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PopGAF |OT4| asdfjkl;asdfjkl;

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irresponsible vagina leak
She definitely cares. She called Xtina fat over stuff that happened years ago, back when Kelly was an obese goth chick.

But I believe Xtina made fun of Kelly back when she was skinny so it was basically a comeback.


Old tweet or not, Gaga should go and speak with Sharon and try to sort this out.

But I'm sure Gaga is too afraid to go. Sharon will attack her


But I believe Xtina made fun of Kelly back when she was skinny so it was basically a comeback.

What does this have to do with the point I was making? I only pointing out how Kelly definitely gets pressed over things, despite claiming she isn't. By the time Kelly made her "comeback" a decade past, and Xtina probably forgot who she was.

edit: click the link Royalan posted, Kelly started iT.

Of course. This will NEVER be forgotten.

Also, LOL @ Strippedtina being a woman about hers and trying to confront Kelly in Da Club. YASSSSS!!! Kelly didn't have shit to say then.

Kelly isn't about dat life.
Middle-aged women clocking Caca left, fight and centre



Can someone educate me on this mess? Has Kelly been coming for Gaga specifically or something?

Kelly is pathetic and has had it in for Gaga for years now. I don't even know why but she's always been like this.

I'll say one thing though, at least Gaga / Xtina / whoever managed to actually STAY with an album and promote it or whatever whenever the media called her fat.

Kelly on the other hand had a mental breakdown from ONE COMMENT and had to cancel all promotional events for her album and her career eventually was flushed away.

She's a vile cunt troll Artemisia alt who tried it in music by first butchering a Madonna song and then putting out an album with her body being photo shopped to hell and then complained and broke down when people noticed she actually was still fat and not as thin as she claimed to be.

I bopped to that album that she put out and was disappointed, but her being so bitter at her pop career being cut short isn't a reason to lash out at some of the biggest names in the game

She truly is a nobody and I wish nobody gave this attention to her for her stupid vile cunt troll comments.

I do like Sharon, but sometimes I feel like Kelly should fight her own fights.

Middle-aged women clocking Caca left, fight and centre


Kelly is pathetic and has had it in for Gaga for years now. I don't even know why but she's always been like this.

I'll say one thing though, at least Gaga / Xtina / whoever managed to actually STAY with an album and promote it or whatever whenever the media called her fat.

Kelly on the other hand had a mental breakdown from ONE COMMENT and had to cancel all promotional events for her album and her career eventually was flushed away.

She's a vile cunt troll Artemisia alt who tried it in music by first butchering a Madonna song and then putting out an album with her body being photo shopped to hell and then complained and broke down when people noticed she actually was still fat and not as thin as she claimed to be.

I bopped to that album that she put out and was disappointed, but her being so bitter at her pop career being cut short isn't a reason to lash out at some of the biggest names in the game

She truly is a nobody and I wish nobody gave this attention to her for her stupid vile cunt troll comments.



You should just explain why you chose it every time you post one of them


I didn't want to at first, because I thought it might offend people. But maybe I'll just do a lengthy post to explain each one. Like, Crumpet's for example... I don't even know if I can post the reason.



I just don't understand the obsession with Pokemon. As a pure strategy game the series has always been weak. As an RPG? Weak. An adventure game? Weak. On top of that, until now literally half the games have been repackages of each other under the guise of "promoting player interaction." These new games seem like more of the same, just with 3D and even more ridiculous designs.

Eh. :-/

That clip is infinitely better than Xtina's entire "Your Body" video, so I ain't pressed. I can't wait for the full thing.

Not you coming for the Pulp Video of 2012 with Kesha's Taylor Swift reduction.


I just don't understand the obsession with Pokemon. As a pure strategy game the series has always been weak. As an RPG? Weak. An adventure game? Weak. On top of that, until now literally half the games have been repackages of each other under the guise of "promoting player interaction." These new games seem like more of the same, just with 3D and even more ridiculous designs.

Eh. :-/

Why am I not surprised tho



I just don't understand the obsession with Pokemon. As a pure strategy game the series has always been weak. As an RPG? Weak. An adventure game? Weak. On top of that, until now literally half the games have been repackages of each other under the guise of "promoting player interaction." These new games seem like more of the same, just with 3D and even more ridiculous designs.

Eh. :-/

Not you coming for the Pulp Video of 2012 with Kesha's Taylor Swift reduction.

Actually the RPG/strategy part is quite deep if you get into it. I'm not into it, so I'm pretty much over it at this point.


irresponsible vagina leak
I just don't understand the obsession with Pokemon. As a pure strategy game the series has always been weak. As an RPG? Weak. An adventure game? Weak. On top of that, until now literally half the games have been repackages of each other under the guise of "promoting player interaction." These new games seem like more of the same, just with 3D and even more ridiculous designs.

Eh. :-/

Its a game easy to get into and it has some depth to them. The main target was for kids but it has an appeal for everyone since its easy to get into. The game have had changes over time and certainly doing better sticking to their guns than changing into a whole change that overall doesnt do justice to the franchise (Spin offs can do that) the game was never about deep things but mostly about fun. If you dont have fun with the package that is you but the game never tired to be the best RPG ever or the best story teller. The main thing was being fun for people and at that it excels with remarks for most of the part.


Girl WHAT?

^^Girl I dunno. The last Pokemon game I bought and played was Pokemon Yellow - and I was bored to tears the entire time. I keep an eye on the series as I love strategy games (I even bought that wretched Colosseum game for GCN). But everything I read about the series just seems like more of the same...and when it comes to games I learned a long time ago to not lead with my wallet (that, and I can't really afford to. Dis Bitch got bills :( ).

Kyon - !!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE HAVE I BEEN. Viewing NOW.


^^Girl I dunno. The last Pokemon game I bought and played was Pokemon Yellow - and I was bored to tears the entire time. I keep an eye on the series as I love strategy games (I even bought that wretched Colosseum game for GCN). But everything I read about the series just seems like more of the same...and when it comes to games I learned a long time ago to not lead with my wallet (that, and I can't really afford to. Dis Bitch got bills :( ).

Well the series has come a long way since yellow, but the strategy in choosing pokemon, choosing moves, and training has been there since then, and the game has only grown since the addition of two new types and double battles.

The game is very deep when you look past playing alone/beating the gym leaders and focus on playing with other.


Are we talking 1999 Pokemon Yellow?

Are in Gaming side right now? Not Roy throwing judgement after not playing a game in the series in 15 years...

Hey! Like I said, I don't lead with my wallet. And Pokémon Yellow was such a dull game down to its very core that there was no way I was going to just buy more games in the series just to see if things got better.

I keep an eye out, and I do my researCH when I hear the series is introducing something "truly revolutionary." If it strikes my fancy, I buy. It's why I bought that god-AWFUL Colosseum game.

The new games seem like they might be something new, and I've been flirting with the idea of getting a 3DS...so there you have it.
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