts and DMJ is already coming for her


Clearly he's read POP-GAF for a few months. A light dragging should be nothing since he knows the deal.


Sistren, you like Lana and Grimes and share the name of the mexican princess of pop of the 90's so I accept you with open arms. Welcome :)
thank you thank you


The idea that Fey has great taste gave me a kiii

He said he likes Rihanna tho

GGGB, Rated R, and Loud are flawless albums.

TTT (apart from We Found Love and WHYB) and Unapologetic (apart from Jump which is a guilty pleasure of mine >_>) I thought were awful.

idk her first two albums


idk her first two albums

Well that explains it. The two mixtapes are vile. idk how they were able to go Gold and Platinum, but I guess that speaks to Rihanna's ability to slay effortlessly. Pro-tip: Maybe calling Unapologetic her worst album should be withheld until you listen to her first two.

Welcome to POP-GAF, I'm just being cunty cause I'm a dick

Dr. Malik

I would prefer a honest insult from Madge than a phony complement from Mother Vile.

I'm sure you do hun, since Madge stans always like to praise her bitchy attitude and think it is justified due to her legacy, it is clear here which stanbase has issues

I can handle life just fine unlike her following. I see you didn't disagree with anything I said ;)

Gaga can't control her fanbase? Which of the girls can? We dont have to follow what Gaga preaches I certainly dont but I admire her for doing it because some people do need it, it is better than what Madonna preaches "Peace on Earth but hey dont mind me while I am a total bitch to someone on TV"



Bless your Trinity! That's basically my trinity too OMG *.* another TWIN.

I canT @ all the GODney Stans coming in

And with Album 8 being the DRIVING force behind the sound of the next ERA of POP MUSIC as we know it we need more of the Army here



Stefan™;46295899 said:
While we're still on the topic, here is Taylor at the PCAs yesterday:

While I don't like Taylor that much, I admit she tends to look stunning specially on the RC. However, this time I thought her make up was awful and the hairstyle looked sloppy. The dress was fine.


Well that explains it. The two mixtapes are vile. idk how they were able to go Gold and Platinum, but I guess that speaks to Rihanna's ability to slay effortlessly. Pro-tip: Maybe calling Unapologetic her worst album should be withheld until you listen to her first two.

Welcome to POP-GAF, I'm just being cunty cause I'm a dick

I will admit, I thought I wrote "one of her worst albums." I should have said I didn't listen to her first two.

And thank you, I don't mind. :p
I'm experiencing someone coming for me for the first time. Taking notes.


Kyon yaaaaaaaaaaaaasss ;_____;


What a sad pathetic being. Is she gonna start calling everyone that throws a criticism her way a "bully"? I guess this is all she has now that she's been exposed as a fraud in so many fronts. Who on earth can find this sort of person empowering aside from people who enjoy being told that they're damaged goods and yet lovable?

Didn't she call Adele fat while trying to deflect criticism towards herself? Her own posse are a vile bunch on twitter towards other artists. I guess she can't control them either. Way to accept responsibility Mother Turd. This bitch needs to learn to deal with life instead of perennially portraying herself as a victim. Disgusting.


Tara is the only one with a large mouth on Twattir, and she only really drags people who attempt to come for Gaga. She never called Adele fat, the only thing that is disgustinG is Kelly Osborne


Sharon Osbourne has responded

Ms. Gaga,

I am responding to your open letter to my daughter Kelly, and I am perplexed as to why you would go public with an open letter. Regarding this current situation; Kelly didn’t contact you, I was the one that contacted your manager today and the email is attached below for your reference. I reached out to him as Kelly’s manager and mother to ask him if you could address your “little monster” fans and stop them from writing libelous, slanderous and vile comments about my family, including death threats to Kelly. Your open letter is hypocritical and full of contradictions. And as your mother Cynthia supports you, I support my daughter Kelly. I must say your opinions on what is politically correct and acceptable totally differ from mine, but that is what makes the world so interesting…we are all different. How sweet that you have empathy for my daughter, as you feel that she has taken a less passionate path in life. You say her work on E! with the Fashion Police is “rooted in criticism, judgment, and rating people’s beauty against one another.” Welcome to the real world. Example, when I saw you wear a dress made out of raw meat, I was sickened. When I see you wearing fur, and using it as a fashion statement, the fact that defenseless animals have been killed so you can get your picture in the press is abhorrent to me. Shouldn’t you be teaching your “little monster” fans to respect animals and life? I don’t feel I have to justify Kelly’s choices in life to you. By your actions to Kelly right now, you have shown me that you are nothing more than a publicly seeking hypocrite and an attention seeker. You know it would have been much more dignified of you to do this privately. I am calling you a bully because you have 32 million followers hanging on your every word and you are criticizing Kelly in your open letter. Are you so desperate that you needed to make this public?

You state “Everyday, through my music and public voice I choose to be positive and work towards a kinder and braver world with our community of followers.” Well this obviously is not translating well to your fans, as a large portion of them have not only been vile to Kelly, but also other celebrities such as Madonna, Adele and Rihanna. “You say a kinder, braver world” I don’t know what world you live in, but supporting disgraceful fan comments doesn’t fall under the words “kinder and braver.” It comes under the heading of bullshit.

In closing, stop wearing fur, stop looking for publicity, and stop using your fans to belittle not just Kelly but an endless stream of celebrities. A word from you would stop all the hideous, negative and vile threats from your “little monsters.” Let me know if you want to continue this debate. I’m an open playing field for you my darling.


what kind of READING?



Hello, brethren. I have finally had the honour to be accepted into neogaf and request - nay - demand to join your ranks.

Here is my flawless resume.

The Holy Trinity of Pop (who I stan):
1. The High Priestess (she lends her title as QUEEN OF POP to #2 sometimes) of Pop - Her Madgesty.
2. The Queen of P
op - Lady Gaga (just like me, she needs to prove that she can stay in the scene until I can say she definitely is the current Queen of Pop)
3. The Android of Pop - Britney Spears
4. Justin Timberlake *.*

Now sis, your username wouldn't be in reference to a former Latin Queen of Pop, would it?



Welcome to the real world. Example, when I saw you wear a dress made out of raw meat, I was sickened. When I see you wearing fur, and using it as a fashion statement, the fact that defenseless animals have been killed so you can get your picture in the press is abhorrent to me.

bye, this has nothing to do with Gaga's statements and it's just grasping for things to call her out on
I'm sure you do hun, since Madge stans always like to praise her bitchy attitude and think it is justified due to her legacy, it is clear here which stanbase has issues

Gaga can't control her fanbase? Which of the girls can? We dont have to follow what Gaga preaches I certainly dont but I admire her for doing it because some people do need it, it is better than what Madonna preaches "Peace on Earth but hey dont mind me while I am a total bitch to someone on TV"

You may call her a bitch. I call her REAL. And yes sometimes the word 'bitch' like any OTHER word that offends can be taken back and used BY us FOR us. So if she is indeed a bitch her fans realize that she has earned the word by her own conviction and willingness to be herself and nothing less.

The CREATURE by contrast has proven herself many times not only to be a fake and a hypocrite but also utterly incapable of taking criticism of any kind. Reverting every time to her victim game when she gets called out EVERY SINGLE TIME. She could have easily put out an open letter to all her monsters and plainly say she didn't approve of their behavior and to cut it out, sing them a Barney song and pet them as usual. That would have been more constructive.

Instead she chose to a. Place blame elsewhere ("well durr you're a bully duhh") b. Remind the media that she has a foundation that helps the feeble and c. Deflect any responsibility whatsoever on the matter.

It's all in the purpose of self service and PR in her signature passive aggressive stance. A Gaga classic.

EDIT: Sharon for the win. Bye Caca. Go cry moar.

Dr. Malik

Sharon went on a tangent, what the hell does animal being killed have to do with bullying

she was just grasping for things to diss her

let me get on twitter, I want her to block me


“You say a kinder, braver world” I don’t know what world you live in, but supporting disgraceful fan comments doesn’t fall under the words “kinder and braver.” It comes under the heading of bullshit



Sharon Osbourne said:
You state “Everyday, through my music and public voice I choose to be positive and work towards a kinder and braver world with our community of followers.” Well this obviously is not translating well to your fans, as a large portion of them have not only been vile to Kelly, but also other celebrities such as Madonna, Adele and Rihanna. “You say a kinder, braver world” I don’t know what world you live in, but supporting disgraceful fan comments doesn’t fall under the words “kinder and braver.” It comes under the heading of bullshit.

Did she lie? Marius has dragged those three relentlessly in this thread.



Now sis, your username wouldn't be in reference to a former Latin Queen of Pop, would it?


you're the second one to mention this other Fey and i feel so bad and sad for having to say i have no idea who that is.

but i am willing to be educated.
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